这个世界被设定为“刀剑朋克”的风格,其灵感来自于日本浪人的传说故事。《剑士》确实提供了足够让玩家浪迹天涯的空间,游戏设定在一个巨大,而又不失细节的低幻想度[1] 的岛屿上(面积约为 870 平方公里),且里面有着许多不同的生物,帮派和环境。不过你当然也可以呆在在一个地方过一辈子。
Kenshi is brutal. You begin in a random location, with no equipment, no objectives, no friends and no perspective at all. You're not the mighty hero, just a random scumbag, and you need to survive. How are you gonna do it? Well, it's up to you. The game offers no quests or end-game objective. There is no victory. The world of Kenshi is a reward on its own.
The setting is described as “sword-punk” and was inspired by Japanese tales of wandering ronin. Truly, Kenshi has a lot of wandering – it's set in a large and detailed low-fantasy island (around 870 km2), with many different creatures, factions and environments. However, you can just stay in an area forever, it's ok.
Maybe you want to have a bar and serve clients, or work as a city guard. That's fine too. You can run a mine operation, be a scavenger, a thief, a ninja or run a slave trade business. The possibilities are endless and the game will not push you towards any direction. Ultimately, it's all about player expression, and Kenshi makes sure you are in control.
Against you is the whole world. People will want to enslave you, kill you just for fun, eat you, peel your skin (so they can use it as a costume), remove your limbs and other bizarre and brutal things. Anything your character can do, enemies can do it as well. Each wound you suffer will take time to heal and will affect the game experience. Your arm is broken? It will impair your combat. Your leg was removed? Somebody will have to carry you until you get a new mechanic leg. There are no easy shortcuts of magic health potions.
To help you deal with this brutal world, you can have a party of up to 30 characters, and can divide them into squads. You'll have to train them all so they can become effective in the desired skills. Maybe some of them will be mercenaries roaming the world, while others will be farmers, miners, or guards for your city.
为了解决游戏中画面粗糙的边缘,《剑士》有着一强大的 mod 社区,他们修改了游戏中的几乎所有内容。你可以先从 Dark UI 和 Reactive World 两个模组开始,然后随着你对游戏的深入添加更多的 mod。
To help with Kenshi's rough edges, there's a strong mod community that modifies almost everything in the game. Start with Dark UI and Reactive World, then add others as you learn the game.
《剑士》这个游戏经历了漫长的历史,以至于它成功发售就可以说是胜利了。游戏的开发历时 12 年时间,并且其中的大部分时间都是由一个人独立开发的。游戏的有些场景明显比其他场景要细致得多,游戏的画面也显得过时,并且它的多个系统带来的几十个窗口和海量弹窗会让人有些不知所措。整个游戏往往是令人沮丧的,无情的,它的最初几个小时的游戏甚至可能没有任何乐趣可言。你必然会遭受很多打击与痛苦,但如果你能熬过最初的阶段,就会有一种惊人的体验,这与你游戏库中的其他 RPG 游戏都不相同。《剑士》可以说打造了一个冰冷的世界,但它同样值得奋斗其中。
Yes, that's right, you can build a city from scratch, then trade with different factions – and deal with multiple sieges, attacks and attempts at taking your city.
Kenshi's own history is a victory: its development took 12 years, mostly led by a single person, and it shows. Some areas are much detailed than others, the graphics are outdated and its multiple systems bring dozens of windows and pop-ups that can be overwhelming. The whole game is often frustrating, merciless and it's initial hours of gameplay sometimes are not even fun. You will suffer. A lot. But, if you can endure it and survive the initial moments, there is an amazing experience, like no other RPG in your library. Kenshi is brutal. And totally worth it.

To allow the player to manage multiple squads and a city (or multiple ones), Kenshi has a robust automatization system: you can queue action loops, such as mining ore, making metal plates, forging katanas and then storing them.

Each of Kenshi’s characters has a race, subrace, four main attributes, 29 skills and a hunger meter. There’s no HP, character’s health is based on the overall condition of their body parts.
1 译者注:低幻想和高幻想是奇幻小说的两种分类。高幻想和低幻想之间的主要区别在于背景设定。在高幻想中,故事发生在完全独立于现实世界的虚构环境中。在低幻想中,故事发生在熟悉的现实世界环境中。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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