1993 年发售的《叛变克朗多(Betrayal at Krondor)》是一部杰作,因为该作建立在 Raymond E. Feist 所创作的在超过 20 部小说里都被采用过的,当时较为流行的奇幻背景设定——美凯米亚世界(Midkemia),人们尤为期待能在不远的将来玩到它的续作。
起初是有一款名为《梦之贼(Thief of Dreams)》的直系续作由 Dynamix 进行开发,但是开发者和他们的母公司 Sierra 大吵一架,导致这款续作最终胎死腹中,且授权也在 1994 年时丢失了。
Betrayal at Krondor was a big hit back in 1993, so it was expected that a sequel would follow shortly. Especially since the game took place in Raymond E. Feist's world of Midkemia, a popular fantasy setting explored in over 20 novels.
A direct sequel by Dynamix was indeed in the works, titled Thief of Dreams, but a dispute between the developers and Sierra, their parent company, saw the game cancelled and the licence lost in 1994.

Antara's combat is slow, often challenging and way too frequent. Dispatching the armies of enemies blocking your path you take gets repetitive fast.

Characters' skills increase only by studying. You can select up to five skills to be studied at once, and set the percentage of time they will spend on each.
随后 Sierra 对这个结果感到后悔,他们沿用了《叛变克朗多》的引擎,并采用了新的背景设定开发了《叛变安塔拉(Betrayal in Antara)》,作为一款“精神续作”(没错,可比现在 Kickstater 上面那些早了几十年)。核心的游戏体验几乎没变:第一人称视角的三人小队,满世界晃悠,用简单的回合制战斗解决敌人,一路上顺手再对付一些谜题、处理一点支线任务,跟可对话的 NPC 们聊聊天。
不过《叛变安塔拉》可不光是把背景设定改了一下,包括开发者、剧本和游戏的格调等等都完全不同了。游戏现在不再是有几个可游玩角色的小说模拟器,反而更像是 90 年代的周六早间卡通片,主角的设定就非常老套:一位勇敢多金的英雄,一名谨慎多疑的巫师,最后总得再加上一位“女孩”,组起队来调查一个谜团,对付顽固的成年人,说点俏皮话并最终拯救了整个王国。
甚至是平淡无奇的图像表现,也给游戏世界增添了一分贫瘠。尽管手绘艺术非常精美,但是老旧的引擎只能渲染区区几种 3D 地貌,并辅以冷淡且严重抖动的色彩。
Later regretting this outcome, Sierra then made Betrayal in Antara, a “spiritual successor” (yes, decades before Kickstarter), re-using Krondor's engine in a new setting. The core gameplay is exactly the same: a party of three heroes travels across the world in a first-person view, fighting enemies in simple turn-based battles and dealing with the occasional puzzles, sidequests and overly talkative NPCs along the way.
However, not only was the setting was changed – the developers, writing and tone are also entirely different. Instead of emulating a novel with multiple playable characters, Antara is closer to a 90s' Saturday morning cartoon, as three clichéd teenagers – the rich, bold hero, the insecure wizard and “the girl” – band together to investigate a mystery, deal with stubborn grown-ups, spout witty lines and ultimately save the kingdom.
That could still be fun, if not for how crude the game itself is. While every element in Krondor worked together to form an engaging narrative, Antara feels barely glued together. The world is – and plays as – a bunch of towns with short linear paths between them, that one could cross in seconds if not for enemies blocking the road every five steps. Most of the game is spent in these filler battles, only so you can reach the next generic town and complete some of the laziest “go there, fetch this” quests in gaming that will have you aimlessly roaming the map for hours.
Even the underwhelming graphics heighten the barrenness of the world. While the hand-drawn art is charming, the aged engine can render only very limited 3D landscapes and muted, heavily dithered colours.
Overall, Betrayal in Antara is a simple game about following paths between towns, battling foes and then watching a badly voiced teenage cartoon adventure. Unless you're really starved for more of Betrayal at Krondor's gameplay, I'd suggest skipping this one.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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