Strategic Simulations, Inc, 1990
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II 和 C64
Strategic Simulations, Inc, 1990
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II and C64

克莱恩英豪(Champions of Krynn)是 SSI "金盒"系列的第二部作品,游戏由当时备受欢迎的《龙枪》为背景。我在 14 岁的时候买了它,是因为被盒子上的图案和盒子背面的描述所吸引。我想这就是我人生中的托尔金吧,这款游戏带我进入人生中第一段奇幻的旅程。
当我购买这款游戏时,我从来没玩过《龙与地下城(D&D)》相关的游戏,我甚至不知道那是什么。我只能认为那是一个来自美国的东西,而且可能很昂贵,而且我肯定找不到任何人跟我一起玩。(我确实有《英雄任务(Hero Quest)》这款桌游,但很难找到想要跟我一起玩这个游戏的朋友。)于是,电脑游戏就是满足我的幻想角色扮演需求的理想解决方案。
我想你应该记得你的第一个电脑 RPG 游戏,因为它吸引了你。你几乎被它的一切吸了进去,你非常关心你的角色,对他们充满幻想。事后看来,故事并不完全是克莱恩系列的强项,但你自己想出来的故事则更加丰富,这些故事会永远存在于你的脑海里。
Champions of Krynn is the first entry in the second of SSI's “Gold Box” series, this time set on the then-popular Dragonlance setting. I bought it when I was 14 years old, attracted by the box art and the back of the box description. I had only just discovered Tolkien and entered my first fantasy phase, I guess. (“It's not a phase, mum!”)
When I bought the game, I had never played D&D and I didn't really know what it was. I thought it was something very American, probably expensive, and surely I wouldn't find anyone to play it with anyway. (I did have Hero Quest and it was already tough finding friends who wanted to play that.) A computer game was the ideal solution to my fantasy role-playing needs.
The manual first describes how to play the game, then explains the AD&D rules (often in great detail), followed by several journal-like entries to which the game refers to once in a while in order to advance the story. It was all quite overwhelming. Just by reading these, I understood that Krynn was something real, complex and detailed. I knew it was made for me.
I think you remember your first computer RPG because it draws you in. You are absorbed by it and you care about your characters so much, you dream about them. In hindsight, the story wasn't exactly the strong point of the Krynn series, but the stories you come up with yourself, these live forever.
Now that I know Dragonlance, I appreciate the attention to details. How a lot of iconic characters make their appearance in these games. How magical items are rare and mages aren't trusted. How they made the gods, and even the three moons and their cycles a gameplay feature, boosting certain magic depending on their phase. How you could create a Kender or a Solamnic Knight, and how there were already quests that only a certain class could solve.
《龙枪》系列由崔西・西克曼和劳拉・西克曼于 1984 年创作,在 90 年代大受欢迎,有专门的《龙与地下城》系列和 190 多部小说所组成的共享宇宙。
The Dragonlance setting by Tracy & Laura Hickman grew extremely popular in the 90s, with a dedicated D&D line and a shared universe spanning over 190 novels.
后来,当我将 C64 换成电脑时,我终于可以继续游玩这部史诗三部曲的其余部分了:1991 年发行的《克莱恩的死灵骑士(Death Knights of Krynn)》和《克莱恩的黑暗女王(Dark Queen of Krynn, 1992)》。于是,我又重新打开了《克莱恩英豪》(可能已经是第五次了),以便将我的队伍加入到续集中。尽管我年长了将近 10 岁了,而它已经成了当时最丑陋的游戏,但它仍然是我最喜欢的 RPG。
现在我已经快要 30 岁了,可是我仍然热爱这个游戏。
A lot later, when I traded my Commodore 64 for a PC, I could finally play the rest of this epic trilogy: Death Knights of Krynn, released in 1991, and Dark Queen of Krynn (1992). And so I restarted Champions (probably for the fifth time), in order to import my party into the sequels. And even though I was almost 10 years older, and it was the ugliest game at that time, it was still my favourite RPG.
Now I'm almost 30 years older, and it still is.

The Gold Box games are known for their challenging tactical combat, and Krynn adds new threats like Draconians that explode after being killed.

The Krynn series is filled with iconic characters and set pieces from the books, such as Death Knights, flying islands and dragon battles, remaining a fan favourite.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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