Nival Interactive, 2000
Nival Interactive, 2000

正如 Nival 先前的作品《愤怒的魔法师(Mages 1)》与《愤怒的魔法师 2(Mages 2)》一样,《恶魔岛:灵魂的诅咒(Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul)》是一款即时战略和角色扮演相结合的游戏,或者像他们自己说的,是“角色扮演策略”(Role-Playing Strategy)类游戏,但比起之前的作品,有更多角色扮演的要素。
游戏的开头,我们的主角查克(Zak)位于一座神秘的小岛上,在一片废墟之中醒来。在失去记忆的同时,他只装备着一把铜匕首,便开始追寻过往的真相。很快地,他来到一座村庄,这里的居民对查克的匕首充满了敬畏,宣称他是传说中提到的神选者(the Chosen One)。
游戏的新手教学区域对《恶魔岛》的机制做出了优秀的讲解——游戏的战斗模式是强调潜行的 RTwP[1] 制。行动模式有好几种,包括:以默认速度来行走、快速消耗体力来奔跑、和可以隐藏玩家行动的潜伏和爬行,但保持在敌人的视线范围之外。暗地里行动还允许玩家施展强有力的背刺,这可是除掉落单的护卫和一些强大敌人的必要手段。
Like their earlier games, Rage of Mages 1 and 2, Nival's Evil Islands is an RTS/RPG hybrid (or “Role-Playing Strategy”, as they called it), this time leaning more towards the RPG side.
The game opens with Zak, our protagonist, waking up amidst ruins on a mysterious island. Having no recollection of his past, armed only with a simple bronze dagger, he sets off to discover what happened to him. He soon comes across a village whose residents, awed by his metal dagger, proclaim him to be the Chosen One foretold by legend.
The tutorial area does a good job of explaining the mechanics behind Evil Islands – the combat system is real-time-with-pause, with a heavy emphasis on stealth. There are several kinds of movement: walking, the default normal speed; running, which quickly drains your stamina; sneaking and crawling, both of which conceal you from most enemies – provided you don't get too close to their line of sight. Moving stealthily also allows you to perform devastating backstabs, essential for taking out solitary guards and more powerful foes.
《恶魔岛:迷失星空(Evil Islands: Lost in Astral)》是《恶魔岛》的独立拓展包,由 Matilda Entertainment 于 2006 年发售。它在俄罗斯只有很少的受众,而且没有英语版。
Evil Islands: Lost in Astral is a stand-alone expansion to Evil Islands, released in 2006 by Matilda Entertainment. It was very poorly received in Russia and never released in English.

Combat can be very difficult, as a lucky critical hit from an enemy can kill a character. Since death is permanent for your companions, you'll reload often.
《恶魔岛》完备的制作系统允许玩家利用图纸和核心(keystone)来打造属于你自己的装备和法术。装备打造出来后的品质取决于使用的原材料(可以是购买的,或者从击败的敌人身上拾取)。打造出来的装备还可以通过法术来永久增强,比如急速(Haste)或者夜视(Night Vision)等效果。
法术制作(Spell Maker)允许玩家改变法术的效果,比如通过添加符文来提供更长的持续时间和有效距离,又或是通过提高施法难度和消耗来保证只对敌人有效。
Many quests in the game hinge on you sneaking past enemies that can kill you in a few hits, so taking note of their positions and patrol routes is the key to victory. However, this doesn't mean the game is all about evading fights. When attacking, you are given a choice of targeting specific body parts: the head gives you a big damage bonus, but is the most difficult to hit; the torso is easier to hit but does little damage; the arms decrease attack and the legs decrease speed.
Health and stamina – used both for running as well as magic – regenerate over time and increase as you gain XP by defeating enemies and completing quests. The game use a classless character system, where XP is used to buy skills, ranging from melee, archery, magic, to speeding up health regeneration, seeing better in the dark, being able to carry more weight, etc. There are three levels to each skill, and when you purchase one, all the other skills will increase in cost, so it's important to plan out what kind of character you want to build.
Evil Islands features a robust crafting system that will allow you to create your own gear and spells from schematics and keystones. The quality of equipment created depends on what kind of materials – bought or gathered from defeated creatures – were used in their construction. Crafted items can also be permanently enchanted with spells, such as Haste or Night Vision.
The Spell Maker allows you to alter the effects of spells, such as empowering them by adding runes that will give them extra duration and extra range, or changing them to only target enemy units, at the cost of making them harder and more expensive to cast.
Unlike many RPGs where you're soon drowning in gold, money remains an issue up until the very end, so making use of custom-made items can be vital, especially if you are playing on the harder difficulty.
1 译者注:Real Time with Pause,简称 RTwP,是一种常见于九十年代的小众游戏模式,允许玩家在实时战斗的同时停下游戏来给予角色指令,采用了这种制度的代表作有《博德之门》系列。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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