Warhorse Studios, 2018
Windows, Xbox One 和 PS4
Warhorse Studios, 2018
Windows, Xbox One and PS4

几年前,在浏览《星际迷航》(Star Trek)的“圣经(bible)[1] ”时,我非常惊讶的发现那个节目的制作人在创作时有一条准则:真实性高于准确性。这意味着,如果你需要在一个虚构的世界里不断地创作故事,你就要在每个故事里都统一对于这个世界的描述。让人感觉这个世界是真实可信的,而非这个世界在现实中存在。人们反复提及《天国:拯救》(Kingdom Come: Deliverance)对历史的准确还原,但是与之相比,人们对于它营造的极为强烈的真实感却着墨不多。
《天国:拯救》的世界被设定在 1403 年的波西米亚,那时这个地区是一个与世隔绝的封地。虽然其中的部分内容对于经常关注历史架空类媒体的人会很熟悉,但是大部分内容带给玩家的则是完全的惊喜。对于《天国:拯救》,我们首先需要知道的就是它并不是由 Bethesda 制作的游戏,虽然在一开始很容易被人误认。
A few years ago, perusing the “bible” for the show Star Trek, I was quite surprised to find that the producers of that program had a rule for their writing: authenticity over accuracy. Meaning that if you're going to tell stories week after week you have to build a consistent world that feels believable more than it does realistic. Much ink has been spilled about Kingdom Come: Deliverance's historical accuracy, but very little gets said in comparison to its strong dedication to authenticity.
Set in Bohemia in 1403, the world of Kingdom Come is a backwater fiefdom. While parts of it will seem familiar to those who consume historical and fantasy media, much of it will come as a complete surprise. The first thing to know, however, is that Kingdom Come is not a Bethesda game, even though it will certainly fool some people... at first.
For starters, there is no character creation. Instead, you play Henry, a young man with no skills. That's a literal statement, not hyperbole, speech options are blunt, usually with you insulting anyone you try to ply with your silver tongue, Henry can't beat anyone in a fight that isn't at least as terrible as he is, and he can't even read – books in the game will not be readable by the player, either, until you pay someone to teach you how to read.
《天国:拯救》于 2014 年在 Kickstarter 上发起众筹。这次众筹最初仅仅是为了向投资者证明游戏概念,因此设置了一个相当保守的目标,只有三十万英镑,但最终募集了两百万美元。
KC:D was crowd-funded on Kickstarter in 2014. While it was originally intended as a proof of concept to investors, with a modest goal of £300,000, the campaign ended up raising over 2 million dollars.

KC:D’s combat is focused on 1:1 duels. You can attack in six different zones, trying to get past the enemy’s weapon and wear them out so you can actually damage them.
不过游戏对那些跟着主线剧情走的玩家非常宽松。亨利可以说对于那些统治他的贵族非常无礼(他把一位年轻的波西米亚继承人称为被宠坏的孩子),但游戏中的 NPC 只是告诉你通常来说这种行为的后果是什么,而不是让你真的承担这种后果。但这并不意味着你事事都可以逍遥法外,如果你犯罪了,你仍然会在牢里待上一段时间。
一旦你真正意义上开始游戏,世界就会完全开放,这时你就可以开始升级你的技能并做任务。但是再一次需要提醒的是,这不是一个不合现实逻辑的 RPG 游戏。这款游戏的任务很注重真实性,在游玩了多年枯燥的同质化任务后,这样的任务让人感到相当陌生。放眼所有的 RPG 游戏,这些任务也称得上是最令人难忘且有趣的任务了,这些任务经常会让你进行调查工作,有多种解决方法,并且会根据你的表现决定最后的结局和后果。
While this means that the beginning is fairly difficult, you'll pick up the basic levels of every skill quickly – harvesting a few herbs early on will boost the related skill, for example. But it also means you won't instantly go raiding dungeons and killing bandits. This isn't a fantasy game. Not only are there almost no areas in the game that would function as a traditional dungeon but, as a lowly peasant, getting weapons and armor is not as simple as just picking a direction right out of the tutorial and going where you like. You could do that, but then you would need to steal those items – skills that you need to develop first.
The game is very lenient to those following through the main quest, however. Henry might often be insolent to his noble betters – calling the young heir a spoiled brat – but the game's NPCs will simply tell you what the regular consequences of such actions are, not visiting said consequences upon you. That doesn't mean you can get away with everything, and you will still spend time in prison for committing crimes.
Once you begin the game proper, the world fully opens up and you can start to level up your skills and do quests. But, again, this is not a fantasy RPG. The game's quests focus on authenticity, feeling almost alien after decades playing through tropey and samey quests. These are some of the most memorable and interesting quests available in RPGs, often requiring detective work from the player and offering multiple solutions and outcomes based on your performance.
A personal favorite was a quest to find heretics – instantly conjuring up the idea of demon-worshiping, human-sacrificing monsters, something enforced by the alarmist priest seeking your help. Instead, you'll find that “heretic” means the same as it does in real life – someone who believes in something different from the established religious dogma.
1 译者注:电视剧的“圣经”指的是节目或系列的大纲。节目圣经通常分为几个部分,包括:一页的节目和日志、故事大纲、角色解析、情结和未来节目的剧透。节目圣经是编剧用来获取有关电视剧或电影信息的参考文件。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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