Westwood Studios, 1991
Westwood Studios, 1991

对我而言,《魔眼杀机(Eye of the Beholder)》是一款领我进入 RPG 新领域的游戏——它看起来是一个深刻而复杂的游戏,有着惊人的视觉表现和扣人心弦的氛围塑造。在接触本作之前,我从未听说过《龙与地下城》,但在事后看来,《魔眼杀机》是带我入坑 D&D 类 RPG 的绝佳的切入点。
游戏开场的剧情铺陈就深深吸引了我:一队冒险者被派往深水城(City of Waterdeep)以搜寻一个邪恶的存在,而委托者告知他们要从下水道开始探险。这款游戏是如此地让我着迷,以至于我没有停下来发问:“等等,下水道?”我迫不及待地想开始我的冒险,看看这趟旅程将带我前往何处。
Eye of the Beholder was a point-of-no-return for me when it came to RPGs – it looked like a deep and complex game with stunning visuals and a gripping atmosphere. I had never heard of Dungeons & Dragons before this, and in hindsight Eye of the Beholder served as a wonderful entry point into that realm, not to mention other games like it.
The intro blew me away as it laid down the plot: a party of adventurers is sent to look for an evil presence within the city of Waterdeep, and told to start in the sewers. The game mesmerised me so much that I didn't stop to ask “Wait, sewers?” but was instead eager to start my adventure and see where it would take me.
Eye of the Beholder's character creation appeared both simple and complex at the same time, but it wasn't until much later that I realised why that was; the developers decided to merely use the AD&D rules as a guideline instead of wrapping the game in them. Turns out that half of the main stats are useless and many smaller rules are either ignored or hidden from the player.
The All-Seeing Eye)会提供自动地图帮助玩家,它同时还提供一些作弊选项和角色编辑功能。
If you're having difficulties, The All-Seeing Eye is an automapper for the first two Eye of the Beholder games, that also provides some cheats and a character editor.

The character system is presented as a full AD&D adaptation, but some stats and even classes are borderline useless.
回首过去,我可以想象到,当时的 RPG 核心玩家会很恼火,但对像我这样的新人来说则恰到好处。我按照手册指引创建了一个四人的混合小队,足以应对路上的任何危险,我也知道如果出了岔子,我还可以在游戏中招募两名额外的 NPC。
一旦游戏开始,玩家用不了多长时间就能沉浸在游戏的氛围里。角落里堆积着骸骨,发光的眼睛透过下水道的栅栏紧盯着我。除开标题界面,本作并没有任何的 BGM,只有环境里的声效会不时打破下水道里的寂静。在我检查好自己的装备,并开启了一道生锈的门之后,我面对面地遭遇了我的第一只怪物,它是一只眼里闪烁着邪恶光芒的小狗头人。我对用纯文本来描述所遭遇怪物的游戏已经十分熟悉了,但在本作中,怪物的形象首次映入我的眼帘——我正面对的是一只凶残的狗头人,而我必须迅速对他采取行动,毕竟,本作的战斗是即时制的。
起初我以为我的队伍永远不会遇见能交谈的 NPC,但当我清理完下水道后,我的这种想法很快就被证明是错的。尽管游戏里可互动的 NPC 只是一些刻有文字的墙,但有时我会被赋予一些选项,比如杀死一个受伤的侏儒或是拯救卓尔精灵(drow)领袖的性命......而任何的选择都不会产生长远的影响。
Looking back on that I can imagine that hardcore roleplayers would be miffed, but to a newcomer like myself it was perfect. I did as the manual suggested and created a mixed party of four characters that could deal with whatever dangers lay ahead, knowing that I could recruit two NPCs in-game if something went wrong.
Once the game starts it won't take long to get immersed in the game's atmosphere. Bare bones lie piled up in the corner and glowing eyes stare at me from a sewer grate. No music is played beyond the title screen, which left me only with environmental sounds to break the silence. After checking my gear and opening a rusty door I stood face-to-face with my first monster, a small kobold with a vicious glint in his eyes. I was familiar with games telling me in plain text what monsters I had run into, but here I saw firsthand that I was facing one murderous kobold, and that I had to act fast to deal with him as the game is real-time, after all.
The game's design firmly suggests that players figure things out for themselves. Except for a crude map of the starting levels, a compass in the UI and a few vague clues gleamed from the (mostly useless) manual, I was utterly on my own and trapped in a sewer. Even when I accidentally discovered that the game has hidden “Special Quests” I was mostly clueless as to how I found them. Not that I cared, I was having too much fun exploring.
At first I thought my party would never meet anyone to talk to, but I was quickly proven wrong after I cleared the sewers. NPC interactions are just walls of exposition text, but sometimes I was given a choice like slaying an injured dwarf or sparing the drow leader's life... not that any choices mattered in the long run.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明