Idea Factory & Compile Heart, 2007
Windows, Xbox 360 和 PS3
Idea Factory & Compile Heart, 2007
Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3

阿加雷斯特战记(Agarest: Generations of War)的核心特色到底是它魅力的来源还是它无法弥补的缺陷,这是一个极富争议的命题:试问你能忍受跨越几代主角并且超过一百小时的旅程吗?
在这款策略 JRPG 中,玩家可以控制多达 6 名角色的团队在极具挑战性的回合制对战中战斗。显然这是一款专为硬核玩家而准备的游戏,所以如预料中那般包含了大量的技能和装备、复杂的技能系统、连击、锻造、魔法、捕获怪物、阵型、多路线选择、粉丝向内容以及一大堆反复刷的任务。
A very divisive title, Agarest's main feature can be either its main draw or an irredeemable flaw: can you endure a journey that spans multiple generations of heroes and over a hundred hours?
The game is a tactical JRPG where you control a party of up to six characters, fighting in extremely challenging turn-based battles. The game was clearly made for hardcore players, so expect tons of stats and equipment, an elaborate skill system, combo attacks, crafting, enchanting, monster capturing, formations, multiple routes, fan-service and a lot of grinding.
Along the way you'll meet a colourful cast of characters – including three romanceable heroines –and make a few decisions which affect your alignment, the battles you'll face and which girl likes you more.
《阿加雷斯特战记》于 2007 年首发在日本 PS3 上。这款游戏在 2009 年面向主机平台进行了英文本地化,然后在 2013 年被移植到了 PC 上。
Agarest was first released in 2007 in Japan for the PS3. It was localised into English for consoles in 2009, and then ported to PCs in 2013.

Choices you make during the game will affect battles you face, your alignment and relationship with the three heroines of each generation.

The orange dots on the world map are mandatory “filler” battles, which are far too frequent and will test your patience.
前传《阿加雷斯特战记零》(Agarest Zero)在 2009 年发布。它沿用了与前作相同的底层设计,但减少了填充式的战斗并且主角只有两个世代。它还为第一世代的主角添加了角色自定义系统,并且新增了许多优秀的额外内容——包括一个删去了所有填充式战斗以及分支选项的精简版第一世代故事。
2010 年推出的《阿加雷斯特战记 2》(Agarest 2)有着更优秀的画面,三个世代的主角以及一个以连击为基础并且更为复杂(但令人困惑)的全新战斗系统。
不管怎么样,这里附上一些建议:《阿加雷斯特战记》的 DLC 非常破坏平衡性,因此除了一些额外的迷宫和服装外,建议禁用其他所有的 DLC。否则,游戏初期你会强得过头,以至于乐趣全无。
After a few dozen hours, you reach the climax, battle evil, marry your girl of choice and have a baby.
However, instead of ending there, the game flash-forward until your son is all grown up and you take control of him, ready to meet new companions, romance new girls and make a new stand against evil.
Agarest lasts for five generations, all working towards a final goal. Items, spells and some companions carry on, and the stats, weapons and looks of each generation's hero are determined by his parents', leading to some interesting long-term planning.
Inexplicably, despite being “five-games-in-one”, the developers decided to pad Agarest's length. Thus, while the events and story battles are interesting, you'll waste an ungodly amount of time in pointless filler fights. Moreover, the game is repetitive and really starts to drag after the 3rd generation. I honestly can't imagine the patience required to replay it multiple times to see all the routes and the secret “true ending”.
In 2009, a prequel, Agarest Zero, was released. It follows the same basic formula but reduces the filler combat and only has two generations. It also added character creation for the first hero and a lot of great post-game content – including an abridged version of the first game that removed all filler and choices.
Agarest 2 arrived in 2010 with better graphics, three generations of heroes and a new, more complex (but confusing) combat system based around combos.
It's hard to pick the best game – the first has the best characters; Zero polishes the gameplay and reduces padding while Agarest 2's fast-paced number-crunching combat might interest more some players.
Regardless, here's some advice: Agarest's DLCs are pay-to-win, so disable all of them except for dungeons and extra costumes. Otherwise, you'll start the game extremely overpowered, ruining all the fun.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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