Sir-Tech, 1990
MS-DOS, Amiga, Mac, SNES 和 Saturn
Sir-Tech, 1990
MS-DOS, Amiga, Mac, SNES and Saturn

尽管《巫术 6:创世神笔之诅咒(Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge)》经常被轻视为其庞大续集《巫术 7(Wizardry VII)》的垫脚石,但在我看来,它才是系列中的最佳作品。
简而言之,《巫术 6》是该系列的一个重大转折点,而大卫・布拉德利(David W. Bradley)是本作唯一的设计师,他也从不惧怕打破传统。在本作中,一些改变是显而易见的,如增强过的 EGA 图像,而其它的改变则更为微妙。
例如,当你第一次进入贝恩城堡(Bane Castle)时,大门会不祥地在你身后关闭,且再也不会被打开。
Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge is often overlooked as a stepping stone for the sprawling sequel Wizardry VII, yet in my opinion it's the best of the whole series.
There are lots of objective reasons why it's important for the evolution of the series, but for me it conveyed such an incredible sense of place without losing the gamey and addictive maze-ness of previous Wizardry entries that just made it hard to put down. I remember mapping the main hub of the game, the entry level of the castle, and suddenly realising that it actually resembled a castle when you looked at the map. At that time that blew my mind more than many of the more far-reaching changes to mechanics.
That said, Wizardry VI marked a major turning point for the series. David Bradley was now the sole designer, and he wasn't afraid to break conventions. Some changes are immediately obvious, such as the new EGA graphics, while others are more subtle.
For example, when you enter the Bane castle for the first time the gate ominously closes behind you, never to be opened again.
《巫术 6》曾在超任和世嘉土星平台上推出过重制版,其画面有了大幅度的改进,并且添加了实用的小地图。令人遗憾的是,这些版本从未在日本以外的地区发行过。
Wizardry VI was remade for the SNES and Saturn, sporting much improved graphics and a handy minimap. Sadly, these versions never left Japan.

《巫术 6》的地下城采用了彩色的 EGA 图像,不再是以前的线框图形了。但它的画面表现依然是有限的:由于本作只有一套 tileset 图形,这让它的森林、矿洞和金字塔看起来都跟石砌地下城差不多。
Wizardry VI finally replaced the wire-frame dungeons with colourful EGA graphics. But it's very limited: the game only has one tileset, so forests, mines and pyramids all look like stone dungeons.
如果说《巫术 5》是通过小步迭代的方式渐进完善早期作品的一系列机制,那么《巫术 6》就是大胆地刨除了系列的核心,然后用了一种空前绝后的设计取而代之。角色创建不再采用原本的五种族和八职业,而是使用了十一个种族和十四种职业,他们都有不同的职业养成途径和各自的优缺点。前作中的奇幻种族也得到了保留,游戏还添加了全新的动物种族选项,如拟人化的猫、狗、蜥蜴、龙和其它的生物。
除此之外,本作还添加了一个丰富的技能体系,包括了分为三类(武器、身体与学识)的超过 20 项的技能,进一步加大了各职业的区别。并且同前作一样,物品的使用会受到等级与种族的限制,而且大多数的限制也多少有些道理。
虽说技能的数量并不总是意味着质量,但在前作就已存在的转职功能的加持下,《巫术 6》的角色养成速度就像开了挂一样——当玩家注视着自己的角色从一个战 5 渣转变到杀戮机器的过程简直不要太舒坦。
魔法则是另一个被彻底改革的领域:法术被分成了六个流派,包括通灵术与炼金术。原本富有诗意的拼写也被更具功能性的名称所取代(例如,MAHALITO 变成了火球术),法术听上去没那么炫酷了,但它们的实用性得到了增强。本作中法术会消耗法力值,而且被分为了六个不同的等级,每一级都会增加法术的效果和消耗。
If you didn't play any of the previous games in the series, this detail might not mean much to you. Otherwise you will immediately understand that with one swift move you have been cut off from one of the main support pillars of past games. There is no going back to the city to rest and heal, to identify or buy items, or restore or replace fallen comrades.
Where Wizardry V improved on mechanics of the early Wizardry games with small iterative steps, Wizardry VI boldly rips out the guts of the series and replaces them to an extent never done before or again. Instead of five races and eight classes, you get 11 races and 14 classes, all with distinct career paths and strengths and weaknesses. The typical fantasy races from previous games remain, but they are joined by new furry options like humanoid cats, dogs, lizards, dragons and others.
Moreover, an extensive skill system was added, with over 20 skills spread across three categories (Weapons, Physical and Academic), further differentiating the various classes. As with previous games, items are restricted by class and race, with most of the restrictions making at least some sense.
Quantity doesn't always translate into quality but, together with the already existing class-change feature, character development in Wizardry VI went into overdrive – seeing your characters go from total pushovers to killing machines is as satisfying as ever.
Magic is another area that was completely overhauled. Spells are now sorted into six schools, including Psionics and Alchemy. The more poetic spell names were replaced by functional ones (e.g. MAHALITO became Fireball), which decreased style but increased usability. More importantly, spells now cost mana and can be cast in six distinct power levels, each increasing its effectiveness and cost.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明