Bethesda Softworks, 1996
Bethesda Softworks, 1996

上古卷轴 2:匕首雨(The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall)是史上最具雄心的沙盒游戏。按照构想,玩家能在游戏里随心所欲、肆意驰骋,体验盘根错节的任务线,探索星罗棋布的地下城。纵观历史,这种“不切实际”的游戏项目往往会惨淡收场(参照《战斗巡洋舰:公元 3000(Battlecruiser 3000AD)》[1] ),但 Bethesda(即 B 社)经受住莫大的考验,推出了优秀的成品。不过为了开发这款游戏,B 社也付出了高昂的代价。因为投入的巨大精力与心血,工作室几乎破产,也因此被 ZeniMax[2] 媒体公司收购,后来则吸取教训,重新考量项目开发的轻重缓急。
本作的世界包罗万象,通过程序化生成技术,游戏打造了超过 15000 个城镇及地下城,共有逾 750000 名游戏角色,还有各式各样的公会、神庙、圣殿团、骑士团、女巫集会所、血族组织、狼人组织,甚至包括熊人组织(各组织都有相应的任务线)。一个由开发者精心设计的非线性主线任务将上述内容一一串联,共有 6 种结局。
本作的角色成长机制细致入微,天赋技能五花八门,玩家能采取多种方式克服难关、挣扎求生。面对各种障碍,玩家既能选择直接攀爬,也能施放浮空术跨越过去;关于生存技能,玩家既可苦练医术、磨炼泳技,也可立志成为一名法师,施放法术[3] 达到类似效果;关于战斗机制,伤害数值既包括初始伤害,也包括背刺与暴击伤害。
Envisioned as a game where you can do anything and never run out of quests and dungeons, Daggerfall was the most ambitious sandbox game ever conceived. Such projects often end up as horrible disasters (vide Battlecruiser 3000AD), but somehow Bethesda Softworks managed to pull it off, even though the effort and dedication to this worthy cause nearly bankrupted it, leading to its acquisition by ZeniMax and re-examination of priorities.
Procedurally generated, Daggerfall features a truly humongous world with over 15,000 towns and dungeons, over 750,000 characters, and a large number of guilds, temples, knightly and Templar orders, witch covens, vampire bloodlines, werewolves, and even wereboars (each with their own quests), all tied together with a handcrafted non-linear main quest with six different endings.
The game has a very detailed character system and a robust skillset, supporting different ways to handle obstacles and survive (climbing vs levitating, medicine/swimming vs casting spells, raw damage vs backstab and critical strike, etc.).
2009 年以来,为了纪念《上古卷轴》系列问世 15 周年,B 社将《匕首雨》发布在自己的官方网站上,供玩家免费下载。
Since 2009 Bethesda made Daggerfall freely available for download on their website, as celebration for the 15th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls series.

Besides the multiple armour parts and accessories, Daggerfall also offers hundreds of clothing pieces, so that you can properly role-play your Argonian vampire noble.
哪怕按现在标准来看,角色创建系统的复杂程度也让人大开眼界。玩家能自定义出各式各样的人物模板,天赋系统与弱点系统丰富多彩(在圣地变得衰竭[4] 、黑暗中生命恢复速度翻倍、无法穿戴特定类型的盔甲、魔法免疫、专精某种类型的武器、恐惧[5] 等)。
《匕首雨》的神来之笔不胜枚举,如果硬要我选出一个最爱,那就是地下城:让人心生畏惧的地下城!大多数游戏的地下城不过是一个通往特定房间的过道,如果运气好,玩家会发现另一条通往深处的隐藏过道,仅此而已。但《匕首雨》与众不同。一旦踏入地下城,你很难判断自己要花多久才能重见天日,甚至不确定自己能否逃出生天;你会担心武器耐久够不够用,有没有带足补给,是否做好准备面对蛰伏于地底的危险。在《匕首雨》,活着离开地下城能给人一种莫大的成就感,我想不到还有哪一款游戏能达到这个水平。就别提《天际(Skyrim)》[6] 了——在前往目标地城的路上,天际玩家甚至能顺路清理 3-4 个小地城,几乎不费吹灰之力。
总的来说,B 社打造了一个细致入微的角色系统,通过程序化技术,围绕这一系统构建一个广袤世界。而非拼凑出一个看似光鲜亮丽的外壳,在里面扔进一些华而不实的技能,让玩家打发时间。
Even the character generator is overwhelmingly complex by today's standards, allowing you to create unique characters with different advantages and disadvantages (weakness in holy places, rapid healing in the darkness, forbidden armour type, immunity to magic, affinity with certain weapons, phobias, etc.).
Your level-up speed is tied to these strengths and weakness, so you can make a juggernaut of destruction who'd level up very, very slowly, a sickly warrior allergic to sunlight and physical activity who'd level up twice as fast, or any other combination of different traits and curses – though some can play horribly.
Daggerfall did a lot of interesting things but if I had to pick the best, it would be the dungeons: it made you fear them. In most games a dungeon is a short hallway with some rooms; if you're lucky, there is a lower level with another hallway. Not in Daggerfall. You go into a dungeon, you don't know when or IF you're coming back. You don't know if your weapons will last, if you have enough supplies, if you're prepared to deal with whatever you'll find there. Emerging from a dungeon alive was an accomplishment and I can't think of another game that managed to pull that off. Certainly not Skyrim where on your way to a quest dungeon you run into 3-4 lesser dungeons and clear them out while you're in the area.
The dungeons' design is fantastic and skill-based – walls and air shafts to climb, open areas to levitate, pits to jump over, flooded areas to dive into, hidden areas and doors, multiple routes, switches, elevators, teleporters and so on.
Basically, Bethesda put together a very detailed character system and built a procedurally generated world around it, as opposed to putting together a pretty game and throwing in some skills for the player's amusement.
1 译者注:《战斗巡洋舰:公元 3000》,(Battlecruiser 3000 A.D.) ,是一部 1996 年发行的太空战舰模拟航行游戏,开发团队希望打造一个浩瀚无垠的开放式宇宙世界,玩家操控一架太空战舰,四处游曳、探寻宇宙奥秘、管理船员、进行太空战等。游戏的开发时间长达 7 年,但由于频频闪退,漏洞百出、操作反直觉、可玩性差等原因,发售仅一周,便恶评如潮。
2 译者注:ZeniMax Media Inc. 是美国媒体公司,通过子公司开发、发行电子游戏。其子公司包括 id Software(《毁灭战士》系列、《雷神之锤》系列、《德军总部》系列)、贝塞斯达游戏工作室(《上古卷轴》系列、《辐射3》)、Arkane Studios(《地城英雄志》、《魔法门之黑暗弥赛亚》和《耻辱》)、探戈游戏工作室(《恶灵附身》)等。
3 译者注:如治愈术和水下呼吸术。
4 译者注:圣地包括神庙和战士工会分支战士训练地的公会大厅,此处的衰竭,即每 4 分钟(游戏内时间)损失 12 点生命值。
5 译者注:恐惧的对象包括动物、魔族、人形生物、不死族。如果恐惧某一类型的敌人,主角的伤害、精准度、抗性会相应降低
6 译者注:即《上古卷轴5:天际》。当然,如果使用模组的话,天际省的地下城也会让人望而生畏。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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