辉光翼战记:天空的弓娜(Yumina: The Ethereal)可谓是完美诠释了什么叫 PC 特供的 JRPG。与《最终幻想(Final Fantasy)》等热门主机游戏截然不同,这类游戏往往专注于小众市场,通常会融入视觉小说化的叙事形式、富有挑战性的战斗以及复杂的游戏机制,还会带些色情元素。
不过抛开这些刻板印象不谈,《辉光翼战记:天空的弓娜 》是一款出色的 RPG,该作有着精巧的游戏机制并且巧妙地在 3D 背景中使用了 2D 精灵图。
Yumina the Ethereal is a perfect example of modern PC-exclusive JRPGs. Very different from popular console titles like Final Fantasy, these are focused on a niche market, usually mixing Visual Novel storytelling with challenging battles and complex mechanics – plus erotic scenes.
But leave prejudice aside – Yumina is above all a great, polished RPG, with clever mechanics and artful use of 3D backgrounds with 2D sprites.
《辉光翼战记:天空的弓那》于 2013 年由 JAST USA 翻译成了英文版。该游戏的资料片和续作已在日本发售。
Yumina was localised into English by JAST USA in 2013. An expansion and a sequel have since been released in Japan.

Yumina packs several unique mechanics, stats, equipment, skills and systems. It’s intimidating at first, but very logical and robust once mastered.

As the game progresses, its gameplay expands, adding daily schedules, affinities and even first-person dungeons full of monsters.
《辉光翼战记:天空的弓娜》并不适合所有人,因为很少有人能忍得了这游戏动画风格的美术、不着边际的剧情、复杂的系统以及令人尴尬的色情画面。但那些尝试过的人(有一个 demo 版)则会发现它有别于其他 RPG 游戏,是一款内容丰富并且充满挑战的游戏。
The plot starts (but doesn't stay) simple: to avoid failing in school, Yumina needs to become the next Student Council President, so that she can change the school rules. For this, she must win the Election War. It's all told through a typical Visual Novel style, with humorous but long, overwritten dialogues. Thankfully they can be skipped if you only care for the battles.
Indeed, the Election War is quite literal. You'll have to win “debates” that are in fact turn-based battles, with rivals shouting arguments – such as “Standardised testing is pointless!” – each time they attack. You control four characters, their available skills defined by their position: the front “debater” usually attacks directly, while the three others act as support, using skills as “counter-arguments” to the actions of your front character and his foes.
In a very interesting mechanic, the mana pool is shared between friends and foes. It's locked at 100, but divided into four colours. Using red abilities, for example, reduces the percentage of red mana in the pool and increases other colours. Managing mana through skills, formation changes and special items is the key to battles, as characters can't use their skills if there isn't enough of their corresponding mana.
The game has various routes, leading to vastly different endings and final battles. Each time you finish the game, you're offered the chance to play again in a New Game+ mode, keeping your stats and items, but also increasing the difficulty. Beat all three routes and you'll unlock the fourth route – a final challenge leading to the “True Ending”.
Yumina is not for everyone. Few will stand the anime-style art, insane plot, complex systems and the presence of awkward hentai scenes. But those who try it (there's a demo) will discover a challenging game, packed with content and unlike any other RPG.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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