因为游戏考虑到了攻击的轨迹和高度,所以可以针对不同部位,或者更准来说是对不同的水平高度进行攻击。不幸的是攻击高度似乎成了这游戏的“阿喀琉斯之踵[1] ”。游戏的 AI 也是如此,虽然在一些方面表现得很棒,但就是不能对某些事做出正确理解。这种情况体现在方方面面,上至某些诡异的自动寻路,下至敌人与你仅隔两步之远却不会有丝毫察觉,再就是有的敌人会把它们所有的法术全都浪费在挡在玩家前面的障碍物上。
With its isometric perspective, real-time combat, simplistic character system and a cliché story about a Chosen One, it's easy to dismiss Soulbringer as a yet another Diablo-clone. You couldn't be further from the truth, however.
While combat is real-time, it isn't anywhere near the frantic click-fest you'd expect from an Action RPG. It actually strives for the very opposite – to make its melee combat as tactical as it can.
Each weapon has up to five possible attacks, that differ in a variety of areas like speed, reach, damage type, etc. You can also combine those attacks into combos, presumably tailored for different enemy types. In fact, you are encouraged to do so, as it's only while performing a combo that your character can dodge or parry. Attacks are also aimed at different body parts – or, more precisely, different height levels, as the game takes the attacks' trajectory and elevation into account.
Unfortunately, elevation seems to be the game's Achilles heel, as the AI, while quite competent in other areas, just can't understand it properly. This manifests in a variety of ways – from some very weird path-finding, to enemies not noticing you two steps from them, to other enemies wasting all their spells on a bump separating them from you.
Combat isn't the only area where Soulbringer tries to innovate. Its magic system has spells divided into five standard elements which have associated skills that grow with use. However, those skills provide you not with spell power, but with protection from said element – up to the point where enemy spells start to actually heal you. The trade-off is, of course, decreasing the skill with a subsequent element – water takes away from fire; fire from spirit; and so on.
《灵魂使者》在不那么创新的部分上发挥得也是相当稳定。游戏的故事有着精彩的展开而且很大程度上还是非线性的,就是有些老套还夹杂着一点标志性的法式幽默。关卡设计非常的优秀,有着大量的隐藏区域和分支岔路可供探索,还有类似冒险游戏的谜题。画面效果虽然已经落伍,但魄力依旧。所以你若能忽略掉这怪异的 AI,那你将会收获一段有趣且独特的角色扮演游戏体验。
In its less innovative areas Soulbringer is also quite solid. Its story is well-developed and fairly nonlinear, if somewhat cliché and not without a bit of signature French weirdness. Level design is competent, with plenty of nooks and crannies to explore and adventure-style puzzles to solve, and visuals, while obviously dated, are quite atmospheric. So if you're able to turn a blind eye to the AI quirks, you're in for a very enjoyable and unique RPG experience.

At the right of the screen there are eight slots where you can assign combos, even mixing spells and melee attacks.

The interface is over-designed and looks very confusing, but it's easy to use once you're used to it.
1 译者注:阿喀琉斯,古希腊神话中刀枪不入的英雄,却因其一只脚未能浸泡到冥河水,最终成为了让他殒命的关键弱点。英文中经常用于指代看似完美下的致命弱点。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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