Capcom, 2018
Windows, Xbox One 和 PS4
Capcom, 2018
Windows, Xbox One and PS4

由卡普空(Capcom)开发的“猎龙模拟器”系列,其第五部正传作品反响空前,我这么说的意思可不仅仅因为本作是系列自 2009 年以来首次登录家用机平台,更重要的是,本作为系列招揽了一大批新生代玩家,把他们带入到系列经典的与怪物搏斗、打造武器/装备变强,随后进一步和更加危险的怪物搏斗的游戏循环中去。
本作将玩家带到了和系列前作故事发生地不同的新大陆,在这片大陆上古龙[1] 群集。玩家在本作中的任务是作为探索新大陆的先驱,尽可能地击败并捕获新大陆的怪物以供生态研究。在狩猎任务中剥取到的和任务完成后奖励的怪物部位,可以拿来制作更强力的武器和装备,玩家借此挑战更强的怪物,如此循环。可供玩家选用的武器装备,从传统的大锤、大剑,到远距离攻击的弓、弩炮以及能够变形的奇幻斩击斧,应有尽有。
不过《怪物猎人:世界》(Monster Hunter: World)带来的不仅仅是无尽的打造和采集体验。在次时代主机[2] 的硬件支持下,玩家在狩猎时不再需要忍受需要反复读取的分区地图,现在的狩猎区域更像是独立于狩猎目标之外的几块巨大,遍布各种动植物群落的,主题相互之间有联系的开放地图。
The fifth main installment of Capcom's wyvern slaying simulator went big, and I don't mean just because it's the first Monster Hunter title on home consoles since 2009. Monster Hunter: World introduced a completely new generation of players to the world of its monster grinding, weapon smithing, armor crafting treadmill.
The game sent players to the New World, where giant kaiju called Elder Dragons gather, and put them into the role of pioneers that defeat and capture as many monsters as they can. The spoils and severed body parts from these hunting missions are upcycled into better equipment, which in turn enables players to hunt stronger monsters in a never ending loot spiral that encompasses several weapon and armor types to experiment with, from hammers and longswords to bows, guns and transforming fantasy switch-axes.
But Monster Hunter: World brought more to the table than just perpetual crafting and gathering. For the first time in the series' history, backed by the hardware power of the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, players did not stalk their prey in several small areas connected by loading screens, but in just a handful of thematically connected, enormous locales alive with different flora and fauna independent from the hunters' objectives.
《怪物猎人》系列诞生于 2004 年,已经发售了超过 18 部的正篇和外传作品,还发行了卡牌游戏、漫画以及 2021 年上映的一部真人电影。
The Monster Hunter series began in 2004 and have since released over 18 games and spin -offs, plus card games, a manga and a 2021 live-action movie.

Monsters have very complex behaviors, reacting to the environment, to injuries and to other monsters, such as a Great Jagras changing its attack pattern after eating a smaller monster.
突然之间,这个硬核装备打造模拟器的生态环境摇身一变成了游戏的核心部分。在斗技场中与各种巨龙[3] 搏斗很酷,但是能打造出一套和巨龙的生活方式互动的生态系统,包括怪物的防御机制和可以回应玩家攻击行为的方式,都让人感到不可思议。怪物为了赶走掠食者或者是捕食猎物会在地上打洞,他们会躺倒睡觉、会保护自己的巢穴和蛋。更令人惊讶的是,他们甚至会为了争夺栖息地而打斗。《怪物猎人:世界》的生态环境生机勃勃,哪怕没有猎人捣乱时也是如此。大型怪物经常会为了争夺最好的栖息地或是有利的制高点互相打斗。看见一只水中的利维亚桑和一头岩石巨龙[4] 为了一块儿肥沃的海岸大打出手,可能是所有猎人梦寐以求的事儿。
The new open world aspect brought mainstream appeal, but also the promise of something more than just the crafting workflow for which the Monster Hunter series was notorious outside its fandom. It opened the franchise for an audience that did not necessarily care for the crafting spiral, but for the main plot or their own narrative agency within the thriving game world. Monster Hunter: World showed that streamlining the more tedious part of a game series which revolves around repeated missions and crafting orders opens up a space in the fandom for those feeling enamored by the beautiful atmospheres of the game world and the biosphere's surprising interactions.
I was part of this new audience. Apart from dabbling in one of the handheld Monster Hunter games for a dozen hours or so, the series had held no appeal to me before. The effort needed to find pleasure in the complex battle system, often sabotaged by the lack of enough hardware power or a second analogue stick on handhelds, was too much for me. But when MH:W came around, my perspective on the series changed.
Suddenly, the biosphere of this hardcore crafting simulator started becoming its own protagonist. Hunting dragons in an arena is cool, but doing it in an ecosystem that reacts to the dragon's way of life, to its defensive maneuvers and to my aggressions is incredible. Monsters dig holes to hunt smaller prey or chase away predators, they lie down to sleep, they protect their kin and their eggs. Most incredibly, they fight turf wars for habitats. The environment of MH:W is abundantly alive, even without hunters stirring up trouble. The biggest monsters are in a constant struggle for the best feeding places or highest vantage points. Encountering a water leviathan and a rock dragon in deadly embrace for a fertile strip of coastline should be a hunter's dream to take advantage of.
1 译者注:古龙是《怪物猎人》系列中对能招来天灾的特异怪物的专用称呼,这种怪物往往在系列游戏中作为高难度任务“守门员”的角色。
2 译者注:此处指游戏发售时的 PC 平台,PlayStation 4 与 Xbox One。
3 译者注:《怪物猎人》系列中的怪物大部分都以 XX 龙命名,虽然看上去可能不是很像龙、
4 译者注:有可能是《怪猎:世界》中泥鱼龙和土砂龙争夺地盘的一种表达。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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