Obsidian Entertainment, 2019
Windows, PS4 Xbox One 和 Switch
Obsidian Entertainment, 2019
Windows, PS4 Xbox One and Switch

虽然距离《辐射:新维加斯》(Fallout: New Vegas,2010)发售已过去多年,但是它依然是玩家们交口称赞的现代经典,也是史上最佳 RPG 之一。有《新维加斯》珠玉在前,再加上贝塞斯达(Bethesda)制作的《辐射 4》(Fallout 4,2015)和《辐射 76》(Fallout 76,2019)表现一言难尽,也难怪黑曜石(Obsidian Entertainment)会渴望重铸当年的辉煌。
《天外世界》(The Outer Worlds)就这样承载着大家的希望诞生了。它是一款有着复古未来美感的第一人称 RPG,背景设定在反乌托邦(dystopian)[1] 的太空殖民地,具有讽刺意味的邪恶公司控制了这片土地。这就是“辐射太空版”:经典的战斗、潜行、嘴炮等玩法都有所保留,可以干掉任何 NPC 等要素也一应俱全,甚至还有个神似“避难所小子”(Vault Boy)[2] 的微笑吉祥物。
游戏制作团队由里昂那多· 波亚斯基(Leonard Boyarsky)和提莫西· 凯恩(Tim Cain)领导,这二人也参与了初代《辐射》(1997)的制作并在之后建立了 Troika 工作室。他们开发的游戏包括《奥秘》(Arcanum,2001)和《吸血鬼之避世血族》(VtM: Bloodlines),它们都是很有野心的作品,但作为 RPG 却充斥着设计缺陷,令人遗憾。不论好坏,《天外世界》的情况正好与之前相反——一个更小、更克制且打磨更到位的游戏,只求能够跟上《辐射:新维加斯》的脚步。
关于游戏规模的问题一直存在争议——对一款史诗般的开放世界 RPG 来说,10-20 小时的流程过短,但同时它又缺乏小规模游戏的那种精致感。比如说,虽然战斗环节的比重恰到好处,但战利品掉落与等级绑定的机制(the level-scaled loot)和稀少的敌人种类让战斗很快就变得枯燥且索然无味。角色有多种对话技能,比如劝说、恐吓和欺骗,但所有的对话分支一般都会导向相同的结果。任务大多都是帮 NPC 跑腿或是杀死这些袖珍星球上的某些东西,冒险的尽头通常只有空虚感。
Over a decade since its release, Fallout: New Vegas (2010) remains a beloved modern classic, often considered one of the best RPGs ever made. With such legacy, is no surprise that Obsidian would seek to repeat the formula, especially given Bethesda's misfires with Fallout 4 (2015) and Fallout 76 (2019).
In comes The Outer Worlds, a first-person RPG presented in a retro-futuristic aesthetic and set in a dystopian space colony, ruled by satirical evil corporations. It's “Fallout in space”, including the classic combat/stealth/dialogue quest solutions, the option to kill any NPC and even a Vault Boy-like smiling mascot.
The game was led by Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain, creators of the original Fallout (1997) and founders of Troika. There, they created games like Arcanum (2001) and VtM: Bloodlines (2004), extremely ambitious but deeply flawed RPGs. For better or worse, Outer Worlds is the exact opposite of that – a smaller, more restrained and polished game that is happy with simply following in the footsteps of Fallout: New Vegas.
The years since New Vegas allowed for better graphics and more satisfying gunplay, but it constantly feels like a game you've played before. Outer Worlds is never bad, but it also never reaches the heights of New Vegas or of Obsidian's more flawed gems.
Its scope is a constant issue – it's short for an epic open-world RPG (10-20 hours) but lacks the refinement of smaller games. For example, the combat has a nice weight to it, but the level-scaled loot and its small enemy variety quickly makes it all feel easy and repetitive. The character system has multiple dialogue skills like Persuade, Intimidate and Lie, but they regularly lead to the same results. Add in quests that rely heavily on just fetching or killing things across the game's rather small planets, and you end up with an adventure that's going through the motions a lot.
黑曜石工作室与 NoClip 频道合作制作了一部《天外世界》开发故事的纪录片,你可以在这里观看。
Obsidian made a documentary with NoClip about the development of The Outer Worlds, you can watch it here.
游戏设定也没有得到充分的挖掘。一方面游戏展示了充满道德选择的资本主义敌托邦(dystopia),NPC 会恳求玩家严肃对待这些选择;但另一方面,它虚伪地想要剥离政治元素,加入了一种生硬的中立态度,拒绝任何意识形态或激进的行为。这样割裂的社会结构毫无乐趣可言,叙事也挺小家子气,来来回回就局限于那么几个角色,要么帮助他们,要么就让他们死。它想成为《萤火虫》(Firefly)[3] 、《瑞克和莫蒂》(Rick and Morty)[4] 和《飞出个未来》(Futurama)[5] 的混合体,但最终却泯然众人矣。
尽管短板明显,但对渴望玩到一款 3A 级 RPG 的游戏老饕们来说,《天外世界》也足够解馋。如果只是单纯地想玩一款体验流畅且舒适的 RPG,《天外世界》也是不错的选择。至于这是否足以使其承载黑曜石的雄心,成为其旗下的经典之作?只有交给时间来解答了。
The setting is the game's most divisive element. It wants to be a mix of Firefly, Rick and Morty and Futurama, but doesn't have anything to say. It presents a capitalist dystopia full of moral choices, but also keeps the "apolitical" tone of most western games, enforcing a blunt centrism that condemns any radical approach. It's a step back from the worlds of Fallout and Arcanum, reducing all the conflicts of society to a few individuals you either help or kill. It's funny, but never clever.
Despite these shortcomings, Outer Worlds is a competent game, released at a time when fans were starved for AAA RPGs. For those seeking a kind of “comfort food RPG”, it surely delivers. What remains to be seen is if that will be enough to make it a classic like Obsidian's more ambitious games.

《天外世界》总共可招募 6 名队友,但只能选择其中 2 人与玩家并肩作战。队友都被刻画地比较严肃,经常与游戏中萦绕的荒谬感相冲突。
Outer Worlds offers six companions, with up to two accompanying the player. They are written very seriously, which often conflicts with the game’s constant absurdity.

游戏内的武器有多种特效且数值各异,但等级平衡系统(the levelscaling)使得武器的 DPS [6] 比角色的任何属性或是技能都要重要。
The game offers many weapons with different stats and effects, but the level-scaling makes their DPS matter more than any of your character’s stats or skill.
1 译者注:又称敌托邦或绝望乡,源自希腊语"不好的地方",含义上与乌托邦(utopia)相反。如果说乌托邦代表着人类对最美好的社会形态的想象,反乌托邦就代表着人类对最糟糕的社会形态的担忧。
2 译者注:“避难所小子”是《辐射》系列中的虚构企业“避难所科技公司”(Vault-Tec Corporation)的企业吉祥物,也时常作为《辐射》系列游戏本身的吉祥物出现。
3 译者注:美国科幻电视剧,讲述了在 2517 年,9 名船员驾驶“萤火虫级”(Firefly-class)太空船“宁静号”(Serenity)在太空中展开冒险的故事。
4 译者注:美国科幻动画,故事发生在多重宇宙中,当中包括了无数个现实世界。角色们会使用穿越门或瑞克(Rick)的飞碟车穿越至其他其他行星和次元冒险。
5 译者注:美国喜剧动画片,讲述了一个小店员在 1999 年的最后几秒被冷藏了起来,直到 1000 年后才重新苏醒并在未来世界开始了生活和冒险。
6 译者注:Damage per second(缩写为DPS),指游戏中进行攻击时平均每秒所能造成的伤害。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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