3D People, 2004
Windows 和 Mac
3D People, 2004
Windows and Mac

祭典:异教王国(Kult: Heretic Kingdoms)[1] 源于 3D People 工作室开发的一款等距 ARPG,为了在 21 世纪早期大量的“类暗黑破坏神”(Diablo clones)游戏中脱颖而出,他们与一家名为 International Hobo 的游戏编剧与设计顾问公司进行了合作。
在游戏刻画的世界里,有一位上古英雄曾经弑神——这很明显受到了 Michael Moorcock[2] 的影响。这位英雄的剑刃被注入了神力,他的一位后裔用它征服了这片土地,实行残酷的神权统治,最后被人们拉下了王座。为了避免新的神权独裁者的出现,这把武器被藏了起来,宗教裁判所应运而生,力图摧毁任何可能威胁人类的宗教。
《祭典》拥有很棒的世界观,游戏中所有的任务和 NPC 都有着合理的动机。你会听闻来自邻国的难民、部落的种姓制度以及逃离奴隶制的妓女等等。
但所有的优点都掩盖不了它是一款很糟糕的 ARPG 的事实。战斗缓慢、乏味且极度不平衡(有的技能单纯是烂透了),地图设计很差,怪物几乎没有技能或特殊能力——哪怕是 boss 也只会向你直直冲过来。
技能系统类似于一些 JRPG,如果使用一件装备的次数足够多,你就可以学会一个新技能。遗憾的是,大多数技能都是无趣的被动增益,魔法本来就没几个,还都是自动释放,所以整个游戏你都只在用右键点击敌人。
Kult: Heretic Kingdoms (aka Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition in the US) began with 3D People developing an isometric Action RPG. To stand out among the many “Diablo clones” of the early 2000s, they partnered with International Hobo, a game writing and design consultancy company.
This little backstory seems key to understanding why Kult feels like two different games inside one.
Clearly influenced by Michael Moorcock, it tells of a world where an ancient hero killed God. His blade became infused with god-like powers, and later one of his descendants used it to conquer the land, imposing a brutal theocracy. He was eventually defeated, and to stop another theocrat from rising, the sword was hidden and an Inquisition was formed, seeking to destroy all religions that might grow to oppress humanity.
You play as Alita, an apprentice to the High Inquisitor – but also a descendant of the ancient hero's bloodline. During your adventures you'll learn more about these past events, of your own order and of those seeking to resurrect God, in a morally ambiguous tale with multiple endings (based on a last-minute choice).
Kult also has great world-building, with all quests and NPCs having their own reasonable motivations. You'll hear about refugees from neighbouring countries, tribal caste systems, prostitutes fleeing slavery, etc.
What dooms Kult is that all this is trapped inside a very poor Action RPG. Combat is slow, tedious and extremely unbalanced (some skills are plain broken), map design is poor and monsters barely have any skills or abilities – even the bosses just run at you.
The skill system is similar to some JRPGs, where each equipment piece can teach a new skill if you use it enough. Sadly, most skills are dull passive bonuses and the few magic spells are all automatically cast, so you'll just right-click on enemies the whole game.
2014 年,《祭典》有了一款出人意料的续作:《暗影:异教王国(Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms)》,这是一款设定在相同世界的小队制 ARPG。
Kult got an unexpected sequel in 2014 with Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms, a party-based Action RPG set in the same world.
《祭典》是一款自相矛盾的游戏——有时你像是在玩一款破产版的《暗黑破坏神》,有时你却会探索满是 NPC 的大城市,揭示过去的秘密,在一场盗贼的派系战争中选边站队,几乎不用杀人。
好消息是,《祭典》的流程很短(6–8 小时),不会让你对它失去耐性。基于此,这款游戏还是值得一玩——在你厌烦它的缺点之前,你大概率会爱上它的优点的。
Kult is a game in conflict with itself – at one point you'll be playing a low budget Diablo clone; at another you'll be exploring a large city full of NPCs, uncovering secrets of the past and taking sides in a faction war between thieves, with barely any killing involved.
The good news is that Kult is short (6-8 hours), and doesn't overstay its welcome. As such, it's worth giving it a chance – you'll likely enjoy most of its good parts before tiring of the bad ones.

You learn new skills from equipped gear, but they might have special requirements, such as using a fire-based weapon and no armour.

Your character can freely shift into a shadow version of the current area, meeting ghosts and battling demons for XP and skill bonus.
1 美版叫做《异教王国:宗教裁判所(Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition)》。
2 译者注,Michael Moorcock(1939-),英国科幻小说作家,代表作《看这个人(Behold the man)》、《剑之三部曲(The Swords Trilogy)》等,在《剑之三部曲》的结尾,失落之神 Kwll 为了人类命运的解放,消灭了所有的混沌之神和秩序之神。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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