DynaMicro, 1982
Tandy Coco (Windows, Linux 和 PSP)*
DynaMicro, 1982
Tandy Coco (Windows, Linux and PSP)*

你每踏出一步都愈发紧张,唯一可以听到的只有自己的心跳和远处虎视眈眈的野兽的咆哮。《戴格拉斯地下城》在许多方面是同样残忍的 Akakabeth 的精神续作。
本作通过实时出现的第一人称视角的地下蹒跚者来增加挑战。也就是说,玩家必须快速输入指令,毕竟怪物们可不会耐心等待你的反应。当然,玩家也可以输入指令缩写以简化操作,如输入“A R”来代替“攻击右侧”(“Attack Right”)从而实现用右手武器攻击。
Tension flows at every step. The only sounds you hear are your own heartbeats, and the distinct roar of beasts who wish to stop it. Dungeons of Daggorath is, in many ways, the logical follow-up to the similarly brutal Akalabeth.
Players takes the role of a prophetic hero out to defeat an evil wizard who spreads darkness over the land. In desperation, your village sends you into the wizard's dungeons, with nary but a wooden sword and a torch to light the way.
Daggorath ramps up the stakes from prior first-person dungeon crawlers by being fully real-time. Commands must be quickly input in the text parser, since enemies won't patiently wait for their turn. To make things easier, you can use abbreviations, such as typing “A R” instead of “Attack Right” to strike with the weapon in your right hand.
Linked in deep with this is the mechanic of a constant heartbeat representing the character's health. It will steadily accelerate as the player takes action or gets hit by enemies – exhausting yourself or taking too much damage will send your heart into a tailspin, possibly leading to a blackout. Players must find a safe place and catch their breath for a bit, lest they want to risk a heart attack ending their adventure.
Exploration is limited by torches the player collects. If a torch begins to dim, your hit rate against monsters becomes lessened as their outline becomes dimmed. Having to replace torches or other items requires real-time inventory management, during which a slow player can be decimated.
The real defining characteristic of Daggorath is its atmosphere, using its monochromatic colour palette and foreboding heartbeat sound to the fullest. Each step carries not the just the fear of being overrun by monsters, but also of getting lost in the dungeon.
* DynaMicro 前总裁 Douglas Morgan 公开了 Daggorath 的源代码,这让粉丝们可以创建各种合法下载通道。
* Douglas Morgan, former president of DynaMicro, released the source code of Daggorath, which led to fans creating various ports that can be legally downloaded.
作为《迷宫魔兽 Dungeon Master》(1987 年)的重要前身,《戴格拉斯地下城》仍然值得体验。它不容易上手,但游戏中的每个元素都不是多余的。直到今天,《戴格拉斯地下城》仍值得 RPG 后辈的尊敬。
The game culminates on the fifth level of the dungeon, wrestling with the parser to activate a magic ring which finally gives the wizard what for, and the player taking his position as the ruler of Daggorath.
Dungeons of Daggorath is certainly still worth experiencing, being an important precursor to Dungeon Master (1987). It's not easily digestible, but every single element has a purpose. The RPG legacy owes at least a respectful nod to Daggorath.

The dungeon has no traps, but is full of fake walls. It also changes colours: some floors are black while others are white.

Powerful enemies such as the Stone Giant can kill you in one blow, so quickly attacking and running is key to your survival. But be careful not to mistype!
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明