Obsidian Entertainment, 2004
Windows, Mac, Linux 和 Xbox*
Obsidian Entertainment, 2004
Windows, Mac, Linux and Xbox*

当 Interplay 在 2003 年关闭 Black Isle Studios 时,Feargus Urquhart 集合了一批资深开发者组建起了 Obsidian Entertainment。他们随后利用和 BioWare 之间的关系争取到了为新近发售的《星球大战:旧共和国武士(Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)》开发续作的机会。在地板被电缆堆得无处立足的屋子里,Chris Avellone 的团队和截止日期进行了一场惊心动魄的战斗,最终他们胜利了,为我们献上了一份真正的杰作。
《西斯领主(The Sith Lords)》发生在前作的几年后。西斯改变了策略,转而从阴影中发起攻击,而此时共和国正摇摇欲坠,绝地武士们或是死亡或是藏匿了起来。在这个危急背景之下,玩家需要扮演一名丧失了与原力(the Force)间联系的绝地流放者(Jedi exile)。
When Interplay closed Black Isle Studios in 2003, Feargus Urquhart teamed up with a few veteran developers to form Obsidian Entertaiment. They then used their connections with BioWare to secure rights to produce a sequel for the recently released Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Constantly stumbling on cables which took over most of the floor and waging a treacherous battle against deadlines, Chris Avellone's team emerged victorious, giving us a true masterpiece.
The Sith Lords takes places a few years after its predecessor. The Sith had changed tactics and are now attacking from shadows, while the Republic is crumbling and the Jedi are either dead or in hiding. In this grim scenario, players assume the role of a Jedi exile, who has lost its connection to the Force.
Presenting rich personal stories and a mature narrative enchanted with some great writing and deep characters, The Sith Lords vastly outshines its prequel. Carefully crafted, its charismatic villains, memorable dialogues and dark setting are all accompanied by an elaborate deconstruction of the Star Wars universe.
* 《西斯领主》最初仅在 Xbox 和 PC 平台发布,但 2015 年 Aspyr Media 开发了官方的 Mac 和 Linux 移植版,并发布了支持 Steam 创意工坊的补丁。
*The Sith Lords was originally released only for the Xbox and PC, but Aspyr Media developed official Mac and Linux ports in 2015, together with a patch adding Steam Workshop support.

The Sith Lords introduces lightsaber and Force forms, allowing you to drastically change your fighting stance to best counter a foe.
无可争议,《旧共和国武士 2》最大的成就就是科瑞娅(Kreia)这名角色,以及她对于《星球大战》宇宙的独特见解。科瑞娅曾经是一名绝地武士,而现在她是主角的导师。她对于原力的本质有一种非常独特而有趣的观点,同时也有出于好意但值得商榷的道德观。
在科瑞娅看来,“原力的意志”(the will of the Force)否定了个人选择的意义,同时“原力的平衡”(the balance of the Force)也让光明面(Light Side)与黑暗面(Dark Side)之间永无止尽的斗争变得毫无意义,而且没有任何一方是赢家。即使是通过最伟大的牺牲所成就的最伟大的善也会白废,因为最终会产生出一个更大的恶,这样才能达成平衡。善行最终都会消逝,但是善行的副作用、死亡与痛苦都会存留下来,最终的计数永远都是负分。
这里我们必须带着极大的敬意提到科瑞娅的配音演员,Sarah Kestelman。她完成了极为出色的工作,缺少了她的配音演出的话,人们对这个角色的喜爱程度可以说至少会减少一半。她能够表现出最为隐秘的情绪暗示,如同魔法一般令念出的每一句台词都具有深意。她精妙绝伦的演出证明了配音表演可以成为一门艺术,不仅大部分(假如不是全部的话)电子游戏配音无法望其项背,就连很多电影和动画的配音演员都无法达到这样的高度。
Chris Avellone 对《星球大战》宇宙奠基概念的质问诞生出了科瑞娅,简单地说,这是电子游戏历史上最出色的角色之一,单单这一点就足够让人去玩一遍《西斯领主》了。
Indisputably, KotOR2's greatest achievement is the character of Kreia and her unique perspective on the Star Wars universe. A former Jedi, now acting as the protagonist's mentor, she shares very original and interesting opinions on the nature of the Force, alongside with a questionable, but well-intentioned morality.
For her, not only does the concept of “the will of the Force” negate any notion of personal choice, but “the balance of the Force” makes the everlasting Light Side versus Dark Side conflict completely meaningless and unwinnable. Even the greatest good, achieved by the greatest sacrifices will go to waste because eventually a greater evil will have to emerge so the balance may be preserved. Any goodness done would go away, but its side effects, deaths and suffering will stay, so the final score would always be negative.
Therefore, the Force influence on all living things is negative, and the “good versus evil” battle brings only destruction on an immense scale. Kreia expresses a mix of Nietzschean/Spencerian morality, has strong opinions on everything and loves manipulating people to do her bidding.
Her voice actress, Sarah Kestelman, should also be mentioned with great reverence due to her truly outstanding work, without which the character wouldn't be half as endearing. She can pull of even the subtlest hints of emotions, enchanting and expanding the meaning of every spoken line. Her majestic performance shows that voice acting can be an art, as her work is head and shoulders above not only most – if not all – video games out there, but movie and animation voice actors as well.
Kreia, born from Chris Avellone questioning the founding concepts of Star Wars universe, is – simply put – one of the best video game characters of all time, and more than enough reason to play The Sith Lords.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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