Apeiron 的前作《7.62 大口径部队(7.62 High Calibre)》是一个深受《铁血联盟(Jagged Alliance)》系列影响、拥有开放世界、含 RPG 元素的即时战术策略游戏。尽管 bug 很多,剧情乏味,但该作仍用复杂的战斗模拟系统与细腻十足的枪战刻画征服了不少忠实粉丝。
《掠夺者(Marauder)》在欧洲还有一个名字叫《掠食者(Men of Prey)》,是一个故事驱动型的游戏,游戏取材于伯克姆· 阿托米(Berkem Al Atomi)的《掠夺者》一书。游戏开始时玩家扮演一名叫艾哈迈季亚诺夫(Akhmetzyanov)的普通角色,在俄罗斯政府垮台,无政府主义者盛行,美国入侵的架空历史下苟存。
《掠夺者》的战斗系统完美的映衬了游戏里的严酷氛围。游戏仍继承《7.62 大口径部队》里独特的实时暂停系统,只不过稍有改进。角色每次行动都会花费固定时间,每种行动都有利有弊。散弹枪确实是近距离杀伤性武器之王,但装弹要花费 0.42 秒,而配备手枪的敌人只需 0.08 秒就能开火。要想活下去,玩家就不得不仔细考量这一切。
Aperion's previous game, 7.62 High Calibre, was a real-time open-world tactical RPG, heavily inspired by the Jagged Alliance series. While rather buggy and with a boring storyline, its complex simulationist combat and highly detailed “gun porn” conquered quite a few devout fans.
Marauder, also known as Men of Prey in Europe, is instead a linear, story-driven game, based on a book series of the same name from Russian author Berkem Al Atomi. The game places you in the boots of Akhmetzyanov, a common man trying to survive an alternate-history Russia where the government collapsed, anarchy reigns and the US is invading.
Don't expect a pleasant story. Ahkmet himself is neither a virtuous paragon nor a noble-hearted antihero, but a man willing to do anything to keep him and his wife safe. You will fight militias, raiders and cannibals, but also desperate, starved neighbours trying to take some of your precious food.
Marauder's combat perfectly reinforces its harsh atmosphere. The unique real-time-with-pause system from High Calibre is still here, if slightly streamlined. Every action takes a set time to be performed, and each has its pros and cons. The shotgun is a sure kill at close range, but it takes 0.42 seconds to ready it, while a pistol-wielding enemy can fire in just 0.08 seconds. You must take that into account in order to survive.
While I usually prefer turn-based tactical games, Marauder's intense and nerve-wrecking battles make great use of the game's elaborate real-time system. To add to the challenge, Ahkmet can only see what's in front of him and must otherwise rely on hearing to guess the enemy's position. This is further accentuated by the game's overwhelming odds, pitting you alone against dozens of looters or a full elite military squad with nothing but a rifle, some mines and your wits.
强烈建议手动编辑 config 文件,因为这样玩家可以解锁更高的分辨率,获得更好的镜头控制。
It's strongly recommended to manually edit the game's config files. That way you can unlock higher resolutions and better camera controls.
游戏沿袭了《7.62 大口径部队》里广泛而精密的武器库,里面有上百种武器。制作方面也加入了更多 RPG 元素,比如角色创造,技能树与开锁机制。随着剧情推进,玩家最多能够与三名同伴搭伙,执行更复杂的战术任务。
遗憾的是,《掠夺者》剧情结构过于单一了。除了主线剧情,玩家只能去集市与三三两两的 NPC 交谈,找些支线任务。对话并不丰富,配音全是俄语,英文字幕翻译得还不尽人意。
总的来说,《掠夺者》是一款独特的低预算战术 RPG 游戏,它略显粗糙,挑战性强、节奏激烈。对于冷血的战术战争游戏爱好者而言,游戏惨淡的故事、冷酷的设定、偏难的玩法与复杂的战斗机制着实使人眼前一亮。
The game keeps the extensive and highly detailed armoury found in High Calibre, with almost a hundred weapons, and adds a few more RPG mechanics to the formula, such as character creation, a skill tree and lock-picking. You'll also get up to three companions as the plot advances, allowing for more complex tactics.
Sadly, Marauder is extremely linear. Besides the main story, you'll only be able to visit a bazaar, do a couple of side-quests and have one-line conversations with a handful of NPCs. And the dialogues are all in Russian, with poorly translated English subtitles.
Rough, challenging and intense, Marauder is a unique low-budget tactical RPG. Its bleak story, harsh setting, high difficulty and complex combat are a sure treat for cold-blooded tactical enthusiasts.

Firing from the hip is faster, but aiming allows you to target specific body parts and cripple enemies, or go for a lethal headshot.

Weapons can be upgraded, equipped with accessories, fire different bullets types and even have their stocks folded. But they also decay, break and overheat.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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