Metropolis Software, 1999
Windows, OS X 和 Linux
Metropolis Software, 1999
Windows, OS X and Linux

危机特遣队(Gorky 17)在北美市场发布使用的名称是《憎恶(Odium)》,它是一个我不介意为了写这篇评论而再玩一次的游戏。最主要的原因是它短小而精悍。
首先要知道的是,《危机特遣队》难度不小。治疗消耗品非常有限,而且,只要你的队伍中有人员死亡,你就必须重新开始战斗或载入进度。战斗系统是标准的基于阶段的战术 RPG 游戏[1] 。在你的回合中,你可以控制你的每个角色按照任意顺序移动、选择武器/物品、或朝特定方向行动(射击、防御、治疗等)。
普通的小怪像是从赛博朋克噩梦[2] 里走出来的一样。AI 充满侵略性,但又不是无脑自杀式的,即使是形单影只的变异生物也会成为严重的威胁。还有可怕的 BOSS,每个 BOSS 都有一个短片介绍,通常必须用不同的战术来对付他们。
Gorky 17 (also known as Odium on American shores) is a title I didn't mind replaying in order to write this review. The primary reason being that it's a short and sweet game.
The game places you in command of three NATO Soldiers who are dropped in a secret military complex somewhere in Poland, with limited supplies and unsure about what they are getting into.
First thing to know: Gorky 17 is tough. Healing consumables are very limited, and, if anyone in your party dies, you have to restart the battle or reload. The battle system is standard tactical phase-based RPG fare. During your turn, each character gets to Move, Select a Weapon/Item, Face a specific direction and Act (Shoot, Defend, Heal, etc.) in almost any order.
Many objects can explode or be pushed to form makeshift barricades, and the player must also consider factors such as obstacles, armour type, weapon ranges, directional facing and so on. For example, attacking a target from the sides or back will grant bonus damage. Additionally, various status effects eventually come into play. Combatants can be made ‘Flammable' and subsequently be set aflame using a variety of weapons – or simple matches.
Typical enemies appear to come straight out of a cyberpunk nightmare. The AI is aggressive, but not suicidal, and even just one of these mutant creatures can be a serious threat. Then there are the monstrous bosses, each introduced by a short cinematic, which must be typically approached with different tactics.
Outside of combat, the emphasis is on semi-linear exploration, character banter and item-collecting, as you solve light puzzles to move forward or reach hidden loot caches. Battles and events are all scripted, triggered at certain locations, and resources were balanced to be scarce, making exploration rewarding.
还有另外两个游戏属于该系列:《零点危机:无上荣誉(Gorky Zero:Beyond Honor)》和《零点危机:曙光特攻(Gorky Zero 2:Aurora Watching)》。这两款游戏都是第三人称潜入动作游戏,围绕着《危机特遣队》的人物展开。
Two other Gorky games exist: Gorky Zero and Gorky Zero 2. Both are a third-person stealth action games, set around characters from Gorky 17.
你的角色使用同一武器次数越多,就越是熟练。每个熟练度等级可以获得 5 个加成点,用于分配给为数不多的属性。但不幸的是,这对游戏性并没有太大的影响。
尽管如此,《危机特遣队》提出了一种如今很少游戏发行商敢于尝试的创造性组合,它将生存恐怖、轻度解谜、RPG 元素和老式战术战斗融合,包装成一个困难、棘手的游戏,绝对值得你花上 20 小时进行游戏流程体验。
Your characters becomes more proficient the more they use a weapon, and every experience level grants five points to distribute in a handful of stats but, unfortunately, there isn't much gameplay deviation.
Still, Gorky 17 offers a creative mix that few game publishers would dare nowadays, blending survival horror, light puzzles, RPG elements and old-school tactical combat in one tough, unforgiving package. Definitely worth the 20-hour playthrough.

游戏中有几个特殊的 BOSS 敌人,他们都有独特的能力,需要考虑周到的方法。
The game has several special boss enemies, all who have unique abilities and require thoughtful approach.

预先渲染的背景、轻度解谜和可怕的怪物的组合,给《危机特遣队》带来了非常类似于《生化危机(Resident Evil)》的基调。
The mix of pre-rendered backgrounds, light puzzles and horrible monsters gives Gorky 17 a very Resident Evil-like tone.
1 译者注:基于阶段的游戏与回合制游戏类似,只不过基于阶段的游戏分为准备和执行两个大阶段,所有角色的行动在回合的准备阶段确定,而传统回合制游戏中,所有行动在每个角色各自的回合确定。
2 译者注:原文用 cyberpunk nightmare 来形容这些怪物,实际上这里的赛博朋克概念与大众当下的认知并不完全一致。这些怪物是某些生物受到病毒感染后变异而成的,并且部分身体组织与机械发生了结合,所以在概念上可能更接近于 Biopunk,即以生物技术为主导的生化朋克。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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