Supergiant Games, 2014
Windows, PS4, OS X 和 Linux
Supergiant Games, 2014
Windows, PS4, OS X and Linux

角色扮演游戏通常试图在世界观构建和游戏机制之间找到一个平衡点,但很少有游戏试着将二者结合。《晶体管(Transistor)》在这方面做了一次有趣的尝试。乍一看,它与《堡垒(Bastion)》[1] 一脉相承,有带着不详腔调的旁白、实时战斗以及与音乐相辅相成的叙事。但本作很快就展现出其独特之处。
故事围绕着红伶(Red)展开,她是一名生活在复古未来主义[2] 城市云堤城(Cloudbank)的歌手。从一次蓄意谋杀中逃脱之后,她得到了“晶体管”,一把威力巨大的剑[3] 。你的目标是探索这把大剑背后的奥秘,并阻止“进程”(The Process)——一支一心想要摧毁云堤城的机器人军队。虽然某些设定令人不明所以,但故事却非常直击人心,成功地创造了一种感人的体验。
等距视角下,你操纵着红伶和她的青蓝色大剑穿过云堤城的绝美风景,在路上与“进程”的各种单位战斗。战斗是实时的,并且可以装备四种函数[4] (特殊攻击),从快速射击到大范围攻击。游戏的困难来自于,敌人速度很快并拥有各种烦人的能力,有些甚至会复活。
这时晶体管的能力就可以发挥作用。通过激活一种叫做 TURN() 的能力,红伶可以暂停时间,提前部署接下来的行动队列。你计划的行动会在一切准备就绪后立即执行,而 TURN() 能力则会进入冷却时间。
Role-playing games usually try to find a balance between world-building and game mechanics, but very few of them try to merge them. Transistor is an intriguing attempt at doing so. At first glance, it uses the same concepts as Bastion, with an ominous narrator, real-time combat and a strong reliance on music for storytelling. But it quickly demonstrates its own individuality.
The story revolves around Red, a singer living in the retro-futuristic city of Cloudbank. Escaping from a murder attempt, she comes into possession of the Transistor, a tremendously powerful sword. With this blade in hand, your goal is to understand the mystery behind it and stop the Process, an army of robots bent on destroying Cloudbank. Confusing in some aspects but very straightforward at heart, the storytelling succeeds in creating a touching experience.
Programming terminology cleverly parallels every game concept and shapes Cloudbank into a unique setting. Music, in particular, is the key of Transistor's identity, tying to Red's character, evolving according to the situation and retelling the story through songs. Needless to say, the soundtrack is gorgeous.
Using an isometric point of view, you guide Red and her huge blueish sword through the gorgeous landscapes of Cloudbank, fighting various units of the Process on your way. Combat is in real time and four functions (special attacks) can be equipped, from quick shots to massive area attacks. The catch is that enemies are fast, possess various types of annoying abilities and some might even respawn.
This is where the Transistor's powers become useful. By activating a power called TURN(), Red can stop time to plan and queue actions in advance. Once ready, your plan is instantly executed and a cooldown starts to use TURN() again.
获得经验可以开启次级函数槽或获得新函数以增强红伶的力量。新函数既可以是直接攻击,也可以是对其他函数的增强或是提供被动效果。例如,红伶的初始函数 CRASH() 只是强力一击,但放在升级槽中,它可以使敌人眩晕,放在被动槽中则可以使你免疫减速效果。
游戏中总共有 16 种函数,函数搭配的试验过程超级有趣。有些组合过于强力,不过你可以为自己增加不利因素,这会使敌人更强大,但你能够得到额外的经验加成。
Experience expands Red's powers by opening secondary slots or obtaining new functions. The latter can be equipped as direct attacks, as improvements on other functions or as passive bonuses. For example, Red's initial function CRASH() is just a powerful blow, but in an upgrade slot it stuns enemies, and used in a passive slot it makes you immune to slowing effects.
There are 16 functions in total and experimenting is super fun. Some combinations are overpowered, but you can also use handicaps, which make the enemies stronger but assure you some nice experience bonuses.
The most compelling aspect of Transistor is how everything blends together: its beautiful soundtrack, gorgeous art direction, interesting world-building and surprising battles. Even if it's a short game.

The beautiful world is shown through an isometric view. Combat is in real time, and you can equip up to four active skills at once.

当 TURN() 被激活时,游戏暂停,允许你规划并执行一个简短的行动序列。
When TURN() is activated the game pauses, allowing you to plan and instantly execute a short sequence of actions.
1 译者注:《堡垒》与《晶体管》一样同出 Supergiant Games 工作室之手,此后,该工作室还推出了《柴堆》(Pyre)以及倍受欢迎的《黑帝斯》(Hades)。
2 译者注:retro-futuristic,一种当代艺术对早期艺术家构想的未来主义设计风格的模仿,因为我们所处的现在是相对于过去的未来,所以这种风格与现实的差异颇有平行时空的意味在里面。
3 译者注:红伶的恋人为她挡下了致命一击,随后红伶在他的尸体旁发现了这把有着与恋人相同声音的大剑。由于故事发生于电子世界,因此这把剑也以晶体管的造型出现。
4 译者注:funtion,函数是计算机编程语言中对执行特定功能的模块化代码的定义,在游戏中代指人物的各项技能。后文中的 TURN() 和 CRASH() 等就是典型的函数命名方式。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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