Larian Studios, 2009
Windows and Xbox 360
Larian Studios, 2009
Windows and Xbox 360

很遗憾,它并不是。拉瑞安(Larian)对于《神界 2(Divinity II)》的不凡设想中曾包含了一场多人游玩战役,甚至还包含了即时战略元素。然而开发困难、资金短缺与 Xbox 360 的硬件限制迫使他们在项目内容上不得不做出大量删减。尽管最后诞生的作品仍是一款有趣的第三人称动作类角色扮演游戏,但其中各项内容的质量却是良莠不齐。
拉瑞安经常通过其作品中出色的文本来展现自己的特色,《神界 2》自然也不例外。其中的一些对话表现杰出,任务富有创意,游戏充满了各种有趣的点子,比如刚刚提到的读心术、庞大的龙形、或是可以通过收集身体残骸来客制化的不死宠物,甚至是一座属于你个人的战斗塔,连同你不得不招募的附庸。
This is a game where you can (at will) turn into a dragon, attack a flying fortress and the army of demons protecting it, land in the courtyard, kill the guards with a mix of fierce sword fighting and spell-casting, subdue the fortress's commander and then read his mind to find out his deepest secrets. All this 100% gameplay, no cutscenes involved. It has to be one of the best RPGs ever made by man, right?
Unfortunately, no. Larian's ambitious vision for Divinity II included a multiplayer campaign and even RTS elements. However, development issues, lack of funding and the hardware limitations of the Xbox 360 forced them to make some deep cuts in their project. While the end result is still an entertaining third-person Action RPG, it's also a very uneven one.
Starting as an apprentice Dragon Slayer, you are sent on your first hunting expedition. Soon the tables turn as you suddenly find yourself bound to a dragon, able to shape-shift into a mighty flying beast, but on the run from your previous companions.
Larian always set themselves apart by their clever writing, and Divinity II is no exception. Some of the dialogues are exceptional, the quests are highly creative and the game overflows with interesting ideas, such as the aforementioned mind-reading skill, the mighty dragon form, an undead “pet” you can customise by collecting body parts and even a personal battle tower, complete with servants you must recruit.
The problem is that the game often doesn't play to its strengths, tiring players with dungeons full of mindless enemies or repetitive battles against the flying fortress, when the real treat lies in its dialogues and quests. The combat isn't bad per se, featuring a nice range of spells and abilities, but it's poorly balanced. Worst, it's often clear that you're fighting enemies just to artificially extend the game's length.
拉瑞安将更多巨龙战斗放在了 2013 年发售的《神界:龙之指挥官(Divinity: Dragon Commander)》中。这款奇异的游戏融合了即时策略战斗、策略地图、巨龙对战以及政府模拟器。
Larian would return for more dragon battles in Divinity: Dragon Commander (2013), an exotic mix of RTS battles, strategy maps, dragon combat and political simulator.
游戏最初发售时充满了 BUG,但其在 2011 年再度发售名为《龙骑士传奇(The Dragon Knight Saga)》的版本修复了大部分的问题,并且增强了画面效果,重新设计了部分区域,还增加了带有近 20 小时游玩内容的《复仇之炎(Flame of Vengeance)》资料片。
2012 年拉瑞安发行了《开发者剪辑版(Developer’s Cut)》,其中包含了游戏的设计文件、概念图、一段讲述了开发流程和过程中经历的数个障碍的记录,以及可选择的“作弊模式”(cheat mode)。
你大可以将这些内容视为开发者的坦白:这款游戏更适合在你享受任务、跳过战斗的同时被当作一段疯狂、轻松愉快的游玩经历。尽管《神界 2》最终并未能成为开发者最初设想的样子,但它诙谐且巧妙的文本仍然可以确保玩家获得一段美好的时光。
The original release was plagued by bugs, but the 2011 Dragon Knight Saga re-release fixed most issues, enhanced the graphics, redesigned some areas and added the Flames of Vengeance expansion pack, with about 20 hours of new content.
In 2012, Larian would release the Developer's Cut version, adding design documents, concept art, a fascinating documentary about the development of the game and the various obstacles they faced, plus an optional “cheat mode”.
Read that as a developer's confession that the game works better as a crazy, light-hearted experience, enjoying quests and skipping combat. Divinity II could have been much more, but its humour and clever writing still guarantee a good time.

Combat is simple and cooldown-based, but gets the job done. The real problem is that there’s just too much of it.

While impressive, transforming into a dragon can get tiresome, as you’re mostly limited to repetitive battles against a flying fortress.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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