Monolith Productions, 2003
Windows, Mac 和 Xbox
Monolith Productions, 2003
Windows, Mac and Xbox

尽管《电子世界争霸战(TRON)》与众多令人印象深刻的科幻电影一起扎堆于 1982 年上映,并且表现平平,但它的影响却延续了数十年,激励了许多人成为程序员、3D 视觉艺术家,当然还有游戏设计师。所以当迪士尼用《电子世界争霸战》的 20 周年纪念版 DVD 版来为这部电影的续作预热时,人们并没有为其是一款电子游戏感到惊讶。[1]
《电子世界争霸战 2.0(TRON 2.0)》让你扮演的是原电影中艾伦· 布拉德利(Alan Bradley)的儿子杰特罗· “杰特”· 布拉德利(Jethro “Jet”Bradley)。与凯文· 弗林(Kevin Flynn)[2] 一样,杰特也被一束激光电子化,并转送到了电子世界中。在那里,他必须学会如何在这个新环境生存的同时,帮助将他电子化的程序 Ma3a。
游戏由 Monolith[3] 旗下的负责开发 FPS 的资深人员开发,其中大部分的内容玩起来都类似 FPS 游戏,比如玩家拥有一个标志着身份的光盘以及各种 FPS 里常见的新颖内容,和各种常见的武器,比如霰弹枪、狙击步枪、榴弹发射器、冲锋枪等。这些武器的设计都基于最原始的几何图形(圆盘状、杆状、球状、网状)。
TRON is a film that – despite being released in the summer of 1982, during a time crowded by other memorable science-fiction films and only being a moderate success – has endured for decades, inspiring many to become programmers, 3D visual artists and, of course, game designers. It was no surprise then when Disney used the 20th Anniversary DVD release of TRON to tease a follow-up to the movie – this time as a video game.
TRON 2.0 places you in the role of Jethro “Jet” Bradley, son of Alan Bradley from the original movie. Like Kevin Flynn, Jet is digitised by a laser and sent into the electronic world, where he must learn to survive this new environment while helping Ma3a, the program responsible for digitising him.
Developed by the FPS veterans at Monolith (Blood, No One Lives Forever, F.E.A.R.) most of the game plays as an FPS, with the player using the iconic Identity Disc and a variety of imaginative analogues to the standard weaponry – shotgun, sniper rifle, grenade launcher, sub-machine gun, etc. – all based on geometric primitives (Disc, Rod, Ball, Mesh).
《电子世界争霸战 2.0》曾被视为《电子世界争霸战》原作的官方续集。然而迪士尼在之后发行了《创:战纪(TRON Legacy)》电影并且通过跨媒体行销发行了《电子世界争霸:进化(TRON Evolution)》这款游戏,同时宣布《电子世界争霸战 2.0》在剧情上发生于平行宇宙中。
TRON 2.0 was intended as the official sequel to the original TRON. However, Disney later released the TRON Legacy film sequel and tie-in TRON Evolution game, declaring TRON 2.0 to now be an alternate universe story.

Apart from the Identity Disc, all weapons use energy to shoot, requiring some extra tactics and thought when using them.
《电子世界争霸战 2.0》的另一个特性就是它的角色升级系统。它引入了 RPG 的元素,并且经常被粉丝称之为“杀出重围精简版”。当你游玩的时候,你会收集到一种叫子程序的物品,并且可以将其放置于杰特的内存插槽中,这就是《电子世界争霸战 2.0》中的升级道具。
The Identity Disc stands out among the other weapons – it ricochets, can block enemies' discs and the player is able to finely control it with the mouse, guiding its launch and return paths, and how quickly it returns. This allows for many satisfying trick shots.
The other defining feature of TRON 2.0 is the character upgrade system. It introduces a role-playing element, and often has fans referring to the game as a “Deus Ex-lite”. As you play, you'll come across subroutines – the TRON 2.0 version of upgrades – which can be placed in Jet's “memory block” slots.
These subroutines range from protective armour to new weapons, weapon modifiers (throw multiple discs, drain health, deal poison damage, etc.) or even utility skills (jump higher, walk silently, scan enemies, etc.). Each requires a set number of memory slots, but can be upgraded (from Alpha to Beta to Gold), becoming more efficient and smaller in size.
Jet's memory block slots constantly reconfigure themselves in arrangement and capacity as he travels through various systems, forcing players to strategise and adapt their skills as they play. New subroutines can be incompatible, empty blocks can become corrupt and there's always the danger of a virus infection attacking them. To solve this, you can port, defrag and disinfect the subroutines – all which takes time and can be decisive during a firefight.
As Jet completes objectives, he continually earns build points (the game's version of XP). At every milestone of 100 build points earned, Jet gains a version number and the player can improve his performance: increasing his health, energy, weapon efficiency, processor (port, disinfect, defrag speed) and transfer rate – the speed in which he downloads permissions (keys), e-mails (that flesh out the story), subroutines, health and energy from various sources.
1 译者注:在 2002 年一月发布的《电子世界争霸战》的 20 周年纪念版 DVD 中,在进入主菜单之前会播放一个 43 秒的《电子世界争霸战 2.0》的广告。
2 译者注:Kevin Flynn,电影原著中开发了《电子世界争霸战》的程序设计师。
3 译者注:Monilith Production,位于美国华盛顿州科特兰的游戏开发商,著名的游戏包括《血祭(Blood)》、《无人永生(No one Lives Forever)》和《极度恐慌(F.E.A.R.)》。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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