Elemental Games, 2004
Elemental Games, 2004

《太空游侠 2(Space Rangers 2)》便是最有力的证据,它几乎涵盖所有内容,融入了街机类的太空战斗、资源的经营管理、即时战略游戏般的战役、势力间的人气系统、游戏书(Choose Your Own Adventure gamebooks,CYOA)玩法等元素。乍看之下这种游戏设计本不应成立,因为就体验而言它貌似很难作到把这些紧密地结合到一起。但是这种假设大错特错,这里面所包含的多样化的开放世界体验是相当的有趣。
I have to hand it to the Russians – when they make video games it feels as if they create something they really wanted to play, rather than a soulless product designed by a marketing committee.
Space Rangers 2 is solid evidence of this. A space exploration RPG, it takes a kitchen sink approach, tossing in arcade space fights, resource trading managers, real-time strategy battles, a faction popularity system, Choose Your Own Adventure gamebooks and more. Game design such as this shouldn't work, as it appears to lack a tightly woven, cohesive experience. But how wrong that assumption is, and how fun is the diverse open-world experience contained here.
The game is set in a fictional universe where several alien races are fighting for their survival against the Dominators – three factions of a robotic species intent on ruling over all organic life. It's not as if the alien races are providing a united front, however, as often each race runs its own defined territory, and each planet inside these territories has its own focus on industry and system of government.
《太空游侠 2》的欧洲和北美零售版中除了原版的《太空游侠》游戏外还附带了一个名为《重启(Reboot)》的扩展包。
The European and North American retail versions of Space Rangers 2 came with an expansion pack called Reboot, plus the original Space Rangers game.
正如前文所述,《太空游侠 2》高度开放,其中充满了各式各样的活动内容。比方说,一开始玩家需要赚钱来升级自己的飞船,但也可以直接去买一艘更好的星舰。
Since the planets in the game are so diverse, the prices of their goods and commodities also range greatly from planet to planet, resulting in a significant amount of trade in legal and illegal materials despite ongoing interstellar war. Piracy is also a factor, and it is not rare to see one trade ship with decent guns and shields target a richer, but less armed trade ship.
Amidst this chaos, the aliens races create a loose confederation in order to deal with both the growing presence of pirates and the invading forces of the Dominators, forming an interstellar police force known as the Space Rangers. This is where the player comes in, creating a character who is a trainee seeking graduation into the ranks of the Rangers. After some tutorial missions, the player is set loose into the open universe in order to do... well, whatever the player feels like doing really.
As mentioned before, Space Rangers 2 is quite open-ended and full of diverse activities. Initially the player will want to earn funds in order to beef up his spaceship or to purchase a new and better vessel.

游戏中有 5 个种族和 5 种职业,每种组合都有着不同的飞船和关系网。
There are five races and five classes to play, and each combination has different ships and relationships.

There are various ships, with lots of equipment, skills, artefacts, personal traits and even trophies to pursue.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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