Toys for Bob Inc., 1992
MS-DOS, 3DO (Linux, Mac 和 Windows)*
Toys for Bob Inc., 1992
MS-DOS, 3DO (Linux, Mac and Windows)*

每当被问起我最喜欢的 CRPG 游戏是什么,而我回答“是《星际控制 2(Star Control 2)》”的时候,人们都要大吃一惊。“那是款冒险游戏啊”他们会说。但《星际控制 2》可远远不只是一款普通的冒险游戏!
游戏一开始,你的舰船上一无所有,只是艘光秃秃的船架子。随着你逐渐收集资源、积累名声,你就能为舰船购买升级,招揽更多船员,用新的登陆艇补上你在探索和战斗中的损耗。这些机制正是传统 RPG 中技能、道具和生命值的翻版,也让《星际控制 2》比起冒险游戏更接近于一款 CRPG。正和任何一款优秀的 CRPG 一样,《星际管理 2》也为玩家提供了三大游戏要点:探索发现、故事情节和战斗要素。
在《星际控制 2》中,你可以探索的区域十分辽阔,整个银河旋臂和成千上百的星系都供你自由造访。这些星系中有一小部分和故事的主线紧密相关,更多的则富含丰富的宝贵资源,你可以派探测器前去收集。从矿产到生命体到推进剧情必要的特殊道具,这些星球上有你需要的一切。
When I am asked what my favourite CRPG is, people are often surprised when I answer it's Star Control 2. “That's an adventure game,” they reply. Oh, but Star Control 2 is so much more than that!
You control a ship that starts off as a bare-bones hull, and as you acquire resources and credits, you can buy upgrades to improve your ship, as well as gain new crew and landing craft to replace any that were lost in battles and exploration. These features are a direct analogue to the skills, items and hit points in a typical role-playing game, making Star Control 2 closer to a CRPG than an adventure game. And like any good CRPG, Star Control 2 offers three areas of activity for the player: exploration, storyline, and combat.
The area for you to explore in Star Control 2 is huge. It's nothing less than a whole galactic arm (and then some), with hundreds of star systems to explore. While a minority of these systems are important to the game's storyline, most of them contain valuable resources that can be harvested by landing probes. You'll find everything from minerals to lifeforms to special items needed to advance the storyline.
* 2002 年,《星际控制 2》的源代码公开了。之后,粉丝们组织了 Ur-Quan Masters 项目(译者注:Ur-Quan 为游戏内的种族名),将游戏移植到了现代 PC 端。
* In 2002 the source code of SC2 was released. Fans then started The Ur-Quan Masters project, to port the game to modern PCs.

Combat is similar to Asteroid, but each of the various ships plays differently.
对我来说,《星际控制 2》最了不起的一点在于可探索区域是完全自由开放的。当然了,你的探索距离还是会受到燃料储备量的限制,但在允许的范围之内,你可以自由去往任何地方。虽然主要角色会在对话中给你提示,告诉你应该去哪里,但你完全可以无视他们的建议,随心所欲地出发探险。
和任何一部 CRPG 一样,你需要事先解锁才能造访某些特定区域(或者需要造访该区域才能获得奖励)。最好的例子之一便是名为拟态空间(QuasiSpace)的奇妙次元,也是阿里卢(Arilou Lalee'lay)一族的家乡。通向这一次元的传送门散落在银河旋臂的各处,而你要先在一艘敌方舰船的遗迹上搜集碎片,制作出传送门生成器,才会拥有进入这些传送门的能力。在你可以传送之前,要去往一些遥远的星系困难重重,还有一些星系根本无法抵达。
《星际控制 2》的宇宙中充斥着大量的种族,他们提供了丰富多彩、幽默风趣(如果黑色幽默也算)的对话。不同种族几乎都有自己的特色,如喜欢侮辱别人的朋克族(Pkunk[1] )、郁郁寡欢的乌特维希族(Utwig)和神秘莫测、跨越次元的奥兹族(Orz)。和这些族群代表的对话十分搞笑又有些令人迷惑,但要推进主线就必谈不可。
To me, one of the most amazing things about Star Control 2 is that the explorable area is entirely open and free-form. True, you are limited in your exploration radius by your fuel reserves, but within that restriction you can go anywhere. The dialogue you have with main characters often gives you clues on where to go, but you are free to ignore that advice and go anywhere you want.
Like any CRPG, there were some areas that needed to be unlocked before you can visit them (or get any results from visiting them). The best example of this is QuasiSpace, the strange dimension that the Arilou Lalee'lay race comes from. Portals into QuasiSpace were randomly scattered around the galactic arm, and you are eventually granted the ability to enter QuasiSpace at will by using a Portal Spawner that you can create from pieces found on a wrecked enemy ship. But until that time, many distant systems are difficult to reach, and some are downright impossible.
The universe of Star Control 2 is filled with many races, and the dialogues with those races are varied and always humorous (if darkly so). Most races have a unique perspective, ranging from the insult-flinging Pkunk to the depressed Utwig to the mysterious, multidimensional Orz. Conversations with representatives of these races can be hilarious and confusing, but they are needed to advance the plot.
The pacing of the game was remarkably well-controlled by the designers, especially given the open-ended nature of the playspace. New races were found regularly, and each one gave you additional information about the history of the conflict in the region, as well as hints on where to go next and even new avenues of exploration. It always felt like there was somewhere to go and something to do that was important to advance to the story.
1 译者注:Pkunk 在它们的语言中是和平的意思。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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