Synergistic Software, 1996
Synergistic Software, 1996

天赋神权:戈尔贡联盟(Birthright: The Gorgon’s Alliance)是一款基于《天赋神权》这一名不见经传的《高阶龙与地下城(AD&D)》战役设定,充满了野心的混合类型游戏。这款游戏由三个大相径庭的部分组成,包括:一张用于管理王国的主策略图、军队之间的实时战斗与提供迷宫探索的“探险模式”。
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance is an ambitious hybrid game based on the obscure Birthright AD&D campaign setting. The game consists of three distinct segments: the main strategy map where you control your kingdom, real-time battles between armies and a dungeon-crawling “adventure mode”.
While marketing focused on the battles and RPG elements, those were by far the most disappointing aspects of Birthright and doomed it to being forgotten.
《天赋神权》是由 Rich Baker 和 Colin McComb 打造的战役设定,于 1995 年发行。其内容是围绕着拥有神力的血脉展开的,它可以帮助英雄们统治王国。
The Birthright campaign setting was released in 1995, designed by Rich Baker and Colin McComb. It was built around the concept of bloodlines having divine powers that help heroes to rule kingdoms.

The army battles are very limited. Even Wizards and Clerics don't do much besides casting damage spells.

The strategy segment is the saving grace of Birthright. You can choose to play with all the complex rules and features or in an easier, lite version.
当军队在战场上相遇时,游戏将转换到限制较多的战斗模式。你只可以派出军队中的一小部分参与战斗,保留剩余的兵力用以替换受损的单位。战争双方的行动被限制在一张 5x3 的地图上,大大限制了施展策略的空间。
在探险模式中,你将在一个 3D 的第一人称小队模式下操作你的摄政王与中尉们[1] 深入地牢之中。这个部分虽然参考了《高阶龙与地下城》的规则,但是游戏性上还是不尽如人意。你能选择的单位只有几个预先设定好的英雄,并且无法做出多少个性化的调整。战斗过程本身可以是实时或者回合制的,但体验都不太行。更别提那个所谓“电影模式”的镜头了,常常会在为了展示角色战斗而移动的过程中被卡住,导致玩家难以分辨两种不同的战斗模式。但关卡设计还说得过去,每一张地图都被塞满了各式隐藏要素,玩家找到的时候或许还会稍微感到满足。
The biggest and most important part of the game is the grand strategy map, where you'll choose one of 18 available kingdoms and lead it to victory against the Gorgon invasion. This part is actually very well done and complex, as you get various options such as building fortifications, casting global magic, building trade routes and conducting espionage, allowing the player to choose his own playstyle.
When armies clash, you go to the rather limited battle segment. You can field only a small part of your army, leaving the rest in reserve to replace damaged units. And both sides can only move units in a small 5x3 grid, which leaves little room for any real tactics.
In the adventure segments, your regent and his lieutenants go delving in dungeons after relics in a 3D first-person blobber. Mechanic-wise this part is rather shallow – despite using the AD&D ruleset, you are limited to premade heroes and can't customise them much. The combat itself can be played in either real-time or turn-based mode, but both are poorly done. They are also confusing, thanks to a “cinematic” camera that pans out to show the characters fighting, which often results in said camera getting stuck. The redeeming part is the level design, as maps are filled with secrets that are quite rewarding to find.
Birthright also offers multiple paths to victory, tough conquest, diplomacy, economy, magic and/or acquiring relics. Everything you and other regents do generates victory points and every few turns the game shows the progress of all factions.
It's easy to see why this game was both a commercial and a critical failure – the adventures are frustrating, battles are underwhelming and the strategy part is overwhelming. As such, those looking for an RPG should stay away, but strategy fans might find Birthright worth playing.
1 译者注:指玩家所选的王国。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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