2001 年,《哥特王朝(Gothic)》横空出世。在我看来,该作为“单人远足模拟器”类游戏(即 Piranha Bytes 式 RPG 游戏)立下新的标杆。有趣的是,发售之初,开发者甚至没给这款游戏打上“RPG 游戏”这个标签。
《哥特王朝》刚发售就显得与众不同,让人眼前一亮。具体为何,我们必须先从游戏的设定和叙事聊起。如果非要用一句话概括这款游戏,那就是:“手持七尺剑,逃离大纽约”[1] 。主角是个无名小卒,之所以不知名讳,是因为他根本没有自我介绍的机会。游戏开局,主角被关进一处戒备森严的殖民地矿场,这里只有一个出口,四周都设有魔法屏障。之前,这里的囚犯发起暴动,占领了这家矿场。在这里,一群守卫把主角揍得半死不活(美其名曰“洗礼”),而后扔下他一人自生自灭。[2]
Gothic came literally out of nowhere in 2001, and, in my view, set a whole new standard for single-character hiking simulators, aka “The Piranha Bytes RPG”. Funny how the developers didn't even label it as an RPG at its release.
When talking about why Gothic was something fresh and unique when it was published, it's definitely important to start with the setting and story, since it's essentially “Escape from New York... with swords!”. You're just a bloke, who's nameless for all intents and purposes because nobody even lets you introduce yourself. You're thrown into a prison mining colony surrounded by a one-way-entry forcefield, where the prisoners managed to rebel and take over the whole establishment. After that, you are beaten senseless (“baptised”) by a bunch of guards and left on your own.
The premise in Gothic is a very good hook because it presents a mix of low-key matters with a fairly unique setting. It also manages to uphold that to the end, as even though bigger and more fantastical events start happening, your character's only motivation is basically to get the hell out of the colony.
无须安装任何模组,《哥特王朝》就能支持宽屏分辨率,不过你要在游戏 .ini
Gothic supports widescreen resolutions without the need for mods, but you must set it directly in the game's .ini

Combat is quick and deadly. You can perform front, left and right attacks or block. A trained fighter can also chain attacks together.
游戏台词呈现出两种鲜明的风格——此后,Piranha Bytes 也一直秉持这一特点——要么粗话连篇,要么奇幻味儿十足。这是因为冒险旅途中,玩家会遇到形形色色的人物,一方面,这些人物都是 RPG 游戏的常客——自视甚高的法师、残忍粗暴的恶棍,傻乎乎的苦力;但另一方面,这些角色又活灵活现,让人捧腹。
想要在这里脱颖而出,关键在于快速搜罗一身好装备,请求周围 NPC 为你提供训练,掌握游戏的战斗机制。在我看来,本作的战斗机制在动作类 RPG 游戏里数一数二。一开始,你可能觉得《哥特王朝》的战斗手感笨拙、反馈迟钝,但只要上手,每每遭遇强敌,战斗都显得格外惊险刺激,一着不慎就会身死道消。敌人不同,战斗方式也大相径庭,你必须见机行事,采取针对性战术,才能克敌制胜。
The general writing style, which would stick with Piranha Bytes henceforth, also emphasised the dichotomy between the vulgar and the fantastical very well, as you'd be coming across various really colourful characters, who are, on the one hand, rather typical pompous mages, brutal thugs, dumb peons -, but on the other, extremely believable and amusing.
But Gothic's biggest strength was not just showing you this strange prison colony, but also letting you visit its every nook and cranny. The world of Gothic was simply massive, as well as beautiful, with tons of places to check out, beasts to murder, secret caverns to penetrate and ancient tombs to raid. And above all, it was handcrafted, full of verticality and almost without barriers, so you could just go off and explore whatever you wanted – provided you could survive.
And that was where Gothic was tricky, because surviving was a lot harder than in most games. You know it isn't fooling around when your first opponent is a turkey that can horribly murder you in a few hits. And it was this ridiculous brutality that gave the game most if its unique charm. It simply didn't cut you any slack. If you wanted to get somewhere, you had to work for it, and the simple thought that straying off the beaten path could mean certain death made every step into the wilderness something special. Especially at night. Through a forest. With no map.
The key to thriving was to quickly get better gear, beg people to train you in combat and master the fighting system, which I consider one of the best ones in Action RPG history. At first it seems clunky and unresponsive, but, once you get accustomed to it and take on harder opponents, every fight becomes an adrenaline-pumping effort where every mistake could mean death. Various enemies would also fight in different ways, and force you to adopt new tactics.
1 译者注:《纽约大逃亡》(Escape from New York)是一部科幻动作片:1988 年,为了应对不断翻倍的犯罪增长率,联邦将曼哈顿岛改建成一座庞大的监狱,囚犯们被扔到其中自生自灭,纽约城变成了犯罪之城。1997 年,代号“大卫 14”的美国空军一号被美国国家解放阵线劫持,最后坠毁在监狱城内,美国总统独自深陷城中。曾经的空军英雄普林斯肯中校由于抢劫银行入狱,政府决定利用普林斯肯潜入监狱城,救出总统。此处援引这部电影,旨在强调主角所在的矿场看守严密,戒备森严。
2 译者注:囚犯占领矿场后,无法破除魔法屏障,而国王又需要开采矿物,于是两方达成协议。囚犯帮助国王开采矿场,作为回报,国王会为他们送来美食美酒美女,以及挖矿的劳动力。而主角就是在叛乱后来到矿场的。这里之所以惨遭守卫毒打,是因为主角拒交保护费,于是被教训一顿。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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