Blue Sky Productions, 1992
MS-DOS (以及 PS1)*
Blue Sky Productions, 1992
MS-DOS (and PS1)*

作为第一款商业化的“真”3D RPG,《创世纪 地下世界(Ultima Underworld)》及其续作在很多方面都位于时代前列,充满了杰出的想法和前卫的创新。他们将大多数精力投入到对当时来说称得上前卫的技术上,但是这些技术在很久以前就已经过时了,于是这一经典 PC 游戏的其他很多闪光点反而被忽视了。
当然,跟 1992 下半年发布的《德军总部 3D(Wolfenstein 3D)》相比起来可自由移动的 3D 视角依然是一个非常了不起的创新。在这款《毁灭战士(Doom)》的前作中,采用了毫无区别的地板和仅有 90° 的视角来使得游戏节奏变快,而《创世纪 地下世界》则将场景中的所有元素赋予物理效果和不同材质,倾斜的墙壁、斜坡、悬崖、流动的河流和危险的熔岩——所有可移动的物体都受物理系统的影响。
尽管为了在早期系统上保持渲染速度,3D 图形被限制在一个窗口之内,但是《创世纪 地下世界》的环境是沉浸且复杂的。地板上和墙壁上到处是互动元素,从拉链和杠杆到可食用的植物和使人产生幻觉的蘑菇。
Known as the first “true” 3D commercial RPG, Ultima Underworld and its sequel were ahead of their time in many ways, full of stand-out ideas and innovations. So much attention is devoted to the pioneering technology, long ago rendered obsolete, that the other exceptional features of this classic PC game series are often ignored.
Of course, the free-moving 3D was groundbreaking even when compared with Wolfenstein 3D, released later in 1992. Where the precursor to Doom offered only flat, featureless floors and 90-degree angles in exchange for fast gameplay, Underworld featured fully texture-mapped environments with angled walls, slopes, cliffs, rivers of swimmable, flowing water and dangerous lava – all governed by a physics system that influenced all moveable objects.
In spite of the 3D graphics being confined to a limited window size for rendering speed on early systems, the environments in Underworld are immersive and complex. The floors and walls are littered with interactive elements, from pull-chains and levers to edible plants and hallucinatory mushrooms.
* 1997 年,《创世纪 地下世界》系列在 PS1 上重置,该版本将怪物的模型用 3D 模型替换,但奇怪的是该版本只发售了日版。
*A port of Ultima Underworld was released for the PS1 in 1997, which replaces enemies' sprites with 3D models. Oddly, this version was only released in Japan.

The icons on the left allow you to talk, grab, look, fight and use. There are also several types of attacks depending on your mouse movement.
游戏的剧情较为传统,以玩家的角色为开端——其乃是不被承认的美德的化身——被锁在冥河深渊中通过救出男爵的女儿来证明自己的清白。冥河深渊共有 8 层,但是每一层的内容都很丰富,如果要按正常流程走,每一层需要走大概几个小时。
The story is a paint-by-numbers affair that starts with the player's character – unrecognised as the Avatar of Virtue – being locked into the Stygian Abyss to prove his or her innocence by rescuing the Baron's daughter. The titular Stygian Abyss is only eight levels deep, but the sprawling, detailed levels traversed at methodical pace represent hours of play each.
For me, the real story is the environment and the dialogues about the history of the Stygian Abyss – a noble attempt to build a peaceful utopia turned into a hellish nightmare of bickering, isolated factions scraping a minimal survival. Throughout the dungeon are the remains of past battles and events. Combined with the stories of the denizens and scrawled notes, the player's own imagination builds a history and a new story with the player's character as interloper.
There's something about this claustrophobic environment that remains compelling even today. The confines of the dungeon and the limited resources within define the player's entire world. The details are important: the quality and ownership of equipment, the freshness of the food, the composition of the floor, the apparent flaws in the wall texture indicating a secret passage, the apparent mood of the creature down the hall, and much more. Like the core Ultima games of the era, the interactivity with the world was far beyond that of most RPGs before and even since.
No shops or merchants exist within the depths of this dungeon. There are several creatures inclined to trade, but within the Abyss the barter system rules. The creature type, disposition, and hints about their preferences dictate the value of trades, not an arbitrary gold-piece value. Not only does this make sense and feed the narrative, but it also makes the other characters more interesting. Simple as it was, their likes and dislikes impacted the player's world.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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