Infogrames, 1999
Windows, Mac 和 Dreamcast
Infogrames, 1999
Windows, Mac and Dreamcast

银色幻想(Silver)可谓是一款集诸多矛盾于一身的游戏,它一方面受到了 JRPG 的深远影响,另一方面它的开发者却是一群欧洲人且只发行了 PC 版,而且还删去了像是经验值和“暗雷式”[1] 遇敌等许多的 JRPG 传统要素。
Silver is a game of many contradictions – it was heavily influenced by Japanese console RPGs, yet it was developed by Europeans, aimed at PCs and removed many traditional elements of the genre, such as experience points and random battles.
It had a mixed reception, but critics universally bashed its weak story. It's as cliche as fantasy can get: the young knight David sets out on a quest to defeat Silver, an evil sorcerer who kidnapped his wife.

因为与当时主机和 PC 上的 RPG 游戏有着很大的不同,所以《银色幻想》在当时被视作一种新奇的存在。
Silver was seen as something novel back then, as RPGs for consoles and RPGs for PCs were worlds apart.

Silver includes a radial menu, but it's unintuitive to use it during battle without a pause button.
游戏所呈现出的也叫人五味杂陈。虽然预渲染的场景相当地亮眼,但 3D 的人物却是又小又糊的一坨。即便对话大都在预料之中而且并不有趣,但由 Dean Evans 作曲的音乐和出色的配音却能极大的带动游戏氛围。
《银色幻想》遵循着一种类似 JRPG 的流程模式,即以一种非常快节奏的线性游戏方式,探索地下城,打败 BOSS 并招募伙伴,大多数情况下玩家仅需进入房间干掉全部敌人或解决谜题,然后继续前进。甚至不必为角色属性或经验值而烦恼,因为角色等级会在每次的 BOSS 战过后自动提升。
战斗虽是即时制的,但也有一些其中创新,玩家可以通过按住 CTRL 键并执行鼠标手势来进行攻击,例如向前划鼠标就是冲刺,向左划一道斜杠或是双击鼠标右键就可以进行躲避。游戏中也存在着一些远程武器、魔法以及神器,可惜的是,笨拙的操作和暂停功能的缺失使得游戏体验大打折扣。
在旅途中玩家可以招募到最多三名队友。玩家可以直接控制其中一个角色或是给其中一组人下达基础命令。然而繁琐的径向菜单[2] ,满屏的敌人以及拉得很远的游戏视角,使得在战斗中起到关键作用的反倒是玩家的反应速度而不是角色的技能。
作为传统 CRPG 的粉丝,我很难不去注意《银色幻想》身上诸多的缺点。然而,尽管存在着这些明显的缺点,但这款游戏还是凭借着其绝妙的音乐、多样化的世界和难以言表的冒险感征服了我。我心满意足地玩到了制作人员表滚动播出,而这就够了。
The game's presentation is also a mixed bag. While the pre-rendered backgrounds shine, the 3D characters are small and blocky. What sets the mood brilliantly is the atmospheric music, composed by Dean Evans, and the great voice acting – even if the dialog itself is predictable and uninteresting.
Silver follows a JRPG-like formula of exploring dungeons, defeating bosses and gathering companions, in a linear and very fast-paced manner – most of the time you enter a room, kill everyone/solve the puzzle and move on to the next one. You won't even have to worry about stats or experience points, as you simply level up automatically after each boss battle.
Combat is real-time, but with a twist: you attack by holding down the CTRL key and performing mouse gestures – for example, swipe the mouse up for a lunge, left for a left slash or double-click RMB for a dodge. There's also a few ranged weapons, magic and artifacts available but, unfortunately, the clunky controls and the lack of a pause function detract from the experience.
During your adventure you'll gather up to three party members. You can directly control one character, or select a group and give them basic orders. However, the radial menu is slow, the screen is usually crowded with enemies and the camera is very far away, making combat rely more on reflex than skill.
Still, battles are satisfying when you only control David against a single adversary, as you're required to learn the foe's behavior then use his weak points and the environment to your advantage.
As a fan of classic CRPGs, I cannot but notice Silver's many shortcomings. Yet, despite those obvious flaws, the game managed to win me over with its wonderful music, diverse world and the indefinable sense of adventure. When the credits rolled, I was left satisfied – and that's more than enough.
1 译者注:指敌人不会显示在地图中,但会通过随机触发战斗的遇敌机制,常见于早期的 JRPG 中。以此类推,与之相反的被称作“明雷”。
2 译者注:径向菜单是游戏常见以圆环状排列显示的菜单类型。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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