Mindscape Ltd., 1992
Amiga, MS-DOS 和 Atari ST
Mindscape Ltd., 1992
Amiga, MS-DOS and Atari ST

在我 12 岁第一次玩《传说(Legend)》[1] 的时候,我被搞糊涂了。在这之前我都认为 RPG 游戏只能是回合制的,但现在我的小队是实时运作的,有的时候打怪甚至比我能反应过来的速度还快。尽管如此,因为精妙的魔法系统和等距视角这两个对我来说同样很新的设计,《传说》很快就成为了我一直以来最喜欢的 RPG。
When, as a 12-year-old, I first played Legend (titled The Four Crystals of Trazere in the US), I was left confused. Until this day RPGs for me were always turn-based, but now my party ran in real time, sometimes fighting monsters faster than I could react. Nevertheless Legend quickly became one of my all-time favourite RPGs, because of the fascinating magic system and isometric view - two features that were new to me as well.
续作《传说世界:帝国之子(Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire)》也在同年发售,背景设定在东方。
A sequel was released in the same year, called Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire, this time with an Eastern setting.

这是一个黑暗之塔(Dark Tower)中的谜题房间。你必须要混合并施展出数个复杂的咒语来打开通往西方的四扇门。
A tricky riddle room at the Dark Tower. You must mix and cast a couple of complex spells to open the four doors to the west.

Mixing a deadly spell. All runes are present and our Runemaster has a good stock of reagents too.
独特的魔法系统和富有挑战性的地牢解谜共同让《传说》成为了一款出色的游戏,适合所有经典 RPG 粉丝们尝试。
The land of Trazere is in a state of emergency as an ancient force of chaos begins to transform ordinary citizens into monsters. Seeking to save the kingdom, four heroic adventurers gather at the city Treihadwyl: The Berserker, a warrior prone to uncontrollable rage; the Troubadour, who plays magical tunes; the Assassin, a master of deception who can turn invisible and backstab enemies; and the powerful Runemaster.
Legend plays in two levels, the map view and the dungeon view. On the map, the group can travel to towns, villages, forts and special locations – including enemy armies in the field. They can visit blacksmiths, apothecaries, taverns, temples, artificers and level up at the Guild – if they are experienced enough.
When the party enters a dungeon, the game switches into an isometric view. Enemies appear randomly and combat is mostly automatic – click on the rally icon and the group will seek the nearest enemy and start to fight – but you can also individually control each character. Each dungeon level also has a special puzzle room, which must be solved by casting various spells with the Runemaster.
The magic system is the highlight of the game, allowing the Runemaster to create various spells by mixing reagents and runes. For example, to create an offensive spell that first hits an enemy, then all adjacent foes around, inflicting damage and paralysis, the Runemaster needs the runes Missile (for the flight characteristics), Surround (for the environmental effect), Damage (for harm) and Paralyse (for paralysis). The ingredients are then mixed in the mortar through a nice animation and become a spell, which the Runemaster can now cast once.
The combination of its unique magic system and challenging dungeon riddles makes Legend a great title, suitable for all fans of classic RPGs.
1 美版叫做《特拉泽四水晶(The Four Crystals of Trazere)》。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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