Bay 12 Games, 2006
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Bay 12 Games, 2006
Windows, Mac and Linux

在标准的托尔金式奇幻世界观中,精灵、霍比特人甚至是人类都能收获大量青睐。但《矮人要塞(Dwarf Fortress)》却是款能让你喜欢上矮人的游戏。
这是一部免费游戏,除了得到哥哥 Zach 的帮助[2] 外,本作几乎是由 Tarn Adams 一人开发的。游戏首个 alpha 测试版本发布于 2006 年,历经十年开发却仍未能彻底“完成”。尽管游戏开发了这么长时间,但随着时间的推移《矮人要塞》也愈加完善。
游戏有着两种玩法模式,它们的功能也不尽相同。首先是“要塞模式”(Fortress Mode),这个模式很像是一款即时战略游戏或是经营模拟游戏,玩家要运转一个满是矮人的要塞,驱使他们建造点什么或是提供有关如何生存的指导。
另一个模式是“冒险模式”(Adventure Mode),就像传统的 roguelike 游戏那样,玩家要控制一个角色(不一定是矮人)在开放世界中自由地旅行、完成任务、杀死怪物以及收集道具。
In your typical Tolkien-esque fantasy world, plenty of favour is given to the elves, the halflings, even the humans. But Dwarf Fortress is a game that will make you fall in love with the dwarves.
The game is freeware, developed almost entirely by Tarn Adams, with help from his brother Zach. The first alpha build released in 2006, and, after ten years in development, it still isn't exactly “finished”. But while some games usually suffer for such a long development time, Dwarf Fortress has only become a greater, more complete experience over time.
There are two play modes to the game, and they function very differently. The first is Fortress Mode, which plays much like a real-time strategy game or a management/sim game, where the player has the run of an entire fortress full of dwarves, giving them instructions of what to build and how to survive.
The other mode is Adventure Mode, in which the player controls a single character (not necessarily a dwarf) and freely travels through an open world, taking quests, slaying monsters and collecting items, much like a traditional roguelike.
What really sets Dwarf Fortress apart is the staggering depth and complexity of its systems – it may be the most mechanically complex game ever.
[1] 《矮人要塞》正式名称是《亚摩克囚徒:神之血 - 第二章:矮人要塞(Slaves to Armok: God of Blood - Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress)》,这款游戏的前作便是 Tarn Adams 在 21 世纪早期制作的一款粗糙的 3D roguelike 游戏《亚摩克囚徒:神之血(Slaves to Armok: God of Blood)》。
Dwarf Fortress' full official name is Slaves to Armok: God of Blood - Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress. The game is a “sequel” to Slaves to Armok: God of Blood, a crude 3D roguelike Tarn Adams created in the early 2000s.

In Fortress Mode you assign tasks such as “dig this wall”, and the dwarves tasked with the appropriate professions perform them.
以世界生成为例,开始游戏时玩家首先必须要做的便是生成世界(world generated)。游戏世界构建的真实性令人啧啧称奇,山脉的形成有着真实的弧度曲线,河流将流淌在大地上,雕琢出肥沃的谷地,在山峦远方的雨影区[3] 将会形成沙漠。
Take world generation for example. The first thing a player must do upon starting the game is have a random world generated. This world is formed with surprising realism. Mountain ranges form in realistic lines, rivers will flow across the land, carving out fertile valleys, and rain shadows will form deserts on the far sides of mountain ranges.
Then an extensive history for this world will be generated, with civilisations rising and falling, titans raiding towns, wars being waged, heroes appearing, etc. This will all be reflected in the factions that visit your fortress, and in the areas your hero can explore.
Physics also play a prominent role in the game's functionality. In a seemingly simple action, such as a dwarf swinging a hammer at a goblin, so many factors come into play. The game will consider the force of the dwarf's swing, the quality and material of the dwarf's hammer (a silver one would be heavier than a copper one, and therefore more effective), the thickness and quality of any armour the goblin may be wearing (which is also dependent on the specific body part struck), how many layers of armour and clothing there may be, the thickness of the goblin's skin, muscles, and bones, and more.
Through all of this, the game subverts typical damage-tracking in the form of hit points, and instead uses a broader, somewhat more vague system in which body parts may be bruised, cut, broken, mangled to various degrees, or lopped off entirely. On top of all that, the game also considers any cut arteries, severed nerves and even the character's personality.
Discussing all the game's mechanics requires an entire book (and indeed there are books and even theses on them), but, thanks to the interplay between these systems, one of the biggest draws to Dwarf Fortress is that it's a great storytelling game.
1 译者注:《矮人要塞》的粉丝构成除了玩家外还有一群“读者”,他们热衷于玩家群体把游戏中的经历改编的小故事或短篇小说。
2 译者注:《矮人要塞》中有关历史、宗教、法典等方面的内容几乎全部出自作者哥哥 Zach 的设计和研究。
3 译者注:雨影区是指山脉的背风面降雨量较少的地区。这类地区通常面临土地荒漠化这类的自然灾害。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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