MicroIllusions, 1987
Amiga, MS-DOS, C64 和 Genesis
MicroIllusions, 1987
Amiga, MS-DOS, C64 and Genesis

完全由大卫・乔纳(David Joiner)在七个月内独自一人创作的《幻境传说(The Faery Tale Adventure)》,可能是 Amiga 平台的第一个原创 RPG。游戏以童话般的方式讲述,背景故事是一个死灵法师绑架了国王的女儿,同时在霍尔姆(Holm)的土地上释放了一场怪物瘟疫。
Created entirely by David Joiner in seven months, The Faery Tale Adventure was perhaps the first RPG original to the Amiga. In good fairytale fashion, the background story consists of a necromancer kidnapping the king's daughter while unleashing a plague of monsters upon the land of Holm.
Three brothers from the village of Tambry have taken up arms to save the realm, but the player controls only a single brother at a time, starting with Julian, the eldest. If Julian's luck should run out – dying gradually diminishes it – then the next oldest, Phillip, falls under the player's control, and finally the youngest, Kevin. Reaching the remains of a deceased brother will yield whatever treasures he had accumulated, but otherwise each brother starts afresh and plays the same, aside from minor differences in starting attributes.
Exploration is the focus of the game, which is fortunate as it is easily its strongest aspect. Most of the challenge consists in discovering what exists in which locations, and what needs to be done to accomplish other tasks and ultimately win the game by reaching and defeating the necromancer.
大卫・乔纳的游戏设计师生涯开始于在美国战略空军司令部的一台主机上偷偷编写“太空战争”游戏,直到最后为 EA 旗下的 Maxis 公司编写《模拟城市 4》和《模拟人生 2》。
David Joiner's career as a game designer began by surreptitiously writing a “space war” game on a mainframe at U.S. Strategic Air Command headquarters and ended working on SimCity 4 and The Sims 2 for EA-owned Maxis.

In true fairytale fashion, the game opens with a book-like presentation introducing the three the brothers.
在“开放世界”这个术语出现之前,《幻境传说》从一开始就让玩家面对着一块广阔的土地——相当于 1.7 万个屏幕的大小——可以按照(几乎)任何的顺序进行探索,自由地穿越开放的草地,苔原,农田,茂密的森林,沙漠,沼泽和火山荒地。景观中的各种建筑、洞穴或其他室内地点,有时在游戏随附的纸质地图上也有此名称。地图显示了世界的轮廓以及周围分布的各个地点,是必不可少的工具,并且还可以起到防盗版作用,因为在启动游戏时,玩家需要输入根据韵律而押韵三个单词。
游戏的巨大魅力大大促进了探索的乐趣。虽然音乐只由六首曲目组成,但游戏充分利用了这些曲目和 Amiga 的卓越音效能力。白天和夜晚的主旋律都很出色,当敌人在地图边缘随机产生并追击你时,主旋律还会被紧张的战斗音乐会打断。
Open-world before the term existed, Faery Tale from the beginning confronts the player with a vast land – equivalent to 17 thousand screens-worth of material – that can be explored in (nearly) any order one chooses, striding freely across open meadows, tundras, farmlands, dense and forbidding woods, desert, bogs, and volcanic wasteland. Punctuating the landscape are various buildings, caverns, or other indoor locations, sometimes named on the paper map accompanying the game. Showing the contours of the world and various sites scattered about it, the map is an essential tool and also serves as copyright protection, as when booting the game you're required to input three words from the rhyme wrapping around the map.
The immense charm of the game contributes greatly to the fun of exploration. Although the music consists of only half a dozen tracks, the game makes the most of them and of the Amiga's superior sound capabilities. Both the daytime and night-time themes are superb, and will be interrupted by a tense battle theme as enemies randomly spawn on the fringes on the map and pursue you.
If the player tires of hiking, it is possible to gain the ability to summon a sea turtle that will graciously permit the brother to ride on its back over the seas, reaching otherwise inaccessible locations. Later still, a magic lasso permits the taming of a giant swan, allowing the brother to literally “wing forth in flight” as the rhyme indicates. Logistics are present in the game, not only in a day-and-night cycle (magical green jewels provide short-lived light), but also in the need for food and sleep. Going too long without buying food from an inn results in starvation eating away at the brother's vitality, but going too long without sleep means the brother will move in a drunken fashion, unable to walk a straight line!
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明