Big Bad Wolf, 2018
Windows, PS4 和 Xbox One
Big Bad Wolf, 2018
Windows, PS4 and Xbox One

《议会》(The Council)的突出之处正在于它尝试将两种不同的机制结合在一起。整体上来说,这是一款冒险游戏,但是游戏开始时你要做的第一件事是为路易 · 德 · 里歇(Louis de Richet)——我们亲切体贴的主角——选择一个职业。可选的职业包括侦探(Detective)、外交官(Diplomat)和神秘学者(Occultist),每种职业都有自己的独特技能,例如分散注意(Diversion)、坚定信念(Conviction)、借口(Subterfuge)以及警醒(Vigilance)。德 · 里歇还有特质与天赋,并且要从 1 级开始游戏。这是个冒险游戏,但同时也深深地植根于角色扮演类型之中。
故事开始于德 · 里歇追踪一件被盗的神秘古物,希望能借此机会找到失踪的母亲的线索。然后他发现自己与一系列 18 世纪的名人擦肩而过,其中包括了乔治 · 华盛顿和拿破仑 · 波拿巴等著名历史人物。这些人都被一个神秘人物莫提默爵士(Lord Mortimer)邀请到了一个小岛上。
游戏玩法在两种模式间切换:传统的解谜(其中一些相当复杂),以及基于对话的遭遇。在遭遇中德 · 里歇要尝试劝说、安抚或者从这些人物嘴里套出信息。在谜题方面,技能系统既有给特定解决路线设置门槛的限制作用(例如德 · 里歇没法撬锁的时候),又是一个值得称赞的提示系统,只要通过技能检定,德 · 里歇就能获得大有帮助的见解。
Attempts to merge the Adventure and RPG genres have been sparse throughout history. Though both genres revolve around one or more prominent player-characters that embark on a quest, defeat adversaries, resolve mysteries, save the day and go through some development on the way, the mechanics provide the difference. In place of detailed character and combat systems typically featured in RPGs, Adventure games traditionally focus on puzzles and dialogue – with contemporary examples placing even greater focus on narrative in lieu of traditional elements.
What makes The Council stand out is the way it attempts to marry these two mechanical worlds. This is primarily an Adventure game, yet the first thing you will do upon starting the game is to choose a character class for Louis de Richet – the affable, thoughtful protagonist – who can be a Detective, Diplomat or Occultist, each featuring own skills, such as Diversion, Conviction, Subterfuge and Vigilance. De Richet also possesses traits and talents, and starts off at Level 1. An adventure game, but already in deep RPG territory.
De Richet's search for his missing mother following the heist of an occult artifact finds him rubbing shoulders with the who's-who of the 18th century, including historical figures such as George Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte, all invited to an island by a mysterious figure named Lord Mortimer.
Gameplay runs along two modes: traditional puzzles, some of which are quite involved, as well as dialogue-based encounters, in which de Richet attempts to persuade, mollify, or extract information from these figures. For the puzzles, the skill system acts both as the gatekeeper of certain solution paths (such as when de Richet is unable to pick a lock), and also as a glorified hint system, where passing a skill check grants de Richet with a helpful insight.
《议会》总共包含五个章节,均在 2018 年三月到十二月之间发售,其中第一章可以免费获取。
The Council consists of five episodes, which were all released between March and December 2018. The first chapter is freely available.
在对话方面,德 · 里歇可以针对不同的交谈对象选择不同的方式。每个人物都有和德 · 里歇的技能相对应的优势和弱点,这决定了他们是否容易被专精某个技能方向的主角所影响。
随着故事的推进,游戏为德 · 里歇设置了大量需要做的选择。选择的结果以及对提议的反应都是《议会》角色扮演属性的又一体现。
For dialogues, it enables de Richet to tailor his approach towards the various characters he talks with. Every character possesses strengths and weaknesses corresponding to de Richet's skills, that render them more or less susceptible to his specializations.
In between, the game is punctuated by numerous choices de Richet needs to make as the story progresses. The consequences and the reactivity on offer are another mark of the game's RPG credentials.
The Council is no masterpiece. Its RPG systems are poorly balanced, and the quality of the story sharply declines towards the end. But as an experiment it is successful, and will hopefully serve as a blueprint for years to come.

使用技能需要花费精力点(Effort Point),这是一种有限的资源。花费的多少取决于你的技能等级和难度,这给游戏额外增加了一层复杂度。
To use skills you need to spend Effort Points, a limited resource. The cost is tied to your skill level and the difficulty, adding an extra layer of complexity.

At the end of each chapter the game displays your choices, outcomes, and missed opportunities. It’s also when you'll get XP and level up.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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