Tales of Game’s Studios, 2008
Windows 和 Mac
Tales of Game’s Studios, 2008
Windows and Mac

篮球,篮球从未改变。时间是 2053 年,篮球已死。由于“混沌灌篮”(Chaos Dunk)的巨大破坏力,查尔斯· 巴克利(Charles Barkley)在无意中夺取了无数无辜的生命。
于是篮球被禁止,这项运动陷入一片混乱。同年,灌篮风暴卷土重来——一个神秘的球员把曼哈顿(Manhattan)炸成了灰烬。从灌篮废墟的灰烬之中,一名篮球宿将挣扎求存。赛博朋克世界末日中的生活即将迎来一场转变[1] 。
很难准确地描述《巴克利,闭嘴灌篮:外传(Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden)》[2] 是个什么游戏。这是个离奇的喜剧 RPG,然而其中的世界和角色看待自己的态度却非常严肃。这款游戏的灵感来自《超时空之轮(Chrono Trigger)》和《地球冒险(Earthbound)》,它为我们呈现了一场发生在新纽约(Neo New Yok)及周边地区的奇妙旅程,其中不乏稀奇古怪的角色和任务。
在游戏中你会写诗,揭开久已遗忘的篮球历史并发掘出鸡露(Chicken Dew)的全部潜力。如果一个会说话的加油泵向你讲授《超时空之轮 2(Chrono Cross)》的崇高本质,那这时你就知道,事情显然已经往奇怪的方向一路猛冲了。游戏的文本糅合了篮球梗,对 JRPG 的影射,以及介于两者之间的一切乱七八糟的东西,最终呈现出了一个奇异的混合物。
战斗采用了传统的回合制 JRPG 形式,队伍中最多可以带四名成员,每人都有几种特殊的攻击方式。战斗和背景设定一样荒谬:敌人包括了篮球蜘蛛,僵尸裁判,机械杀手佳得乐……这些只不过是开发者们幻想的冰山一角。
B-Ball. B-Ball never changes. The year is 2053. Basketball is dead. Ravaged by the power of the Chaos Dunk, the lives of countless innocents were inadvertently taken by Charles Barkley.
Basketball became forbidden, putting the sport into disarray. In the same year, the storm of dunking came again – a mysterious player reduced Manhattan to cinders. From the ashes of slamming devastation, a veteran of basketball would struggle to arise. Life in the Cyberpocalypse is about to change.
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden is difficult to describe. It's a comedic RPG, and yet the world and its characters take themselves very seriously. Inspired by Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, the game presents a bizarre trip around Neo New York and its surrounding areas, with quests and characters that can go in outlandish directions.
You'll write poetry, uncover the long-forgotten history of b-balls and realise the full potential of the Chicken Dew. If a talking fuel pump lectures you on the sublime nature of Chrono Cross, things have clearly taken a turn for the strange. The writing is a strange amalgamation of basketball references, allusions to JRPGs, and just about everything else in between.
The combat is the traditional turn-based JRPG fare, with up to four party members and several special attacks. The combat also embraces the absurdity of the setting. Clashing against Basketball spiders, Zombie Referees, and Robotic Killer Gatorades is a slice of what the developers came up with.
The special moves of your characters require special input that varies wildly between one another in terms of gameplay, and it makes each scuffle feel unique instead of just another grind. Only in Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden could you breakdance with Uzis while curing a bad case of diabetes.
2012 年 12 月,Kickstarter 上发起了这款游戏的续作众筹并筹集到了超过 120,000 美元,预定于 2018 年完成。非常遗憾的是,该项目在 2021 年被取消。
A sequel to Barkley was funded by a Kickstarter campaign in December 2012, raising over 120,000 dollar. Sadly, it was canceled in 2021.
所有玩家都能在这款游戏里找到戳中自己笑点的地方。《巴克利,闭嘴灌篮:外传》对于新老 RPG 粉丝来说都是一座宝库,它提醒我们生活中某些最棒的事情其实是免费的——就像这款游戏一样。
Graphically speaking, the comical design of the characters, enemies and locales are a treat. And the music delivers a serious Cyberpocalyptic atmosphere, only occasionally heading into silly territory.
Any gamer with a sense of humour could find nirvana here. Barkley, Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden is a treasure trove for RPG fans both old and new, serving as a reminder that some of the best things in life are free – just like this game.

游戏中你会遇到各种各样的角色,从老朋友迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)到赛博矮人。
You’ll come across all sorts of characters, from your old friend Michael Jordan to a cyberdwarf.

Mix and match your abilities with the varied combat system. Slam them from downtown, or have yourself some chicken fry – the choice is yours.
1 译者注:鉴于游戏内容过于离奇,这里简单介绍一下游戏的背景剧情。12 年前查尔斯 · 巴克利在一场球赛中使出了 150 兆吨当量的混沌灌篮毁掉了曼哈顿区,导致篮球运动被禁止,球员都被猎杀或清洗,只有少数球员转变了身份留存下来。游戏开始时,曼哈顿区又发生了一次混沌灌篮,于是现存唯一的混沌灌篮使用者巴克利成为头号嫌疑人,在已经加入篮球移除部门的乔丹的追捕下,巴克利展开了冒险。
2 译者注:关于游戏标题中的“外传”,1993 年和 1994 年 Accolade 在 Sega MD 和 SFC 上发售了两作名为《巴克利闭嘴灌篮(Barkley Shut Up and Jam)》的二对二篮球游戏,这两作游戏就是所谓的“正传”,而到处都在梗《空中大灌篮(Space Jam)》的本作就是“外传”。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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