Strategic Simulations, Inc, 1993
MS-DOS 和 Mac
Strategic Simulations, Inc, 1993
MS-DOS and Mac

1988 年推出的《光芒之池(Pool of Radiance)》开启了著名的“金盒子”(Gold Box)系列。6 年之后,这一系列已经推出了 12 款游戏。与此同时,游戏工业界也已经发生了几次重大变革,金盒系列开始显得过时了。作为金盒子系列的终结,SSI 推出了《被遗忘的国度:无限冒险(Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures)》(下面简称 FRUA)。FRUA 是一套开发工具组,它复现了金盒子系列核心游戏中的大部分功能,让有志于此的设计者们能够创造出自己的类金盒子游戏。
最初版本的 FRUA 对于哪些元素可以修改有严格的限制,但随着 UAShell 等破解工具的应用,这些限制最终都被绕过去了。类似的工具让设计者可以在预设的《龙与地下城》(Dungeons & Dragons,D&D)模组中加入大量的改造,进而创造出其他风格的模组。在 FRUA 发布后,设计者们开发出了数不胜数的奇幻模组,以及科幻、赛博朋克、恐怖、搞笑、超级英雄模组,甚至还有动漫风格的模组。
多年以来,FRUA 工具组的忠实用户们形成了一个生机勃勃的社区。这里聚集着设计者,破解专家和玩家,他们源源不断地贡献出新的创意与模组(也被称为“设计”)。
The popular “Gold Box” series began in 1988 with Pool of Radiance and now, after six years, twelve games and several big changes in the industry, it was showing its age. SSI then concluded the series with Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures (FRUA), a toolset intended to allow aspiring designers to create their own Gold Box-like games, replicating most of the functions that existed in the core games.
At first FRUA had some hard limitations on what could be changed, but they were eventually overcome with the use of hacks, such as UAShell. These hacks allowed a designer to introduce a multitude of changes to the default Dungeons & Dragons modules and create other styles. Since the toolset's release, the FRUA designers have developed all kinds of fantasy modules, as well as science fiction, cyberpunk, horror, humour, superhero and even anime-style modules.
Over the years, a community of devoted followers has sprung up around the FRUA toolset. This collection of designers, hackers and players continually keep new innovations and modules (also referred to as “designs”) coming out at a regular intervals.
读者可以在无限冒险名人堂(Unlimited Adventures Hall of Fame)中查看最具人气的 FRUA 模组,这些模组可以在 下载。
You can check the Unlimited Adventures Hall of Fame to learn all about FRUA's most popular modules, then download the modules from

尽管 FRUA 最初有一定限制,但玩家们开发出了大量工具来支持职业、种族、属性、图片以及音乐的自定义。
While FRUA was somewhat limited at first, players have since created tools to allow for custom classes, races, stats, artwork and music.
说起 FRUA,就必须要提一下那些实际创作出来的模组。相当多的模组在设计、规模和野心上能和原本的金盒子系列游戏一较高下。
Ray Dyer 的《国度(Realm)》系列可以满足 D&D 爱好者的一切需要。这个庞大的系列拥有超过 40 个模组,很多著名的《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》桌面模组在这里变成了可以在 FRUA 中游玩的剧本。从《边境城堡(The Keep on the Borderlands)》到《邪恶元素神殿(The Temple of Elemental Evil)》,《国度》系列甚至还包含了一个《光芒之池》的重制版。
还有很多原创的 AD&D 风格模组,例如 Ben Jockish 的《教派(The Sect)》,John Rudy 的《行会(The Guild)》以及 Ben Sanderfer 的《AT1:黑暗联盟(AT1: Dark Alliances)》。这些冒险历程带领玩家穿越了龙枪(Dragonlance)、被遗忘的国度(Forgotten Realms)、灰鹰(Greyhawk)以及 AD&D 设定的无穷无尽的世界。无论是谁,只要他想拉起一支队伍深入地牢寻宝,那他一定能在这里找到大量自己喜欢的模组。
科幻模组相比之下不那么流行,但仍然受到大批玩家喜爱。一些科幻模组以《巴克·罗杰斯(Buck Rogers)》战役设定为基础,模仿了 SSI 出品的《巴克·罗杰斯》游戏[1] 。Harri Polsa 围绕他创造的主要角色 Millar Jade Vanderholle 制作了一系列科幻模组,不过由于其中露骨的色情内容,这些模组也引发了一些争议。
FRUA 模组分为三类:仅使用 FRUA 资源的归类为“香草(Vanilla)”,增加了新的美术资源的归类为“法式香草(French Vanilla)”[2] ,进行了大量修改而且需要 UAShell 支持的则归类为“模改(Hacked)”。
The community hosts a forum at, releases an occasional newsletter and even holds module creation contests based upon various themes. They post reviews of modules, both new and old, in order to help new community members find the bestquality scenarios to suit their needs.
No mention of FRUA could be complete without a discussion of the actual modules created for it. Many of them rival the original Gold Box series of games in design, scope and ambition.
Those looking to stick with D&D need look no further than Ray Dyer's massive “Realm” series. This group of 40+ modules translate many popular AD&D tabletop modules into playable FRUA scenarios. Everything from “The Keep on the Borderlands” to “The Temple of Elemental Evil” to even a remake of “Pool of Radiance” can be found within Realm.
Original AD&D-style modules exist as well, including Ben Jockish's “The Sect”, John Rudy's “The Guild” and Ben Sanderfer's “AT1: Dark Alliances”. These adventures can take players through Dragonlance, the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk or any number of AD&D's established worlds, and anyone who wants to roll up a party and delve into deep dungeons looking for treasure is likely to find a lot to love.
Science fiction modules are less prevalent but still popular, with several of them being based upon Buck Rogers (in the style of the SSI's Buck Rogers games). Harri Polsa has created a series of sci-fi modules around his main character, Millar Jade Vanderholle, though they have met with some controversy due their explicit sexual nature.
All modules are classified as either “Vanilla”, which uses only FRUA's assets, “French Vanilla”, which adds new artwork, or “Hacked”, which has extensive changes and requires the use of the UAShell mod.
1 译者注:《25 世纪的巴克·罗杰斯(Buck Rogers XXVC)》是 TSR, Inc 推出的一套战役设定,SSI 制作过两款基于这一设定的游戏,《末日倒计时(Countdown to Doomsday)》和《立方矩阵(Matrix Cubed)》。
2 译者注:通常香草使用原产地来命名,但法式香草是个特例,指的是一种含有蛋黄的冰淇淋制法。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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