伊洛纳(Elona)是《奈菲亚之永恒盟约(Eternal League of Nefia)》的简称,是一款免费的日式 roguelike 游戏,具有相当反传统的设计——例如其开放世界的性质和并非永久死亡的设定。
大多数典型的 roguelike 游戏都是在探索一个独立的随机生成的地牢,如果你死了就得从头开始[1] 。《伊洛纳》则反其道而行之,希望玩家能在一个存档上坚持几十个甚至几百个小时。
乍一看,《伊洛纳》像是衍生的同人作品。许多机制都借鉴于《神秘古域(ADOM)》,它使用的美术资源也直接来源于《RPG 制作大师(RPG Maker)》[2] 和《地城探宝:石头汤(Stone Soup)》。游戏的基调也不甚严肃,里面有来自《异形(Aliens)》的破胸者(chest-busters),有来自《生化奇兵(BioShock)》的大老爹(Big Daddies),甚至还有类似精灵球(Pokéball)的道具用于捕捉怪物。但在表象之下,这款游戏有着不可否认的复杂性。
虽然游戏的对话可选项屈指可数,但它的角色扮演选项丰富性却远远超出了几乎所有现代奇幻 RPG 游戏所沿用的“近战、远程或魔法”这一典型模式。
举个例子,你完全可以专注于培养魅力(Charisma)属性。这样的角色可以作为音乐家在城镇间巡回演出,以这种方式赚钱。他们甚至不需要战斗——通常可以逃跑,而且高魅力也意味着能招募更多的佣兵[3] 。对旅行音乐家的生活不感兴趣?魅力也会让你在旅行经商甚至是出卖肉体时获得更高的报酬。
Elona, short for “Eternal League of Nefia”, is a free Japanese roguelike with rather unconventional design choices – such as its open-world nature and the fact that death is not permanent.
Most typical roguelikes are about exploring a single self-contained randomly generated dungeon, restarting from the beginning if you die. Elona, on the other hand, counts on the player holding on to one save file for dozens, or even hundreds of hours.
At first sight, Elona may look derivative. Many mechanics were borrowed from ADOM and it uses art assets taken directly from RPG Maker and Stone Soup. It also has a less serious tone, with chest-busters from Aliens, Big Daddies from BioShock and even Pokéball-like items you can use to capture monsters. But there's an undeniable complexity underneath it.
While the game is pretty sparse when it comes to dialogue choices, its role-playing options go far beyond the typical “melee, ranged or magic” tropes seen in nearly every modern fantasy RPG.
For example, it's perfectly viable to play focusing on Charisma. Such characters may roam from town to town performing as a musician and earning money that way. They don't even necessarily have to do battle – it's often possible to run away, but high Charisma also means a greater capacity to employ hired mercenaries. Not interested in the life of a travelling musician? Charisma also makes it easier to get paid as a travelling merchant, or even a prostitute.
The game provides so many varied mechanics, random dungeons and side-quests that it's very easy to get distracted from the main quest and pursue other interests. A player might run a farm, build a shop or even set up a museum. Investments can be made, but bills need to be paid every month. There are also allies and monsters you can recruit – or marry – or breed!
游戏作者 Noa 此后转而从事新游戏的开发工作,不过他将《伊洛纳》的源代码公开了,由此催生了许多新版本。其中最受欢迎的是Elona+。Elona+ 仅支持日文,但有一个英文衍生版,叫做Elona Custom(Elona+ 由同样来自日本的 Ano 犬开发,在原作的基础上增加了更多剧情和玩法)。
Noa moved on to work on a new game but made Elona's source code available, leading to new versions. The most popular is Elona+, which is Japanese-only but has an English derivation called Elona Custom.
此外,一些突发事件能够完全改变你的游戏体验,比如危险的风[4] 引发的变异,或者有某个小镇被外星人入侵。这些事件能给你带来紧急任务或者不可预测的新能力。
沙盒式的设计方法、非永久死亡、16 位 JRPG 风格的画面和手柄支持,这些都使《伊洛纳》有着与其他 roguelike 游戏相比截然不同的吸引力。而且它还有着足够的自由度、深度和挑战性,可以让大多数 RPG 爱好者感到满意。
Moreover, sudden events like being affected by a dangerous mutagenic wind or having a town infested by aliens can completely alter your game, enforcing urgent objectives or unpredictable new powers.
This sandbox approach, the lack of permadeath, its 16-bit JRPG-like graphics and controller support all give Elona a very different appeal from other roguelikes, but there's more than enough freedom, depth and challenge here to please most RPG fans.

在某些地方我们可以感受到这款游戏与日系 RPG 的渊源:在游戏早期你可以选择一只猫、狗、熊或少女作为“宠物”。在 Elona+ 或 Elona Custom 中,你甚至可以让少女进化。
Its Japanese origins are felt: early on you can get a cat, dog, bear or little girl as a “pet”. In Elona+/Custom you can even evolve the girl.

《伊洛纳》涵盖了 10 个职业和 11 个种族,以及一些能力属性和特质,可选角色从巫妖魔战士(Lich Warmage)到妖精钢琴师(Fairy Pianist)一应俱全。
Elona offers ten classes and 11 races, as well as several traits and feats, allowing for characters that can range from a Lich Warmage to a Fairy Pianist.
1 译者注:传统 roguelike 的定义是在 2008 年于柏林举办的第一届 roguelike 游戏开发大会上提出的,会议上明确了 roguelike 游戏应该包含的各种要素,通常称为柏林准则。
2 译者注:RPG Maker 是一款知名的 RPG 游戏制作工具,发行至今已经推出了多个版本,旨在让不懂程序设计的玩家也能参与创造 RPG 游戏。
3 译者注:《伊洛纳》中可携带的伙伴上限由魅力值决定,原文中只提到了“employ hired mercenaries”,但除了雇佣以外,还有通过精灵球捕捉或者向神像祈祷等多种方式可以获得队友。
4 译者注:游戏中的名称是“以太之风”,玩家的角色长时间暴露在以太之风中会导致身体出现变异,继而获得各种或好或坏的能力。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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