Nihon Falcom, 2004
Windows, PSP, PS Vita 和 PS3
Nihon Falcom, 2004
Windows, PSP, PS Vita and PS3

英雄传说系列最初是 Nihon Falcom《屠龙剑(Dragon Slayer)》系列的分支作品。最初的一部《英雄传说》名为《屠龙剑:英雄传说(Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes)》,1989 年于日本发售,面向 PC-8801 平台。在整个九十年代期间,这一系列在日本个人电脑平台上推出了五部新作品。然后在 2004 年,《英雄传说:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)》于日本发售。这部作品也被称为“第一章(First Chapter)”,或者简称为 FC 。
这一系列之后的作品也发生在同一片大陆上,也就是克洛斯贝尔(Crossbell)两部曲——《英雄传说 7:零之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes VII: Zero no Kiseki)》和《英雄传说 7:碧之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes VII: Aoi no Kiseki)》,以及《闪之轨迹(Trails of Cold Steel)》三部曲[1] ,不过这两个系列把焦点放在了另外的国家和角色上。
The Legend of Heroes series began as an offshoot of the Dragon Slayer series by Nihon Falcom, with its first entry, Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes being released in 1989 in Japan for the PC-8801 computer. After five more releases throughout the 90s for Japanese computers, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (also known as First Chapter or simply FC) was released in Japan in 2004.
While part of The Legend of Heroes series, Trails in the Sky's story does not connect to previous entries, and it acts (alongside its two sequels) as a stand-alone trilogy within a larger universe of games.
Later games in the series do take place on the same continent as the Trails games, including the Crossbell duology (The Legend of Heroes VII: Zero no Kiseki and The Legend of Heroes VII: Ao no Kiseki) and the Trails of Cold Steel trilogy, but these latter two metaseries focus on different countries and characters.
Trails in the Sky takes place in the country of Liberl on the continent of Zemuria, and follows Estelle Bright and her adopted brother, Joshua, as they travel across the country training to be Bracers – members of a guild which spans the continent who help citizens in situations involving investigation and combat, without ties to any governmental body.
2004 年,《空之轨迹》最初在 PC 平台上发布。2011 年,XSEED Games 对 PSP 移植版进行了英文本地化。2014 年,Steam 平台上发售了一个增强的 PC 版。
Trails in the Sky was first released in Japan in 2004, as a PC exclusive. The PSP port was localised into English in 2011 by XSEED Games, and an enhanced PC version was released on Steam in 2014.

The game has several stats, but levelling up is automatic. Only equipment and Quartz will alter your stats.
《空之轨迹》发生在塞姆利亚(Zemuria)大陆上一个名为利贝尔(Liberl)的国家,讲述了艾丝蒂尔 · 布莱特(Estelle Bright)和她的义弟约修亚(Joshua)在整个国家中旅行,并训练成为游击士(Bracer)的故事。游击士隶属于遍布大陆的游击士协会,工作范围从调查到战斗应有尽有,同时他们不归属于任何政府实体。
在旅行的同时,他们还在追查父亲的下落,他是一名神秘失踪的高级游击士。故事开始于一个很小的范围,然后逐渐扩大成了波澜壮阔的史诗故事,其中包括了背叛、神秘组织还有拥有隐藏身份的角色。XSEED Games 优异的本地化为三部曲增色不少,不仅保持了史诗叙事,还改写了日语原文中的讽刺笑话。
《空之轨迹》使用等距视角,镜头可以自由旋转。游戏的美术风格混合了可爱的 Q 版精灵图、手绘的 2D 立绘和 3D 世界场景,某些敌人也使用 3D 模型呈现。角色与敌人的设计和 Nihon Falcom 的其他游戏很像,角色设计使用九十年代的动画画风,同时还有着蒸汽朋克与欧洲中世纪风格的影子。
游戏流程是传统的日式 RPG 模式。队伍从一个城市旅行到下一个城市,追踪主线任务的同时完成可选的支线任务。支线任务有简单的狩猎怪物和递送物品,也有故事更丰富的长期任务,这些长期任务给人的感觉更接近于视觉小说或者是冒险游戏。
这里就要提到系列最出色的品质了,那就是世界构筑。《天际(Skyrim)》一类的 RPG 游戏在世界中填满了依靠脚本运行的通用 NPC,而《空之轨迹》中只有手工描写的角色。无论是一个市民还是一个旅行者,又或者是一个商店店员,他们都有自己的名字、个性与野心。
当你的故事推进的时候,NPC 的故事也在推进。他们会开始约会、找工作、与家人争吵、继续旅行……他们并不仅仅是重复说明文字或是等着主人公来帮忙,他们每个人都有自己的生活——通过跟进观察他们的生活,你会更理解,也更沉浸于这个世界。
At the same time, they are trying to find their father, a highly ranked Bracer who disappears under mysterious circumstances. The story begins at a very small scale, before expanding to a grandiose epic involving treason, shadowy organisations, and characters who are not who they claim to be. The entire trilogy benefits from a stellar localisation done by XSEED Games, which retains the epic storytelling and wry humour of the Japanese original.
Trails in the Sky presents itself from an isometric perspective where the camera can be freely rotated. The game's art style combines cute “chibi” sprites, hand-drawn 2D portraits, and 3D models for the world geography and some enemies. Character and enemy designs are reminiscent of other Nihon Falcom RPGs, with a 90s anime-esque look for the characters, combined with influences from steampunk and European medieval styling.
The gameplay is that of a traditional JRPG. The party travels from town to town, pursuing the main quest and acquiring optional side-quests. These range from monster hunts to fetch quests to longer, story-heavy sequences that feel more akin to visual novels or adventure games.
Here lies one of the series' most celebrated aspects: world-building. While RPGs like Skyrim populate their world with generic NPCs running on a script, Trails in the Sky has only handwritten characters – be it a citizen, a traveller, or a shopkeeper, they all have names, personalities and ambitions.
As your story advances, so do theirs. They'll start dating, get jobs, argue with their family, go on a journey, etc. Instead of just blurting out exposition or waiting to be helped by the protagonists, they each have their own lives – and by following them you can understand and immerse yourself in their world.
1 译者注:《闪之轨迹》最终做成了 4 部。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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