Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1995
MS-DOS 和 Windows
Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1995
MS-DOS and Windows

自从 90 年代早期游戏销量锐减之后,SSI 就失去了《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》的版权。因此,公司便让《死亡之地(Deadlands)》和《狂野世界(Savage Worlds)》的作者 Shane Hensley 为接下来要推出的游戏创作一个新的奇幻世界背景——这款新游戏便是《亚丁世界》。
After the decline in sales of their games during the early 90s, SSI had lost the AD&D license. So the company had Shane Hensley, author of Deadlands and Savage Worlds, create a new fantasy setting for their next games – the World of Aden.
A peaceful world until a mysterious eclipse called the Darkfall brought demons into the land, Aden had its inhabitants employing both magic and technology to defend their world from the evil Nocturnals.
有三本基于《亚丁世界:雷霆之柱》的小说和一款桌面 RPG 游戏于 1996 年发售,并且 2013 年《亚丁世界:雷霆之柱》的开拓者(Pathfinder)[1] 规则书也众筹成功了。
Three novels and a tabletop RPG based on the World of Aden setting were released in 1996, and in 2013 a sourcebook for Pathfinder was successfully kickstarted.

The game offers a great variety of combat moves and tactical options, but the enemies are dull and easy to kill.

Each level up you gain a number of points you can use to improve your skills or learn new ones, but it's advised to specialise your characters.
《雷霆之柱(World of Aden: Thunderscape)》是亚丁世界观下的两部游戏之首。它是一款 3D 的地牢探索游戏,开篇会让你根据原创规则来创建四人小队。这一规则提供了九个种族、五种特质和十八种技能——其中包括非战斗系技能,比如偷盗(Pickpockets)、撬锁(Lockpick)、花言巧语(Fast Talk)和外星生物学(Xenology)。
组建好队伍后,你们便会从深谷的谷底出发,踏上抵御夜行生物大军的旅途。虽然游戏的画面并不出色——整体色彩是灰暗的棕色系,渲染距离也不尽人意,但你在走出山谷的途中可以见到商店和电梯、发现秘密和谜题、还能遇到两名可以招募的 NPC 队员,这便显得游戏开局还是挺有意思的。
游戏的战斗系统设计尤其出色。战斗虽然是回合制的,但是由于交互很有效率,动画也比较简短,所以会显得整体节奏很快。游戏还给你提供了许多选项。光是战斗行动就有 20 多项,比如狂暴攻击(Berserk Attack)、强力一击(Mighty Blow)、踢(Kick)、射击(Shoot)、盾击(Shield Bash)、佯攻(Feign)、弱点瞄准(Aim for Vitals)、格挡敌人进攻(Block Enemy Advance)、闪避背刺(Dodge Backstab)等等,甚至还可以使用花言巧语(Fast Talk)来贿赂或是迷惑敌人。你还可以手动调整法术施放,自己设置施放法术需要消耗的魔力值。
Thunderscape is the first of the two games set in the World of Aden. A 3D dungeon crawler, you start by creating a party of four characters using an original classless ruleset, with nine races, five attributes and 18 skills – including a few non-combat ones, such as Pickpockets, Lockpick, Fast Talk and Xenology.
You're then taken to the bottom of a valley, where begins your quest to stop the Nocturnal army. While the graphics aren't impressive, with brown muted colours and poor draw distance, it's a fun start, as you climb the valley coming across a shop, an elevator, secrets, riddles and two NPCs you can recruit.
The combat system is especially well-designed. Turn-based but fast, thanks to the efficient interface and quick animations, it also offers a great deal of options. There are over 20 combat moves, such as Berserk Attack, Mighty Blow, Kick, Shoot, Shield Bash, Feign, Aim for Vitals, Block Enemy Advance, Dodge Backstab and even the Fast Talk skill to bribe or confuse enemies. Spells can also be tuned, as you can set how much mana to spend when casting them.
It's a depth rarely seen in dungeon crawlers, but, unfortunately, it's wasted on the game's poor content. Most enemies are too easy and stupid to force you to fully use the combat system. Add a lot of backtracking plus rapidly respawning enemies and after a while you'll get bored and just auto-attack everything.
And while the first area is content-rich, most others are giant, featureless maze-like levels that just require you to randomly explore until you find the key, item or lever you need to open the next level.
While it was innovative, Thunderscape feels like a shade of a much better game. Great systems are in place, but the content fails to take advantage of them, offering instead an easy, dull and repetitive experience. At least the guitar-driven soundtrack is excellent.
1 译者注:开拓者角色扮演游戏(Pathfinder Roleplaying Game)是一款 2009 年由美国 Paizo Publishing 所推出的桌上角色扮演游戏。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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