Robinson Technologies, 1997
Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS 和 Android
Robinson Technologies, 1997
Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS and Android

小农民丁克(Dink Smallwood)可以说是《塞尔达传说(Zelda)》和《猴岛(Monkey Island)》[1] 的有趣的混合体。这个游戏讲述了一个养猪农民丁克的故事,他仍然和母亲住在一起,被真正的冒险者们嘲笑,姑娘们也不喜欢他。而当邪恶袭来之时,他决定拿起武器,开启自己的传奇经历。
Ajoyful blend of Zelda and Monkey Island, Dink Smallwood tells the story of a pig farmer still living with his mother, mocked by real adventures and rejected by women. When evil strikes, is up to him take up arms and begin his own epic quest.
Of course, the game's claim to fame is the humour, and Dink delivers a constant barrage of odd quips, cruel jokes and passive-aggressive dialogues. I advise attacking everything in sight, just to see his reaction.

A great deal of Dink's humour comes from the dialogue choices, full of dirty jokes and edgy teenager lines.
游戏流程很简单:在地图上旅行,和 NPC 对话,和怪物战斗,最终提升你的三个属性——攻击、防御和魔法——以及找到新的武器和咒语。
单就其自身来说,《小农民丁克》只不过是个小小的邪典罢了。但是游戏提供了易用的 mod 工具,而且开发者在 1999 年宣布游戏免费,随后又开放出了源代码。这催生出了一个热情的社区,致力于创作“D-mod”——《小农民丁克》的新冒险模组。
时至今日,“丁克粉”(Dinkers)已经创作出了成百上千个 D-mod,内容上至传奇冒险,下至短小的轻松冒险和单个屏幕的迷你游戏,甚至还有传授脚本编写技术的教学模组。
《神秘岛(Mystery Island)》:原开发者在 13 年后创作的官方续作。
《朝圣之旅(Pilgrim’s Quest)》:一个很长的冒险,加入了几个新的区域、武器、法术和谜题,甚至还有航海部分。
《莉娜的故事(Lyna’s Story)》:丁克和国王的骑士都失踪了,现在就靠莉娜来拯救世界了。
《丁克去划船(Dink Goes Boating)》:优秀的 mod 编写教程,细心地解释了脚本是如何运行的。
The gameplay is simple – you travel through map screens, talking to NPCs and battling monsters, eventually levelling up your three stats – Attack, Defense and Magic – and finding new weapons and spells.
Sadly, the game's progression is often halted by quest items sold in stores at insane prices, forcing players to spend hours killing monsters. This destroys the flow of an otherwise short and sweet game.
By itself, Dink would be little more than a curiosity. But the game came with friendly mod tools, and, in 1999, the developers made the game free, later releasing the source code as well. This led to the rise of a passionate community creating “D-mods” – new adventure modules for Dink Smallwood.
Still active today, the “Dinkers” have produced hundreds of D-mods, ranging from epic adventures to short romps, one-screen mini-games and even educative modules that teach scripting.
These modules have long since surpassed the base game and are more than enough reason to own Dink Smallwood. Just head to and choose your next adventure.
Mystery Island: An official sequel to Dink Smallwood, made by the original developers 13 years later.
Pilgrim's Quest: A lengthy adventure, with several new regions, weapons, spells, riddles and even boat sailing.
Lyna's Story: With Dink gone and the King's knights missing, it's up to Lyna to venture out and save the day.
Dink Goes Boating: An excellent tutorial for the game's modding, it carefully explains how scripting works.
Mayhem: A short time-attack module where you're a Black Knight that must pillage a village and get out.
1 译者注:《猴岛》是 LucasArts 公司制作并发行的游戏系列。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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