不可控的胡言乱语是可行的攻击选项吗?一颗天体行星可以成为小队的成员吗?在 RPG 游戏中从事男性脱衣舞是可靠的收入来源吗?为什么一个西方游戏会是最优秀的日式 RPG 之一呢?玩了《源毒(Anachronox / 星际之门)》,上述的疑惑均会迎刃而解。
Ion Storm 工作室先后经历《大刀(Daikatana[1] )》的惨败以及《杀出重围(Deus Ex)》的巨大成功后发行了《源毒》,尽管本作是该工作室唯二(也是最后一款)的佳作,但《源毒》并未得到其应有的关注。由 Tom Hall 设计并指导的《源毒》是一款带有些许搞笑元素,以故事和角色驱动,着重于探险的 RPG,其中战斗的部分总会让人想起主机上同类型的日式游戏。
本作使用了“雷神之锤 2”(Quake II[2] )引擎进行开发,尽管该引擎在 2002 年早已过时,并且游戏的角色成长系统也没什么值得称道的地方,但不知为何,《源毒》却是我最为难忘的游戏体验之一。
Is uncontrollable babbling a viable combat option? Can a planetary object be a viable party member? Is male exotic dancing a reliable way to earn money in RPGs? How come one of the best Japanese RPGs was developed in the West? Play Anachronox and all of the above will be answered.
Released by Ion Storm studios right after Daikatana's massive failure and Deus Ex's huge critical success, Anachronox never got the attention it deserved, despite the fact that it's the second (and, sadly, last) great game developed by the studio. Designed and directed by Tom Hall, Anachronox is a story- and character-driven Adventure/RPG with a lot of humour, emphasis on exploration, and combat reminiscent of Japanese console RPGs.
The game was built on the Quake II engine, which was already outdated by 2002 and the character progression system is nothing to write home about, yet somehow Anachronox is one of my most memorable experiences in gaming.
Why is that, you ask? Because interacting with the world and its various characters is nothing short of delightful.
《源毒》的叙事非常有吸引力,以至后来其电影导演 Jake Hughes 将游戏所有的过场动画编辑成一部两小时的电影,并命名为《源毒大电影(Anachronox: the movie)》
Anachronox has such striking storytelling that its cinematic director, Jake Hughes, later edited all the game's cutscenes into a two-hour machinima movie, named Anachronox: The Movie.

Customising your characters comes down to the use of accessories and, more importantly, equipping MysTech, which provides unique and powerful abilities.
你将扮演西尔韦斯特“希尔博特斯”布切利(Sylvester “Sly Boots”Bucelli[3] ),曾经的他是名炙手可热的私家侦探,如今却是个欠了当地黑帮老大一屁股债的倒霉酒鬼。他仅剩的朋友是他已过世的秘书(已被数字化成飞行助手,并且也是用户界面的一部分)以及一个没了电池的机器人死党。
As soon as I entered the universe of Anachronox I was swept into an unforgettable cyberpunk world, where danger, action and humour go hand-in-hand. The presentation and art direction are excellent. Areas ooze with atmosphere and variety. The camera work is exceptional and certainly groundbreaking for the time, while the moody electronic music offers some really memorable tracks.
You play as Sylvester “Sly Boots” Bucelli, once a hotshot PI, now a down-on-his-luck drunkard, owing a big debt to the local crime lord. His only companions are his deceased secretary (digitised into a flying assistant, which also doubles as part of the UI) and a robotic sidekick without batteries.
Trying to find a job worthy of his deductive skills (and to prove that he's more than just a bum with a storage space for an office) he stumbles upon the elusive MysTech, a technology left behind by an ancient alien race. Along the way, Sly will meet a grumpy old man, a heretic scientist, an old flame, an alcoholic ex-hero and other, even more exotic characters.
The writing is brilliant, with enough science-fiction discussions to spur my curiosity about the theories mentioned. More importantly, Anachronox is one of the funniest games ever created, but it knows when to break the chuckles up with its fair share of heart-wrenching tragedy. The game's biggest accomplishment is that it manages to strike a sublime balance between humour, cyberpunk-noir intrigue, and dramatic space opera.
From the start you feel part of a grand space adventure, where even the most improbable people and places are believable. The depth of the characters and lore are remarkable, especially for a game that at the same time manages to make you chuckle or laugh out loud every two minutes or so.
1 译者注:《大刀》(Daikatana),Ion Storm 于 2000 年在 PC、N64 平台上发售的第一人称动作射击游戏。
2 译者注:经典 FPS 游戏《雷神之锤 2》(Quake II)所使用的同名引擎。
3 译者注:Sylvester “Sly Boots” Bucelli,主角的名字,其中“Sly Boots”既是主角的中间名也是绰号,直译过来是“狡猾的靴子”也有爱耍滑头的意思,由于后文原作者以“Sly”来称呼主角,故而当中间名处理采用音译。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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