巫魔天境(Witchaven)并不是一个成熟的 RPG 游戏,——它实际上是一个带有一些 RPG 元素的第一人称射击游戏(或更确切地说,是一个砍杀游戏)。游戏中有不少这样的元素,例如经验值、等级提升、武器磨损、不同种类的盔甲、法术、陷阱、秘密和其他好东西。游戏中有五种不同的药水可供玩家收集,还有各种战斗技能和实用的法术可供学习。然而,玩家并不能创建角色,游戏也没有提供和 NPC 的互动或者需要玩家做出选择的内容——只能选择游戏的血腥程度和难度。
Witchaven is not a fully fledged RPG – it's a first-person shooter (or rather, hackand-slasher) with RPG elements. There are quite a few of those elements: XP, levelling up, degrading weapons, different types of armour, spells, traps, secrets and other goodies. There are five different types of potion to collect, various combat and utility spells to learn. But there's no character creation, no NPC interaction and not a single choice to be made – besides gore and difficulty levels.
《巫魔天境》使用的 BUILD 引擎之后也被应用于《毁灭公爵 3D(Duke Nukem 3D)》、《影子武士(Shadow Warrior)》和《血祭(Blood)》上。
Witchaven was made using the BUILD Engine, which would later be used by Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and Blood.

The game makes great use of physics, with neat tricks such as firing arrows into a wall and climbing on top of them.

Utility spells like Fly and Night Vision, as well as potions of Invisiblity and Fire Resistance, are important tools for your survival.
《巫魔天境》在如今看来已经是那个时代的特定产物了。在那个时代,当《毁灭战士(Doom)》和《毁灭巫师(Hexen[1] )》火起来的时候,每个游戏制作者都想从其中分一杯羹。令人遗憾的是,它在 1996 年发售的续作里拓展的内容的几乎都是其缺点:《巫魔天境 2:血仇(Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance)》那灾难般的控制系统让这个游戏几乎无法被正常游玩。
You play as knight Grondoval, a one-man army sent to defeat the evil witch Illwhyrin. Killing trolls, imps and other enemies will make you level up and become tougher still. Higher levels also mean less weapon corrosion and access to more potent spells and you will need those to be able to defeat Illwhyrin.
Talking about defeat: the need to think tactically or die is exactly what makes Witchaven so compelling. In the beginning, combat is mostly a close-quarters affair, but you will soon find out that the combination of degrading weapons and imprecise controls makes it an especially dangerous one. Thankfully, most of the minions are just as susceptible to terrain-induced damage as you are, so using the environment to your advantage will end many fights early.
In later levels and at higher difficulty, you'll find fewer potions, scrolls and even weapons, and chances are that you will run out of essential supplies at the most unfortunate moment. Discovering that you have no spell scroll left when the trapped corridor you reached by flying turns out to be a dead end (and you haven't saved in a long while!) would be an example. But if you were a little thrifty yourself, you might still be able to cross the corridor with the help of your bow and arrows – provided you saved those up.
There are a few shortcomings (mainly squishy controls and visually poor interior design), but the game scores with its clever use of physics and gripping combat. Defeating foes with environmental help is even more rewarding than using the ‘Nuke' spell.
Witchaven stands today as a product of its time, when games like Doom and Hexen were kings and everyone wanted a piece of the pie. Too bad that its 1996 sequel expanded primarily on the shortcomings: Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance suffered from horrible controls that rendered it nearly unplayable.
[1] 译者注:《毁灭巫师》第一代的正式名称应为 Hexan: Beyond Heretic
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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