Interplay, 1990
MS-DOS 和 Amiga
Interplay, 1990
MS-DOS and Amiga

我清楚地记得我为什么买了《指环王・卷一(Lord of the Rings Vol. 1)》。它的盒子上的图案很酷,有一个朗朗上口的名字。由于这是 CD-ROM 版本,它有很多生动的动画剪辑。我那时候并不知道那些片段是源自拉尔夫・巴克希(Ralph Bakshi)制作的那部电影,也不知道它改编自一本非常有名的书。我那时候只不过是个 10 岁的孩子。
虽然如今这部游戏被大部分人所遗忘,但是《指环王・卷一》有许多可以作为定义优秀 RPG 游戏的特点,在这个丰富多彩、容易上手的游戏中,他呈现出了高价值性和重复可玩性。
I remember exactly why I bought Lord of the Rings Vol. 1. The box art was cool. The title had quite the catchy name. And since this was the CD-ROM version, it featured lots of animated cutscenes from a movie I had no idea was animated by Ralph Bakshi nor that it was adapted from apparently quite the famous book. I was a 10-year-old kid, OK?
Yet this was a game that changed my life: you can explore a huge game world however you like? And you can do things in the order you want? And there are several solutions to problems, some the developers have not actually thought about?
While mostly forgotten today, LOTR Vol. 1 has many of the features that defined the great RPGs of its time, presented in a colourful and acessible game that still remains rewarding and highly replayable.
You start alone with a band of three weak hobbits, grow nearly invincible as the full Fellowship is formed, explore dungeons, talk to characters with a system of keywords very much akin to Ultima, get side-quests, fight in many turn-based battles, and eventually, prevail (at least until the sequel).
1994 年,Interplay 公司发布了另一款名为 J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Vol. I 的游戏,这次是为 SNES 开发的。尽管标题完全相同,但这是一个全新的游戏,由不同的团队制作。
In 1994 Interplay released another game called J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Vol. I, this time for the SNES. Despite having the exact same title, it was an entirely new game, made by a different team.

While the graphics where good for the time, they lack variety and fail to convey a sense of wonder. This screenshot shows the gates of Moria and its tentacle guardian, but they look like many other areas.
游戏采用了类似于《创世纪 6(Ultima VI)》的俯视图视角,带有鼠标驱动界面,画面色彩丰富,但缺乏变化。然而,游戏的配乐却令人难忘,它的曲调让人感到既有冒险感又有平静感。
玩家同时控制一个由 10 个冒险者组成的大团队,但实际上还可以有更多的角色可以被招募。游戏中没有角色创建,等级提升也基本没有意义。所以定制个性化团队源于你想选择谁加入你的团队和你如何装备他们。
游戏中的世界,从夏尔(Shire)到罗斯洛立安(Lothlorien)之前都表现得很充实甚至冗长,在屏幕上有很长的描述(如果你玩的是软盘版本,则在游戏手册中)——这与 Interplay 的另一款游戏《废土(Wasteland)》有相似之处。不仅仅是地图相似,技能也经常可以在战斗之外使用。你的角色可以爬山,跳过坑,撬锁,甚至可以利用他们的知识来显示额外的游戏文本,提供重要的线索或只是有趣的传说。
The game uses an overhead view similar to Ultima VI, with a mouse-driven interface and graphics that are colourful but lack in variety. The soundtrack, however, is memorable and features tunes that feel both adventurous and peaceful.
The player controls a large party of up to ten adventurers at once, but there's actually many more characters available to be recruited. There's no character creation and levelling up is pratically meaningless, so customisation comes from selecting who will join your Fellowship and equipping them.
The game world, fully fleshed out from the Shire to Lothlorien, is lengthily described on-screen (or in the game's manual, if you were playing the floppy disk version) – a similarity it shares with Wasteland, another Interplay game. And not the only one: skills are to be used often outside of combat. Your characters can climb a hill, jump over pits, pick locks, or even use their knowledge to display additional text that gives important clues or just interesting lore.
The reader of Lord of the Rings often wished she could explore Middle-Earth at her own pace, and this is a game that pretty much allows this; walking off tracks, entering every house, talking to everyone and inspecting every cranny is the most rewarding aspect of this game. And it is quite a big game.
Combat, on the other hand, is the game's main weakness. It's turn-based but allows for very few strategies, with the large party being more of a burden than a tactical advantage – the walk order of your party, for example, is of utmost importance to avoid getting strong characters stuck behind weaker ones. Overall, it boils down to having the highest strength and being lucky. Magic is scarce and used mostly for puzzle-solving, but it's disappointing that not even enemy spellcasters will use magic against you.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明