吸血鬼很酷,但你知道什么更酷吗?赛博朋克背景下的吸血鬼。至少这就是 MicroProse 在开发《血网(血巢/ BloodNet)》时的想法。
游戏的背景很简单,你扮演生活在未来曼哈顿的私家侦探兰索姆· 史塔克(Ransom Stark)。一天晚上,他本想和一个可爱女孩调情,但进展不顺,最后以他被一只百岁的吸血鬼咬伤而收场。有趣的是,这只吸血鬼的名字叫亚伯拉罕· 范海辛(Abraham Van Helsing)[1] 。史塔克逃脱了,但不幸的是他正在逐渐变为一只完全体的吸血鬼。游戏的目标很简单,就是消灭范海辛,打破僵局,一劳永逸地摧毁吸血鬼病毒。游戏的主要风格和《暗影狂奔(Shadowrun)》类似,还带有一点《黑暗世界(World of Darkness)》的色彩。[2]
《血网》里有许多种技能属性:战斗、黑客、社交,以及和吸血鬼有关的能力。新队友的加入可以扩充你的动作面板。操控是通过点击来与广阔的环境和环境中微小的像素角色互动。画面不是很好看,部分转场动画还是用令人无法忍受的早期 3D 渲染技术制作的。你可以通过黑入赛博空间来到达“深坑(pits)”,也就是为了完成主要谜题或支线任务,通过输入特定的关键词才能到达的隐蔽区域。
Vampires are pretty cool, but you know what is cooler? Vampires in a cyberpunk setting. At least, that is what Microprose thought when they created BloodNet.
The premise is quite simple, you play as Ransom Stark, a private eye living in a futuristic Manhattan. One night's flirting with a cute girl ends up going south as he is bitten by a hundred-years-old vampire cleverly called Abraham Van Helsing. Stark escapes but is doomed to slowly turn into a fully fledged vampire. The objective of the game is simple: destroy Van Helsing and find the ultimate icebreaker to destroy once and for all the vampire “virus”. It's mostly Shadowrun with a touch of World of Darkness.
Being half-vampire, Stark has a humanity and a bloodlust pool. You must drink blood to keep the bloodlust under control, but you lose humanity when biting humans. The story and the dialogues are intriguing and usually well-done. Ransom is a funny character, the supporting cast is extremely colourful and the vampire/cyberpunk concept eventually grows on you.
BloodNet uses a lot of stats: combat, hacking, social but also vampire-related skills. Party members can be enrolled to expand your panel of actions. The controls are point-and-clicks with gigantic environments and very tiny pixelated characters evolving through them. It's not very good-looking and some cutscenes use those god awful old early 3D renders. You can also hack into the cyberspace to access “pits”, private sectors through specific keywords to solve major puzzles or reach sub-quests.
Combat is awful and badly explained. It's a basic turn-based system, but some stats don't make sense and others are useless. For example, initiative never works and damage ratings seem completely random.
《血网》的开场惊艳,前半段的表现渐入佳境,但它并没能真正成为一款有趣的游戏。结局有些虎头蛇尾,似乎为第二部埋下了伏笔。不幸的是,MicroProse 计划的续作《血网 2000(BloodNet 2000)》很快就被取消了。
It's just a mess and once you understand that only firearms and high-tech weapons are useful, you just save-scum and power your way through.
BloodNet starts with an interesting premise, develops it halfway but never truly succeeds in turning it into a fun game. The ending is also a copout and feels like a sequel-hook. Unfortunately for MicroProse, the planned sequel – BloodNet 2000 was quickly cancelled.

Besides the skill trees, there’s also a good amount of items for you to equip your characters, including unique weapons and armour.

其中一个 NPC 本尼·帕吉(Benny Puzzle)用填字游戏的方式说话,这里他主动提出要请你喝酒。
One of the characters,Benny Puzzle, speaks in crossword puzzles. Here, he's offering to buy you a drink.
1 译者注:亚伯拉罕·范海辛(Abraham Van Helsing),小说《德古拉》的人物,最著名的身份为吸血鬼猎人。
2 译者注:《暗影狂奔》,背景设定于未来赛博朋克世界的桌面角色扮演游戏,初版于1989年发行。《黑暗世界》,由白狼游戏公司(White Wolf Inc)于 1991 年出品的桌面角色扮演游戏。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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