Heliovisions Productions, 1998
Heliovisions Productions, 1998

异度历险(Hexplore)是一款法国产的等距视角小队制 RPG。它在技术和玩法层面上提供了一种有趣的思路,但并未能获得太大的成功,甚至在此类游戏的资深玩家群体中也是鲜为人知。
游戏背景设定在某个魔幻版地球上的十字军东征时期,故事主要围绕着主角麦克·布莱德(Mac Bride)去寻找失踪的圣骑士而展开,当然了,路上他顺便也拯救了世界。在游戏第一关中,会有弓箭手、战士还有法师这三位同伴加入队伍。
不同于 90 年代其他的等距视角角色扮演游戏,《异度历险》不仅是全 3D,而且允许玩家自由旋转游戏的镜头视角。有时候你需要经常旋转视角才能在构思巧妙的场景中发掘隐藏其中的宝藏、钥匙以及秘密。
Hexplore is an isometric, party-based RPG from France. It had a number of interesting technical aspects and gameplay solutions, but never achieved much success and is relatively unknown, even to veterans of the genre.
Set during the Crusades in a fantastic version of Earth, the game follows Mac Bride, an adventurer, as he tries to track down fellow missing knights and, of course, save the world in the process. During the first level he is joined by three other companions – an archer, warrior and sorcerer.
Each character has a unique set of weapons and utility items at their disposal. Mac is a generalist that uses bombs, melee and short-range weapons. The archer uses long-range weapons and can reveal hidden places on the map. The warrior uses a number of powerful melee weapons and explosives, while the wizard can heal, make the party invisible or rain fire from above. As the game progresses, characters gain access to three additional upgrades for each weapon which increase their damage/usefulness and even change the way they behave in some cases.
There are 12 huge levels spanning many open spaces and explorable interiors. Each level also features a number of puzzles where each character needs to use its unique skill (fit through a tight opening, operate mechanical devices, etc.) to complete it. Party members often need to split up in order to solve the puzzles, scout ahead or draw fire away from weaker allies. Managing the whole party is quite easy, thanks to a simple and efficient interface.
Unlike other isometric RPGs from the late 90s, Hexplore is fully 3D and allows you to freely rotate the camera – something you'll need to do a lot to uncover all the treasures, keys and secrets hidden in its cleverly constructed environments.
《异度历险》也是少数使用体素[1] 而非多边形[2] 引擎的游戏。即便领先于时代,但以当时眼光来看游戏的画面却非常杂乱,不过手绘的过场动画以及令人难忘的配乐上倒是弥补了这一缺点。
Hexplore is also one of the rare games that uses a voxel-based engine (instead of polygons). It was pretty fast for its time, but even then the graphics looked muddled. This was made up for somewhat with handdrawn cutscenes and a memorable soundtrack.
The game also supported 4-player multiplayer, but it never became popular. Overall, Hexplore is a fun, niche game that didn't improve upon existing standards, but remains an interesting experiment.

The later areas of the game focus heavily on puzzles and exploration, with mazes full of traps, keys and secret switches.

1 译者注:体素(voxel-based),即像素的三维版本。一般在二维空间内可使用颜色的二维数组从而构成图像,但在三位空间内也可以用给予像素三维数组表示一个栅格化的三维空间,多个垒起起来从而构成立体模型,而这便是体素。
2 译者注:多边形(polygons),使用三维三角形网格(3D triangle mesh)构建起的模型。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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