Valkyrie Studios, 1999
Windows, Linux 和 Mac
Valkyrie Studios, 1999
Windows, Linux and Mac

自从 1997 年《最终幻想 7(Final Fantasy VII)》大获成功,越来越多的厂商开始尝试对其模式进行效仿。像是《魔幻战士(Sudeki)》、《源毒(Anachronox)》、《银色幻想(Silver)》甚至是《指环王:第三纪元(Lord of The Rings: The Third Age)》都受到了日式角色扮演游戏(JRPG)的深远影响,但没有一款游戏可以像《创世传说:塞普特拉战记(Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator)》那样更进一步诠释“西方的《最终幻想 7》”。
她的冒险旅程完全遵循日式角色扮演游戏的固有套路(特别还是 PS1 时代的)。招募伙伴、造访异邦城镇、探索地下迷宫、在广阔的地表世界穿行,甚至到游戏后期能获得一艘允许你自由旅行的飞空艇。
战斗系统类似于《最终幻想》的 ATB[1] 系统,即角色要等待 ATB 槽直到他们能行动为止。ATB 槽分为三段,你的行动只会消耗一段,但多出的部分可以允许你发动更强大的攻击(与《最终幻想 13》中的功能类似)。糟心的是,游戏的战斗速度很慢,非常非常的慢。
With the success of Final Fantasy VII in 1997, it was expected that companies would try to imitate its formula. Sudeki, Anachronox, Silver and even Lord of The Rings: The Third Age had strong JRPG influences, but no game came closer to a “Western-made Final Fantasy VII” than Septerra Core.
The game is set on Septerra, a planet composed of seven layers, each with unique characteristics. You play as Maya, a scavenger from the second layer who saw her city destroyed by a general from the first layer.
Her adventures follow a decidedly JRPG-like formula (especially those of the PS1 era) of gathering companions, visiting exotic towns, exploring dungeons, travelling across a large overworld and even acquiring a late-game airship that allows you to travel freely.
That's not to say there's nothing new – Septerra features adventure game elements, with topic-based dialogues and puzzles that require you to combine items in your inventory. Some are fun, but others are poorly presented or require items that are very easy to miss.
Combat is similar to Final Fantasy's ATB system, where characters wait for a bar to charge so they can act. Here the bar is divided into three segments – you can act with just one segment, but more segments allow more powerful attacks (similar to what FFXIII would use). Sadly, combat is slow. Very, very slow.
However, what really exacerbates the flaws in both the combat and puzzles are the game's dungeons. They are massive, packed with enemies that respawn, and offer no challenge beyond pushing levers.
It combines terribly with the sluggish combat and confusing puzzles: some events can only be triggered by specific party members – going back to town to switch characters and returning can take a lot of time. And even if you know exactly what to do, you'll often be forced to cross the same dungeon multiple times.
All this stretches what could be a very enjoyable 20-30 hour game into almost 60 hours. To speed things up, you can cheat to instantly win battles (and honestly, I advise doing so) but, still, it's an endurance test.
Overall, Septerra Core is one of those games that those who found it in a bargain bin back then (and had nothing else to play) might have good memories of its flawed yet interesting story, but it's hard to justify spending so many hours on it today.

While the character's art feels like a poor emulation of the Japanese style, the pre-rendered backgrounds are nice and the game's dialogues are fully voiced.

Magic and Summons are cast by combining cards you find during the game. They require mana, which is shared between party members.
1 译者注:ATB 系统,ACTIVE TIME BATTLE 的缩写,即动态时间战斗系统。由 SQUARE 公司于 1991 年首次提出并引入《最终幻想 4(Final Fantasy IV)》中。其常见特征为有计算角色行动回合的“时间槽”。后被后世众多游戏引用并存在大量变体。文中游戏所采用的是消耗时间槽的变体 ATB 系统。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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