Stormfront Studios, 2001
Stormfront Studios, 2001

搜索有史以来做得最烂的 CRPG 游戏,你可能会得到《迷斯卓诺遗迹》的名字。作为育碧想要复刻《博德之门(Baldur’s Gate)》的成功的尝试,这款粪作承诺,要在 Infinity 引擎的基础上,利用 3D 图形和最近发布的第三版《龙与地下城》规则集使其更上一层楼。
此外,这款游戏由一个富有金盒子(Gold Box)游戏[1] 开发经验的团队负责,游戏名称和后续宣发都将其宣传为受欢迎的原版《光芒之池》的回合制续作。
Search for the worst CRPG ever made and you'll likely find Ruins of Myth Drannor. As Ubisoft's attempt to ride on the success of Baldur's Gate, this infamous game promised to take the Infinity Engine formula forward by employing 3D graphics and the recently released D&D 3rd Edition ruleset.
Plus, it was developed by a team of Gold Box veterans – titled and advertised as a fully turn-based successor to the beloved classic Pool of Radiance!
如果你想玩这款游戏,请打好 1.4 版本补丁并安装Speed Control Utility。
If you're willing to try the game, be sure to patch it to version 1.4 and install the Speed Control Utility.

战斗具有借机攻击(attacks of opportunity)、专长(feat)和士气检定(morale checks)等特点,但缓慢的游戏速度和很烂的 UI 消磨了战斗的大部分乐趣。
Combat includes features such as attacks of opportunity, feats and even morale checks, but the slow speed and bad UI remove most fun out of it.

Even looting is a dull process, as items all look the same and rarely offer anything besides a small armour, stat or damage increase.
可惜的是,游戏发售后,惊喜变成了失望。游戏从创建一支四人小队开始(此后还有两个 NPC 可以加入),但第三版《龙与地下城》规则被严重破坏了——你不能扮演侏儒,同时吟游诗人、德鲁伊和巫师等职业消失了,少数可用的技能和专长也只是根据你的职业自动分配。
战斗部分倒是对《龙与地下城》规则诠释地不错,但依旧被垃圾的界面削弱了不少。你无法看到也不能控制角色的移动路径,AI 很不稳定,每个角色回合的时间限制太短了——这在多人模式里很有用,但在单人模式里就是灾难。
幸运的是,粉丝们做了一个可以加快游戏速度的简化 mod,有了它,游戏的可玩性大大提高,那些极其希望玩到一款回合制《龙与地下城》类迷宫探索游戏的玩家现在可以找到一些乐趣了——如果他们能忍受初期极其无聊的地牢的话。
为了坐实最垃圾 CRPG 的宝座,《迷斯卓诺遗迹》有着无数 BUG,其中包括最神的一个:卸载掉未打过补丁的游戏会自动删掉一些系统文件,迫使你重装你的 Windows 系统。
客观地说,垃圾的 CRPG 很多,但几乎没有游戏可以在失望和无聊程度上和这款游戏匹敌。
Sadly, excitement became disappointment when the game was released. You start by creating a party of four characters (two extra NPCs can later be added), but the D&D 3rd Edition rules are heavily defaced – you can't play as Gnome, classes like Bard, Druid and Wizard are missing and the few skills and feats available are all automatically chosen based on your class.
Set in the ruins of the long-lost Elven city of Myth Drannor, the game doesn't have many role-playing options. It's a combat-focused dungeon crawl, with some of the largest dungeon floors you'll see. But while there are some nice outdoor areas later on, the game first forces you to explore extremely dull underground mazes, filled with hordes of the same few monsters.
Combat is a decent translation of D&D, crippled by a horrible interface. You can't see nor control the character's path, the AI is unstable and there's a short time limit on each character's turn – a useful feature in multiplayer, but a sin in single-player mode.
To make matters worse, the game plays glacially slow. Characters all take forever to walk, cast or attack (an undead group can take multiple minutes per turn) and you'll spend hours slowly backtracking gigantic mazes with unreliable maps and even worst path-finding.
Luckily, fans managed to create a handy mod to increase the game's speed. With it, Ruins of Myth Drannor becomes an actually playable experience, and those desperate for a turn-based D&D dungeon crawl might even find some enjoyment here – if they can endure the sheer boredom of the initial dungeon.
To crown its reputation, RoMD came with a wide range of bugs, including a legendary one: uninstalling the unpatched game could erase some of your system files, forcing you to reinstall Windows.
Objectively, there are worst CRPGs. But few can rival the disappointment – or dullness – seen here.
1 译者注:金盒子游戏是 1988 至 1992 年的一系列游戏。此系列游戏是基于高级龙与地下城的规则,并且运用同一个引擎,即后来大名鼎鼎的“金盒子引擎”。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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