Black Chicken Studios, 2010
Black Chicken Studios, 2010

魔法师学院(Academagia: The Making of Mages)首先讲述了你扮演的角色,一个生于峰田岛(Mineta)——一座悬于空中的小岛——的 12 岁小孩,收到了魔法学院阿卡德梅吉亚[1] 的录取通知书。接下来玩家便开始自定义角色,包括其基础数值、属性、出身背景、熟悉的科目等等。接下来玩家便要接触一系列眼花缭乱的选项,来决定角色要怎么度过在学校的这一学年。
本作的游戏玩法结合了 RPG 游戏的特点以及互动冒险书的特点。每天被分为三个时段,每个时段玩家都可以决定让角色做什么事。角色可以上课、自习、交友或是冒险。在这个过程中玩家要面对各种选择,并籍此来克服困难,而其成功率则是依据角色的数值来决定的。
Academagia starts with the player character, a 12-year-old child on the floating island of Mineta, being invited to attend the Academagia, a magic school. The player first customises their character – choosing stats, traits, backgrounds, a familiar, etc. – then is immediately presented with a dizzying array of options for what to do with his or her time during the school year.
The gameplay is a combination of RPG and Choose Your Own Adventure book – each day is broken down into three time slots where the player chooses what to do. Their character can attend classes, study, make friends and go on adventures, during which they'll be presented with various choices to overcome obstacles, where success is determined by their stats.
《魔法师学院》的升级版于 2017 年在 Steam 平台发售,该版本拥有一个崭新的用户界面,并且还包含了之前所有的 DLC。
An updated version of Academagia was released on Steam in 2017, featuring a new interface and including all previous DLCs.

就像《美少女梦工厂(Princess Maker)》 [2] 一样,你需要计划好每天的日程安排,不过《魔法师学院》比起《美少女梦工厂》多了很多选项,比如你可以选择在哪里学习以及选择是边摸鱼边学还是专心致志地学习。
Like in Princess Maker you must plan your daily schedule, but Academagia offers more options, such as where to study and how much effort to put in.

Interactions are all text-based. Random events will pop up, offering the chance of a reward or (on failure) humiliation.
游戏里的技能数量完全可以用海量来形容(有超过 300 个技能)!而且升级不同的技能也会解锁新的活动。当游戏进行到后期时,你在每一个时间段可以有几十种不同的选择来度过这一天。角色可以训练自己的特长、偷偷学习黑魔法、逛街、交友(当然也可以欺凌别人)、施咒、冒险、探索学校与城镇以及做各种各样的事。
The game includes one entire school year (the developers are currently working on a sequel with the second year), but it doesn't give any concrete goals beyond “pass all your classes”, so the player is free to do pretty much whatever they want. The fun of Academagia comes from a combination of exploring role-playing options and interacting with the world, learning how to navigate all the systems to accomplish whatever goals the player sets for themselves.
There are a huge number of skills (over 300!), and training them up will often unlock new actions. By the end of the game they can have dozens of choices of how to spend every time slot. They can train their familiar, study illegal magic, go shopping, befriend (or bully) other students, cast spells, go on adventures, explore the school grounds and town, and more.
The writing and the freedom players have is the strong point here. One of my favourite adventures involved improving the school's terrible cafeteria food. My character burgled prize recipes, incited a riot in the cafeteria, blackmailed the head chef, put on a fancy dinner party for the school faculty, and finally managed to get a new menu implemented. At the end I was feeling a genuine sense of accomplishment.
Academagia does have some flaws – since it was put together by a fairly small team, they didn't have the resources to make sure all the different systems were balanced and useful. For example, shopping for items is a pain since characters can only visit a single store per action, rather than being able to browse among all the stores at once.
However, if you can look past or work through some imbalances in the gameplay, you'll be rewarded with an immensely rich, expansive game and the ability to guide your young wizard from a novice to an expert magician.
1 译者注:此为游戏名 Academagia 的音译。
2 译者注:《美少女梦工厂》是日本动画公司 Gainax 推出的模拟养成游戏,目前该系列共推出了 9 部游戏和 1 部动画,本书收录了该系列的第二部作品。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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