Binary Systems, 1986
MS-DOS, C64, Amiga, Atari ST, Genesis, 等
Binary Systems, 1986
MS-DOS, C64, Amiga, Atari ST, Genesis, etc

星际航舰(Starflight)可以说是非常巧妙地掌握了《星际迷航(Star Trek)》(经典的美国科幻影视作品系列)最抓人眼球的地方。
例如探索广阔的宇宙,或与外星种族交流谈判,再或者经历数场关乎性命的战役等等。而这些内容都被浓缩放进这个随机生成的开放式的星系当中,而你可以在此探索冒险数百小时。说真的,这对于一个 64k 的游戏来说相当的不错了。
Starflight perfectly captures what made Star Trek so endearing: exploring, negotiating with alien races and life-and-death space battles. All set in an open-world procedurally generated galaxy you could explore for hundreds of hours. Not bad for a game crammed in 64KB of memory.
Planet Arth is in trouble. Deadly solar flares are occurring all over the galaxy, threatening to wipe out civilisation. Your task is to must find fuel for refugee ships leaving Arth, find colonisable planets for them, uncover ancient alien artefacts, and figure out why the solar flares are happening in the first place. All this is accomplished through scanning planets, exploring their surfaces and speaking with the star-faring aliens.
The adventure begins at Interstel's space port, where you walk your avatar through various departments preparing for your journey, in one of the first “walking menus” in games. There you can recruit up to six brave crewmen from five different races, such as a quick learning plant-based species and a highly skilled robot race. The robots are an interesting first choice, as it starts with high initial skills, but can never improve through training like the other races.
At a time when games were made by two or three people over 6-12 months, it took a five-man team over three years to develop Starflight.

The five races you can recruit all have very different skills, learning rates and durability. Your crew composition also affects your dealings with other races.
等一切准备就绪,你就可以打开飞船的银河航行地图。此时此刻身处于星云、虫洞、数百颗恒星以及程序生成的 800 多颗等待被探索的行星当中,在这个充满着机遇但又让人感到渺小孤寂的星河中,能约束我们的估计也只有飞船的燃料了。
游戏中没有复杂的操作,飞船通过数字键或者十字键就可以轻易操作,也没有那些麻烦的物理效果。游戏中所有的行动展开都是通过在精简且极富代入感的 UI 界面中操作队伍成员进行的,例如,如果想要治疗一名船员,你就必须选择“队医”然后打开“功能菜单”选择“治疗”这一项。
You begin with a small budget to equip your ship and train your crew. These are tough initial choices. Should you add weapons and shields or train your Science Officer to scan planets accurately? There's no hand-holding here: leave the star port without cargo pods and you have cut yourself off from much of the revenue-generating opportunities in the game.
Once ready, you can open the ship's galactic map. It's awash in nebulae, worm holes, hundreds of stars and over 800 procedurally generated planets waiting to be explored, making one feel very small and alone in this sea of opportunity. Your only limitation is fuel.
The ship is easily piloted by the cursor/numpad keys, no pesky Newtonian physics to deal with. Further actions are spread across your officers, in a simple and immersive UI – e.g. to heal a crew member, select the Doctor, open its menu and choose the Treat option.
Once you reach a planet, you can order your Science Officer to scan it, and based on his skill you will see important details like gravity and average temperature. Should you decide to land, simply select a landing area and confirm. The game will then render a first-person landing into the exact point you selected – quite an impressive feature at the time!
The crew will then disembark into a tank-like rover and start exploring the procedurally generated surface, using a scanner and your intuition in search of resources. Where do you go? Anywhere you please! But don't stray too far from the ship, as your rover's fuel won't last long. This creates some of the most stressful risk/reward decisions in gaming: to travel just a wee bit further to get some valuable mineral or alien creature, or head back to the ship.
Mistakes are deadly. Permadeath means not only does your intrepid crew dies a horrible death, but the game bounces out to DOS and deletes your save file.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明