琥珀之月(Ambermoon)是没能完成的“琥珀三部曲”中的第二部。不幸的是,该作游戏销量不佳,成为了压垮德国工作室 Thalion Studio 的最后一根稻草,他们甚至没来得及移植或是翻译自己的游戏。
幸运的是,游戏的官方英文版之后被泄露,并可以免费获取。Thalion Studio 倒闭后,它的游戏都开源了。
那么,就让我们来看看游戏本身如何吧。《琥珀之月》的故事设定在《琥珀之星(Amberstar)》的几十年后,游戏系统基本与前作保持一致:还是同样的回合制方格图战斗,同样的物品栏和对话系统。续作也原封不动地保留了两种探索视角:建筑和野外采用等距斜 45 度视角,地牢和城镇则是第一人称视角——不过,现在是 3D 的第一人称了。《琥珀之月》的设计和《阿尔比恩(Albion, 1995)》较为接近,后者名声更响,由 Thalion Studio 的前员工们开发。
作为一部标准的 RPG 游戏,本作富有人情味,设计优雅,游戏机制完善,探索机遇丰富,能够让你充分沉浸其中——即使战斗速度有些迟缓、早期难度太大,也依然瑕不掩瑜。如果你是前作的老玩家,你还能见证世界的发展和人民的生活进程。《琥珀之星》中,卫星撞上这颗星球,居民们自此活在一个支离破碎的末日后幻想世界之中。
Ambermoon is the second game in the never completed “Amber trilogy”. Unfortunately, the game was a huge flop sales-wise, closing the doors of German developer Thalion even before they could port the game or finish translating it.
Luckily, an official English version was later leaked and made freely available, as all of Thalion's games became public domain after its demise.
That said, let's look at the actual game. Taking place decades after Amberstar, system-wise the game is roughly identical – the same turn- and grid-based combat, inventory and dialogue system. The two exploration view modes remain: isometric for houses and wilderness, plus a first-person view for towns and dungeons – though now in 3D. As such, Ambermoon's design is similar to Albion (1995), a better-known game later developed by former Thalion employees.
Ambermoon is huge, sprawling with locations to explore, though these are done in a somewhat linear fashion, with gates between areas – as opposed to the mostly free overland map of Amberstar. However, the charm, wit and storytelling of that game are still present. We play as the grandson of the earlier protagonist, who receives a quest from his dying grandfather. From there, the game is about travelling, finding companions for your party, solving quests, puzzles and fighting a diverse range of opponents.
It's standard RPG fare, but done with a certain warmth and elegance, competent gameplay systems and with lots of opportunities for exploration and immersion – even if the game's combat is somewhat slow and challenging in the first few hours. Returning players can also witness how the lands and its people fared since Amberstar, when a moon crashed into the planet, changing it into a fragmented post-apocalyptic fantasy world.
Thalion Studio 是一家德国工作室,于 1988 年成立,1994 年倒闭。之后,粉丝们建立了一个保存了该工作室历史和游戏的“网络圣坛”:www.thalion.exotica.org.uk。
Thalion was a German studio, founded in 1988 and closed in 1994. Fans later created a “web shrine” to it, with its history and games: www.thalion.exotica.org.uk
Ambermoon, like Amberstar, is about the story of a boy who is all alone in the world, and during his journey he finds new friends, helps villagers and kings but never loses his innocence. As such, it's simple and old-fashioned, but also endearing. Ambermoon might be the most hidden game gem you'll (n)ever come across, but if you liked Albion and/or Amberstar, this is a must-play. It's well-made, has a clear direction as well as engaging puzzles and story.

本作中,地牢和城镇都变成了可以自由移动的早期 3D 视角,怪物会四处游荡,还有一个很棒的自动小地图。
Dungeons and towns are now shown in a free-movement early 3D view, with roaming enemies and an excellent automap.

游戏没有一点要手把手教学的意思。像指南针、时钟和坐标值之类的 UI 一开始都不会显示出来,要等你先找到或购买了相应的道具才行。
The game doesn't hold your hand in any way. UI elements such as compass, clock and coordinates will only show if you find or buy them first.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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