Al Escudero 与 David Wong,1987
Apple II 以及 C64
Al Escudero and David Wong, 1987
Apple II and C64

有人说,《巫术 4》是最恨玩家的 RPG。其他人——那些对巫术这种主流的东西嗤之以鼻的“高玩”——则可能会认为是《死亡领主(Deathlord)》。
结合《创世纪》自上而下的探索和巫术般的战斗系统,《死亡领主》发生在一个东方幻想世界里,所有东西都有日本名字。因此,死亡领主可以让您扮演 Toshi 和 Obake,Mahotsukai 和 Ronin。(奇怪的日文名字)
Some say Wizardry IV is the RPG that hates you the most. Others – the more elitist types who snicker at something as mainstream as Wizardry – might name Deathlord instead.
Combining Ultima's top-down exploration with a Wizardry-like combat system, Deathlord takes place in an Oriental fantasy world with Japanese names for everything. As a result, Deathlord lets you play a Toshi and an Obake, a Mahotsukai and a Ronin.
《死亡领主》最初受到北欧神话的启发,但在发行前五周,Electronic Arts 要求开发者将其更改为日本设定。
Deathlord was originally inspired by Norse mythology, but five weeks before release Electronic Arts demanded that it was changed into a Japanese setting.

Exploration and battles are all shown in an Ultima-like top-down view, but the combat system is actually very similar to Wizardry.

除非你精通日语,否则你需要看说明书来了解种族、等级和咒语。例如,Yabanjin 是一种野蛮人。
Unless you're well-versed in Japanese, you'll need the manual to understand the races, classes and spells. Yabanjin, for example, is a kind of Barbarian.
游戏一共有 8 个种族和 16 个职业,包括 4 个法师职业,每个职业都有独特的技能。每升一级都会给你带来显著的力量提升,让你可以勇敢面对以前不敢涉足的领域。
《死亡领主》的十七大洲和群岛,有很多值得一游的地方。这个巨大的世界有时可能会让人感觉太过空旷,但地点设计却是一贯的好。它们有陷阱、线索和秘密可寻。许多地方通过周围的环境和居住在其中的 NPC 展示了更多的东西,而不是明确地告诉大家,比如对德蒙古尔堡和马尔坎特(恶魔的火山城)之间永恒而又不稳定的对立进行了精妙的描绘。
There are eight races and 16 classes, including four Mage classes, each with its own compelling set of spells. The character system is solid, and every level-up brings you a significant increase in power, allowing you to brave areas you previously would not dare to.
And with Deathlord's 17 continents and archipelagos, there are a lot of areas to brave. This huge world may feel too empty at times, but the locations are consistently good. They have traps, clues, and secrets to find. Many show more than they explicitly tell, by way of their surroundings and the NPCs that inhabit them, such as the masterful portrayal of the eternal yet unstable opposition between Fort Demonguard and Malkanth, the volcanic city of demons.
There are no quest objectives, or quests at all. There is only the starting clue that Deathlord, the game's villain, gives you. Further clues are obscure and difficult to find. There are some places, such as prisons or private residences, that you cannot simply enter; you can only break into them, with the consequence of angering on the entire town's guard.
However, you might learn something valuable if you do take the risk – all the greater given the game's “permadeath” save system with only one, automatically overwritten slot.
The ingenuity of Deathlord's design is to make its blend of Ultima exploration and Wizardry combat flow really well despite the difficulties involved in bringing traditional dungeon hazards – chutes, secret doors, teleporters, etc. – over to a top-down perspective. Most dungeons have a unique theme, and are as unforgiving as they are inventive. You will not make it far without mapping them out, and some secrets are only noticeable if you study the map.
To an enthusiastic dungeon crawler, Deathlord is one of the ultimate games.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明