Reality Pump, 2010
Windows, Mac, PS3 和 Xbox 360
Reality Pump, 2010
Windows, Mac, PS3 and Xbox 360

发售于 2007 年的第一部《两个世界(Two Worlds)》并不畅销,但一些粉丝仍然十分享受这款并非是《上古卷轴 4:湮灭(Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)》或《哥特王朝 3(Gothic 3)》的开放世界 RPG。即使游戏本身并不是多么出色,但它内容中的数个势力、庞大的世界、无职业分化的角色系统、古英文对话,以及起源自波兰的特点赋予了其独特的气质。
随后,一部名为《两个世界:诱惑(Two Worlds: The Temptaion)》的资料片被公布了,但在数年的延期之后它成为了一款完整的续作,并尴尬地被取名为《两个世界 2(Two Worlds II)》。如果只是扫一眼,这款游戏看上去像极了前作,但实际上很多内容都收获了改变。
虽然《两个世界 2》是一款开放世界游戏,但它的内容既不庞大也不丰富,并且进度大多数时候都被限制着。游戏中有一座用于教程的小岛和三块大陆,第一块被草原与中东风格小镇覆盖,第二块则充满了热带雨林与一座日式城市,最后一块的规模虽然在地图上看起来很惊人,但实际上可供游玩的空间却很小。
The first Two Worlds (2007) wasn't a critical hit, but some fans enjoyed having an alternative to Oblivion and Gothic 3 in open-world RPGs. Its multiple factions, huge world, classless character system, Old English dialogues and Polish origins gave it a distinctive flair, even if the game wasn't very good.
An expansion named Two Worlds: The Temptation was announced, but after years of delays it became a full sequel – awkwardly titled Two Worlds II. While at a glance it looks like the first game, a lot was changed.
The Old English writing was abandoned, as the hero now sports a deadpan attitude, with occasional snide remarks, self-aware jokes and bizarre situations adding humour. Graphics have been greatly upgraded, displaying flowing hair and cloaks, dense vegetations, reflections and object physics with such prominence that it seems like a (dated) tech demo sometimes.
While Two Worlds II is an open-world game, it isn't very big nor rich, and progression is often gated. There's a small introductory island, a large continent dominated by Savannah and Middle Eastern towns, a second continent with a Japanese-inspired city surrounded by tropical jungles, and a third continent that appears as a huge landmass on the map, but is actually quite small in playable areas.
《两个世界 2》有时会因为你的 PhysX 驱动程序导致无法运行。如果你遇到了任何问题,可以安装 Nvidia 的 PhysX legacy 驱动程序。
Two Worlds II can sometimes refuse to launch depending on your PhysX driver. If you're having any issues, install Nvidia's PhysX legacy driver.

《两个世界 2》的战斗内容非常不错,但其针对主机平台的设计将动作栏上的技能个数进行了限制,同一时间内只能拥有三个。
Two Worlds II combat is solid, but its console focus limits the number of abilities on the action bar to only three at a time.
尽管游戏中有数个支线任务,但本身流程并不长,全清玩家大概可以在 30 至 40 个钟头内完成所有的内容。不过本作真正吸引人的并不是这点,而是丰富的可玩内容。
这是一款即时动作类 RPG,拥有无职业分化的角色系统并提供了属于斗士(Fighter)、法师(Mage)和盗贼(Thief)的各式技能,以及一些战斗外的能力。战斗本身或许有些笨重,但还说得过去,物理引擎也提供了令人满足的绝佳打击感。
在旅途中你将会进行各种多样的活动,比如创造新的法术、赛马、航船、升级武器与装备、为服装染色、加入各式公会、在竞技场中角逐、探索地下城、演奏歌曲、挖矿、赌博、撬锁、行窃,又或是设下陷阱等。若是将内容都列出来,可以说一点都不输一些最优秀的开放世界 RPG,只不过这一切都被塞进了一款相较之下更短、发展更迅速的游戏里。
在这些内容之中,法术系统是最有特色的。《两个世界 2》需要玩家通过结合法术卡来创造所有的法术。结合一张属性卡(火、水、生命、冲击、荆棘等)与一张载体卡(飞弹、区域效果、召唤、图腾等),最后再选上一张变化卡(时间、伤害、防御、回归等)来完成组合。视你的等级,数张卡片可以被叠加以达到加强效果的目的,又或是将法术效果划分为 2 或 3 个不同的阶段。
举个例子,你可以通过结合火属性与飞弹来制造火球术。接着通过加入一张变化卡,就可以释放出数个火球并让它们在敌人之间反弹。然后,通过结合尸骸属性和附魔来让中招的敌人静止 4 秒钟。
While there are several side-quests, the game itself isn't very lengthy – a completionist can likely see everything in 30-40 hours. Instead, the real draw of Two Worlds II is the diversity of things to do.
The game is a real-time Action RPG, with a classless character system offering the usual Fighter/Mage/Thief abilities, plus a few non-combat skills. Combat is rather clunky but gets the job done, and the physics engine makes hits feel satisfying.
During your journey you'll create new spells, race horses, sail a boat, upgrade weapons and armour, dye your clothing, join guilds, battle in arenas, explore dungeons, play songs, mine, gamble, pick locks, pick pockets, set traps, etc. It's a feature list that rivals some of the best open-world RPGs, but packed into a much shorter and fast-moving game.
Among these features, the magic system stands out. Two Worlds II requires you to create all your spells by combining magic cards. You mix an effect card (Fire, Water, Life, Force, Thorns, etc.) with a carrier card (Missile, Area Effect, Summon, Totem, etc.) and then add modifier cards (Time, Damage, Defence, Homing, etc.). Depending on your level, you can stack several of these to strengthen their effect, or even make spells with two or three different phases.
For example, you mix Fire and Missile to make a Firebolt. Then you can add a modifier to make it split into more missiles and/or ricochet between enemies, plus add the Corpse card with the Enchant carrier to hold enemies still for four seconds after being hit.
It's an extremely interesting system, with all sorts of novel powers like resurrecting yourself or creating altars you can later instantly activate to heal or buff. And it ties well to the character progression, as buying more cards and levelling up your skill to mix more of them into a single spell is quite rewarding.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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