受桌面战棋游戏《魔域对抗(Confrontation)》启发而来的《阿克拉什:传承(Aarklash: Legacy)》是一款高度策略化的可暂停即时战斗类 RPG。游戏的故事发生在一个战火四起的世界当中,大陆上的每个种族都为争夺霸主之位而兵戈相向。玩家将控制的是一群名为“轮剑”(Wheel Swords)的讨债佣兵团,他们被栽赃犯下了子虚乌有的罪行,因此需要通过战斗来揭露这个有辱他们名誉的阴谋。
有必要指出的是《阿克拉什:传承》在 RPG 元素方面的深入度欠佳。游戏中没有选择的机会和结果,关卡设计是线性的,而剧情和角色也只是达成结局的一种手段。游戏真正的亮点在于它灵活且复杂的战斗系统,它以兼具挑战性与趣味性的形式混合了多种游戏类型,但相对应的学习曲线则较长。
你的小队将由八位英雄中的四名角色的组成。经典的 MMO 铁三角——肉盾(Tank)、治疗(Healer)和输出(DPS)同样也适用于这里,但每个职能都被调整得很有趣,可高度自定义的同时能在多个方面发挥作用。
Inspired by the Confrontation desktop miniature game, Aarklash: Legacy is a highly tactical real-time-with-pause RPG. It's set in a world engulfed by war, with every race is fighting for supremacy of the continent. You control a group of debt collectors called Wheel Swords, who have been wrongly accused of crimes they did not commit and thus need to fight to reveal the conspiracy that threatens their order.
It must be said that Aarklash is not very deep in terms of RPG elements. There is no choice and consequence, level design is linear and the story and characters are but a means to an end. Where it really shines is in its smart and complex combat system, that mixes genres in challenging and interesting ways, with a relatively long learning curve.
Your party is composed of four characters from a panel of eight heroes. The standard MMO trinity – Tank, Healer, DPS – applies here, but each role has been tweaked to be interesting, highly customisable and useful in more ways than one.
Wendaroo for example, one of the two healers available, can heal and do damage – but won't regenerate mana. To keep healing the tank, he must steal life from other party members, potentially leaving them vulnerable. Every character plays with risk and reward, which makes each feel very unique and fun to play, making you think before every click.
Aarklash is entirely linear, pushing you across several maps with nothing but battles and some story bits. An advantage to this approach is that each encounter is handcrafted, without any trash mobs. Fights work like a puzzle, providing new challenges that keep the game fresh. Each enemy has its own active and passive skills which the player must learn how to react to. Knowing which enemy must be killed first is very important, and positioning is crucial.
《魔域对抗》是法国发行商 Rackham 于 1997 年发行的热门桌面战争游戏,该公司于 2010 年倒闭,不过 Cyanide 收购了这个 IP 并于 2012 年开发了该游戏的 PC 版,后来又开发了《阿克拉什:传承》。
Confrontation was a popular tabletop wargame released in 1997 by French publisher Rackham. The company closed in 2010, but Cyanide acquired
its IP to produce a PC version of the game in 2012 and, later, Aarklash.
《阿克拉什:传承》并非是一个类《暗黑破坏神》(Diablo)的“刷子游戏”,你甚至不能找到新的盔甲和武器,有的只是配饰。尽管这并不是一款重故事性或强调反应性的 RPG,但也不要因此就失去兴趣。虽然我起初并不看好《阿克拉什:传承》,但对于那些想要优秀的策略战斗且不介意它没有提供其他内容的玩家来说,《阿克拉什:传承》毫无疑问的是一块璞玉。
You'll have to micromanage all four of your characters, use buffs, debuffs, heal, silence enemies, increase defense, and so on. One wrong decision during battle – whether that be your positioning, focusing the wrong enemy first or mistimed ability – can and will kill you.
Still, every time I died I managed to understand exactly what I did wrong. It is tough, but fair.
Aarklash is not a Diablo-like loot fest – you won't even find new weapons or armour, only accessories. It's not an RPG with significant story or reactivity either, but don't let that turn you off. I didn't expect much going into it, but Aarklash: Legacy proved itself a hidden gem for those who want good tactical combat and don't mind the fact it doesn't offer much else.

对于《博德之门(Baldur’s Gate)》等游戏的粉丝来说可暂停即时战斗系统(RtwP)可谓是再熟悉不过了,但在这里需要的是相对来说更多的“微操”。
The RtwP combat will be familiar to fans of games like Baldur’s Gate, but it requires much more micromanaging.

每个英雄只有 4 种能力,并且不能更换装备,但他们可以通过技能树自定义成长,或随时与其他英雄相替换。
Each hero only has four abilities and can’t change their equipment, but they can be customised via a skill tree or just swapped anytime for other heroes.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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